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1. What are your views on the proposed arrangements for managing the referendum?
What are your views on the proposed arrangements for managing the referendum?
This is a question about the future of the UK as a whole and on a constitutional point which is a reserved matter. The Scottish Government has no competency in these matters and seeks to exclude the vast majority of UK citizens from voting for their future.
Eligibility should be the same as for UK General Elections.
Eligibility should be the same as for UK General Elections.
2. What are your views on the proposed technical changes to polling and count arrangements?
What are your views on the proposed technical changes to polling and count arrangements?
Eligibility to vote should be extended to all British and other residents in the UK as this is a national question and they should not be excluded from voting on their future. Many Scottish people like in other parts of the UK and their views are being silenced by the Scottish Government.
As the consultation does not appear to ask about this subject, I would like to state my opposition to a simple majority referendum. As we have seen with the EU referendum, a simple majority should never be all that is needed to make a large constitutional change. itt should be at least a 2/3 majority.
As the consultation does not appear to ask about this subject, I would like to state my opposition to a simple majority referendum. As we have seen with the EU referendum, a simple majority should never be all that is needed to make a large constitutional change. itt should be at least a 2/3 majority.
3. What are your views on the proposed changes to rules on permissible participants?
What are your views on the proposed changes to rules on permissible participants?
No Concerns.
Again, as not asked in the questionnaire, i would like so state my opposition to the holding of another referendum. The 2014 referendum was divisive and negative and yet still produced an answer. Just because the SNP did not like that answer, does not mean that it should keep asking until we 'get it right'.
Again, as not asked in the questionnaire, i would like so state my opposition to the holding of another referendum. The 2014 referendum was divisive and negative and yet still produced an answer. Just because the SNP did not like that answer, does not mean that it should keep asking until we 'get it right'.
4. What are your views on the proposed campaign rules and rules on spending?
What are your views on the proposed campaign rules and rules on spending?
Publishing of Spending and donationswould need to be much better managed as in 2014 YesSccotland were disgraceful in their timings and refusal to release their data. This was not a positive sign for Scotland.
5. What are your views on the proposed changes to the rules on permissible participants' expenses and transaction between qualifying and non-qualifying persons?
What are your views on the proposed changes to the rules on permissible participants expenses and transaction between qualifying and non-qualifying persons?
No Concerns.