Response 726767481

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Proposals on updating target ambition

1. Do you agree that the 2050 target should be made more ambitious by increasing it to 90% greenhouse gas emission reduction from baseline levels?

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Please explain your answer
It should be more ambitious - zero greenhouse emissions .

2. Do you agree that the Climate Change Bill should contain provisions that allow for a net-zero greenhouse gas emission target to be set at a later date?

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Radio button: Ticked No
Please explain your answer
It should be the goal for 2050 if not sooner. We are losing valuable time by planning for later planning.

3a. Do you agree that the 2020 target should be for greenhouse gas emissions to be at least 56% lower than baseline levels?

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Please explain your answer
That's pretty ambitious already. 2020 is just around the corner..

3b. Do you agree that a target should be set for greenhouse gas emissions to be at least 66% lower than baseline levels by 2030?

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Radio button: Ticked No
Please explain your answer
This should be more ambitious - 75% at least.

3c. Do you agree that a target should be set for greenhouse gas emissions to be at least 78% lower than baseline levels by 2040?

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Radio button: Ticked No
Please explain your answer
Again, higher and more ambitious. This should be the 90% .

4. Do you agree that annual emission reduction targets should be in the form of percentage reductions from baseline levels?

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Radio button: Unticked No

5. Do you agree that annual targets should be set as a direct consequence of interim and 2050 targets?

Please select one item
Radio button: Ticked Yes
Radio button: Unticked No

Actual Emissions

6. Do you agree that all emission reduction targets should be set on the basis of actual emissions, removing the accounting adjustment for the EU ETS?

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Radio button: Ticked Yes
Radio button: Unticked No

Reviewing Targets and Reporting on Policies and Proposals

7a. What are your views on allowing the interim and 2050 emission reduction targets to be updated, with due regard to advice from the CCC, through secondary legislation?

What are your views on allowing the interim and 2050 emission reduction targets to be updated, with due regard to advice from the CCC, through secondary legislation?
Only if they are made more ambitious, not less.

7b. What do you think are the most important criteria to be considered when setting or updating emission reduction targets?

What do you think are the most important criteria to be considered when setting or updating emission reduction targets?
A workable plan to achieve them.

8a. What are your views on the frequency of future Climate Change Plans?

What are your views on the frequency of future Climate Change Plans?
Should be reviewed at least annually. This is important and should be our government's top priority.

8b. What are your views on the length of time each Climate Change Plan should cover?

What are your views on the length of time each Climate Change Plan should cover?
6 months to a year.

8c. What are your views on how development of future Climate Change Plans could be aligned with Paris Stocktake Processes?

What are your views on how development of future Climate Change Plans could be aligned with Paris Stocktake Processes?
I don't know what that is.

9. What are your views on the proposal that any shortfall against previous targets should be made up through subsequent Climate Change Plans?

What are your views on the proposal that any shortfall against previous targets should be made up through subsequent Climate Change Plans?
Failure is not an option. Any shortfall should cause the next plan to be even more ambitious.

Accessing the wider impacts of the proposals

10. What are your views on these initial considerations of the impact of the Bill proposals on Scotland’s people, both now and in future generations?

What are your views on these initial considerations of the impact of the Bill proposals on Scotland’s people, both now and in future generations?
There is no escaping the fact that part of the problem is our affluent society. You need to manage people's expectations with a vigorous public information and public relations campaign. There will need to be fewer car journeys and energy budgeting. People will initially push back against this. The government must hold firm.

11. What are your views on the opportunities and challenges that the Bill proposals could present for businesses?

What are your views on the opportunities and challenges that the Bill proposals could present for businesses?
There may need to be intial energy budgeting and tax raising to pay for some of the necessary intiatives. Businesses much pay their share of this. But if done right there will be energy cost savings and a huge public relations and consequent tourism boost if we market ourselves correctly in relation to this.

12a. What are your views on the evidence set out in the Environmental Report that has been used to inform the assessment process? (Please give details of additional relevant sources)

What are your views on the evidence set out in the Environmental Report that has been used to inform the assessment process? (Please give details of additional relevant sources).
I haven't read it.

12b. What are your views on the predicted environmental effects as set out in the Environmental Report?

What are your views on the predicted environmental effects as set out in the Environmental Report?
I haven't read it.

12c. Are there any other environmental effects that have not been considered?

Are there any other environmental effects that have not been considered?
I haven't read it so I don't know.

12d. Do you agree with the conclusions and recommendations set out in the Environmental Report?

Do you agree with the conclusions and recommendations set out in the Environmental Report?
I haven't read it.

12e. Please provide any other comments you have on the Environmental Report.

Please provide any other comments you have on the Environmental Report.
I haven't read it.

Other issues

13. Please use this space to tell us any other thoughts you have about the proposed Climate Change Bill not covered in your earlier answers.

Please use this space to tell us any other thoughts you have about the proposed Climate Change Bill not covered in your earlier answers.
Setting target is not enough. The government needs to make some concrete commitments in areas such as transport, farming, renewable energy generation, household energy efficiency. Taxation regimes such as taxing new natural materials that enter the production stream would reduce the use of these and encourage re-using and recycling, which would reduce the need for more energy hungry production methods.

About You

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