Scotland's Economic Performance - The contribution of place-based economic development zones

Closed 20 Dec 2020

Opened 21 Nov 2020

Results updated 11 Feb 2021

An analysis of the survey responses was published on 21 January 2021 and is available at here.

On the same day, the Minister for International Trade, Innovation and Public Finance announced in the Scottish Parliament that the Scottish Government is developing plans to establish fair, sustainable, green ports which would adapt the UK government’s freeport proposals, offering streamlined planning processes and a package of tax and customs reliefs. Further information on the plans and a link to the full Ministerial Statement are available here


Published responses

View submitted responses where consent has been given to publish the response.


The Scottish Government is committed to sustainable, inclusive economic growth as part of our ambition for Scotland to flourish through a just transition towards a net zero, wellbeing economy.

We are seeking to engage a broad range of stakeholders about the potential contribution placed-based economic development initiatives and specific incentives or measures can make to building a green, jobs-focussed, fair work recovery and renewal and driving inclusive, sustainable economic growth in the longer term.

Why your views matter

We invite you to share your views on how we can build on our current initiatives, such as Enterprise Areas and Clusters, to make a greater contribution to this goal.  We are also interested in your views on whether the design and support package set out in the UK Government’s freeport proposals for bespoke economic zones around ports (maritime, air and/or rail terminals) might enhance that offering, and if it could better reflect Scotland’s needs and priorities. 

What happens next

We will analyse the responses and publish the results in due course.


  • Business, Industry and Innovation
  • Economy