Response 655645170

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Iain Lowson

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1. What are your views on the proposed arrangements for managing the referendum?

What are your views on the proposed arrangements for managing the referendum?
It's unfortunate that those Scots currently not living in Scotland do not get a say, but I appreciate the reasons why and am content.

2. What are your views on the proposed technical changes to polling and count arrangements?

What are your views on the proposed technical changes to polling and count arrangements?
Makes sense.

3. What are your views on the proposed changes to rules on permissible participants?

What are your views on the proposed changes to rules on permissible participants?
Fine. One thing that I feel needs to be stressed is the inclusive nature both of the referendum and the country. What also needs to be stressed is that all will be welcome once the process is completed, regardless of the result.

4. What are your views on the proposed campaign rules and rules on spending?

What are your views on the proposed campaign rules and rules on spending?
This needs to be policed very proactively. As we have seen with the UK Parliamentary elections, dishonesty and outright spending fraud is depressingly frequent. If the result is to be accepted, regardless of what it is, both sides need to ensure that all aspects of the campaign are conducted with flawless honesty.

5. What are your views on the proposed changes to the rules on permissible participants' expenses and transaction between qualifying and non-qualifying persons?

What are your views on the proposed changes to the rules on permissible participants expenses and transaction between qualifying and non-qualifying persons?
See my answer to #4