Response 516545544

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Proposals on updating target ambition

1. Do you agree that the 2050 target should be made more ambitious by increasing it to 90% greenhouse gas emission reduction from baseline levels?

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I think that the target should be way higher. Why not aim for 150%, or 100%? Why not send a positive and confident message to us all that you are truly committed.

2. Do you agree that the Climate Change Bill should contain provisions that allow for a net-zero greenhouse gas emission target to be set at a later date?

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3a. Do you agree that the 2020 target should be for greenhouse gas emissions to be at least 56% lower than baseline levels?

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Please explain your answer
No, because I believe that the targets should aim for more.

3b. Do you agree that a target should be set for greenhouse gas emissions to be at least 66% lower than baseline levels by 2030?

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Please explain your answer
No, because I believe that the targets should aim for more.

3c. Do you agree that a target should be set for greenhouse gas emissions to be at least 78% lower than baseline levels by 2040?

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Please explain your answer
No, because I believe that the targets should aim for more.

4. Do you agree that annual emission reduction targets should be in the form of percentage reductions from baseline levels?

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Radio button: Unticked No

5. Do you agree that annual targets should be set as a direct consequence of interim and 2050 targets?

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Actual Emissions

6. Do you agree that all emission reduction targets should be set on the basis of actual emissions, removing the accounting adjustment for the EU ETS?

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Please explain your answer
I also think that emissions coming from imports should be included (if they are not already)

Reviewing Targets and Reporting on Policies and Proposals

7a. What are your views on allowing the interim and 2050 emission reduction targets to be updated, with due regard to advice from the CCC, through secondary legislation?

What are your views on allowing the interim and 2050 emission reduction targets to be updated, with due regard to advice from the CCC, through secondary legislation?
Only if they make the targets more ambitious

7b. What do you think are the most important criteria to be considered when setting or updating emission reduction targets?

What do you think are the most important criteria to be considered when setting or updating emission reduction targets?
That we keep being positive and ambitious. Not scared of the consequences we are going to have to face anyway.

8a. What are your views on the frequency of future Climate Change Plans?

What are your views on the frequency of future Climate Change Plans?

8b. What are your views on the length of time each Climate Change Plan should cover?

What are your views on the length of time each Climate Change Plan should cover?

8c. What are your views on how development of future Climate Change Plans could be aligned with Paris Stocktake Processes?

What are your views on how development of future Climate Change Plans could be aligned with Paris Stocktake Processes?

9. What are your views on the proposal that any shortfall against previous targets should be made up through subsequent Climate Change Plans?

What are your views on the proposal that any shortfall against previous targets should be made up through subsequent Climate Change Plans?

Accessing the wider impacts of the proposals

10. What are your views on these initial considerations of the impact of the Bill proposals on Scotland’s people, both now and in future generations?

What are your views on these initial considerations of the impact of the Bill proposals on Scotland’s people, both now and in future generations?
I think that us people need to be made aware that we need to change. Things we take for granted might not be possible in the near future. Choices might not be so plentiful. I am ready for these changes to happen. I hope that the government is too. The bill will hopefully support us now and in the future towards a positive transition to a zero-carbon, zero-waste, happy and healthy society.

11. What are your views on the opportunities and challenges that the Bill proposals could present for businesses?

What are your views on the opportunities and challenges that the Bill proposals could present for businesses?
Certain businesses like oil,gas etc. will undoubtedly have to make way for the green businesses. The government will hopefully ease this process by providing training and support. The end of the industrial revolution had its casualties. Our society will have too.

12a. What are your views on the evidence set out in the Environmental Report that has been used to inform the assessment process? (Please give details of additional relevant sources)

What are your views on the evidence set out in the Environmental Report that has been used to inform the assessment process? (Please give details of additional relevant sources).

12b. What are your views on the predicted environmental effects as set out in the Environmental Report?

What are your views on the predicted environmental effects as set out in the Environmental Report?

12c. Are there any other environmental effects that have not been considered?

Are there any other environmental effects that have not been considered?
I think that the issue of land has not been considered. The highlands could sequester so much C02, if native forests were planted. With brexit, EU farming subsidies will cease.

What about the merits of organic agriculture?

12d. Do you agree with the conclusions and recommendations set out in the Environmental Report?

Do you agree with the conclusions and recommendations set out in the Environmental Report?

12e. Please provide any other comments you have on the Environmental Report.

Please provide any other comments you have on the Environmental Report.
I wanted to add:

-that we should also be thinking of the future of farming. Given that ca. 11% of Scottish land is fertile, why not protect this for the future, by converting it to organic agriculture?

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