Consultation on a Scottish Energy Strategy: The Future of Energy in Scotland

Closed 30 May 2017

Opened 24 Jan 2017

Results updated 14 Nov 2017

The consultation received 254 responses. These were analysed by Why Research, a Scotland-based independent market and social research agency.


Published responses

View submitted responses where consent has been given to publish the response.


The choices we make about energy are among the most important decisions we face. The supply of safe, reliable energy underpins the continued growth of the Scottish economy and delivery of key services. Our energy industry provides high quality jobs and a vibrant climate for innovation. Affordable energy provision is a prerequisite for healthy, fulfilling living and productive, competitive business.  Scotland’s climate ambitions underpin the priorities laid out in this draft strategy consultation, determined by Scotland’s Climate Change Act.

The draft Energy Strategy sets out the Scottish Government’s vision for the future energy system in Scotland, for the period to 2050. It articulates the priorities for an integrated system-wide approach that considers both the use and the supply of energy for heat, power and transport.

Alongside the draft Strategy we are consulting on a draft Onshore Wind Policy Statement, Scotland’s Energy Efficiency Programme, Local Heat and Energy Efficiency Strategies and Regulation of District Heating, and Unconventional Oil and Gas. These consultations provide focus on specific areas of the energy system and complement the consultation on the draft Energy Strategy.

The Scottish Government has undertaken a joint Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) of the draft Climate Change Plan and draft Energy Strategy.   This assessment was undertaken in accordance with the Environmental Assessment (Scotland) Act 2005, to consider the likely significant environmental effects that the draft Plan and draft Strategy.  The Environmental Report setting out the findings of this assessment is available for comment at:

Why your views matter

Scotland’s electricity production has seen huge shifts in recent years, following the closure of the last coal-fired thermal stations. In this period we have achieved a huge increase in new supply of renewable electricity.  However, today, the progress Scotland has already achieved leaves us with a different kind of energy challenge from that of most countries; one where heat and transport take on even greater significance than electricity. 

Choices about the local supply and consumption of energy are broadening, and our patterns of energy use are also changing.  There are exciting opportunities to shape our future energy system, and to help tackle the challenges of climate change, affordability of energy, and the efficiency of our energy use.

We are seeking your views on the vision for our future energy system and how we will seek to achieve this.  We are all consumers of energy and have a stake in determining the future energy system.


  • Energy