Response 202534086

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1. Are there any changes that could be achieved by voluntary means?

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I do not feel there are any voluntary measures which would help. There are plenty of adverts and criteria in place at the moment which is not firm enough.

2. If voluntary measures are pursued and implemented effectively, would this significantly reduce the need for statutory measures?

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Statutory measures I feel are required as electrical work should be considered in the same bracket as gas. People who work with electrics with a lack of knowledge do not understand the dangers that simple mistakes can bring.

3. Are there any legislative changes apart from protection of title or regulation of electrical work that would have a similar impact that the Scottish Government should explore?

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4. What measures would be essential to make protection of title or regulation of electrical work effective?

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In order to undertake work on electrical systems and installations, the people involved should have a minimum qualification of SVQ Level 3 or equivalent in electrical disciplines. This would satisfy the requirements of the Electricity at Work Regulations for people deemed competent.

5. Would both protection of title and regulation of electrical work be required or would only one be necessary?

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One would be necessary as the regulation of electrical work can be undertaken by approved bodies, of which, should be accessible for all who wish to undertake work.

6. Where measures, for example relating to consumer protection, could not be put on a legal footing, would this weaken the effectiveness of introducing regulations?

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7. How should “electrician” or “electrical work” be defined in any regulations in order to prevent unnecessary restrictions on workers, reflect the current wide variety of activities and take into account possible future development due to advances in technology?

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If work requires certification then this should not be undertaken by anyone without knowledge of the system. This would include addition, alteration or installation of circuits.

8. How would administration and enforcement of regulations be financed?

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HSE/Police Scotland and Approved memberships.

9. Would introducing new statutory measures help in the enforcing of existing consumer protection and health & safety legislation? If so, would that be a sufficient justification in itself for legislation?

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Yes. This would improve standards overall and cost from accidents involving faulty electrical installations would decrease in time.

10. How should any new statutory measures interact with existing regulations?

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It should follow a similar model to gas engineers.

11. If regulation is introduced, what should the industry do to support those who will need to upskill to meet the new requirements?

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Investment in further education to allow support of local contractors and workers who wish to upskill. Apprenticeship incentives for companies.

12. What actions will be most effective in raising standards and increasing consumer protection?

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Similar to gas engineers. Consumers know not to touch gas appliances etc and a marketing campaign would be required to ensure that all consumers are aware. Work would also have to be done with manufacturers to ensure warnings were issues to consumers.

13. Are there any actions not listed that are necessary to increase consumer awareness?

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Database where contractors can keep an online, live, ECS card which should be kept up to date.

14. How can any new actions be used to build on and supplement the existing system?

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Dale Clancy Electrical