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1. What are your views on the proposed arrangements for managing the referendum?
What are your views on the proposed arrangements for managing the referendum?
I agree that the previous referendum was run successfully, fairly and effectively. Due to this, I agree that the next referendum should be run in the same way.
2. What are your views on the proposed technical changes to polling and count arrangements?
What are your views on the proposed technical changes to polling and count arrangements?
The proposed chanted appear to be in the best interests of ensuring that the referendum is run in without undue delays or will make the process more difficult.
3. What are your views on the proposed changes to rules on permissible participants?
What are your views on the proposed changes to rules on permissible participants?
Changes need to show full transparency. This will allow the public the have confidence that a fair process is underway with no party or campaigner abusing the system to help gain unfair advantages.
I feel that any future campaign should be a wakeful campaign, like the last referendum. It is welcomed that any participants who attempt to be offensive are rejected.
I feel that any future campaign should be a wakeful campaign, like the last referendum. It is welcomed that any participants who attempt to be offensive are rejected.
4. What are your views on the proposed campaign rules and rules on spending?
What are your views on the proposed campaign rules and rules on spending?
All campaign expenses need to be accurate, open and transparent. Both sides of the campaign must be able to demonstrate that they are acting fairly in accordance with referendum rules. This will help the public know that when they vote, they are answering a question from a campaign that is free from people making gains from unfair finances.
5. What are your views on the proposed changes to the rules on permissible participants' expenses and transaction between qualifying and non-qualifying persons?
What are your views on the proposed changes to the rules on permissible participants expenses and transaction between qualifying and non-qualifying persons?
This will help aid fairness of the campaign. Changes also de-insensitive any bad transactions by making it an offence.
Any changes that will help to ensure a fairly run campaign are welcomed.
Any changes that will help to ensure a fairly run campaign are welcomed.