Response 462279729

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Community Considerations

1. What are your views on the potential social, community and health impacts of an unconventional oil and gas industry in Scotland?

What are your views on the potential social, community and health impacts of an unconventional oil and gas industry in Scotland?
All impacts will be positive and of benefit to the country.

2. What are your views on the community benefit schemes that could apply, were an unconventional oil and gas industry to be developed in Scotland?

What are your views on the community benefit schemes that could apply, were an unconventional oil and gas industry to be developed in Scotland?
Communities are going to receive a boost to their standards of living.

Economic Considerations

3. What are your views on the potential impact of unconventional oil and gas industry on Scotland's economy and manufacturing sector?

What are your views on the potential impact of unconventional oil and gas industry on Scotland's economy and manufacturing sector?
There is an untapped resource of engineers in Scotland just waiting for a new industrial boom when the UK leaves the EU.

4. What are your views on the potential role of unconventional oil and gas in Scotland's energy mix?

What are your views on the potential role of unconventional oil and gas in Scotland's energy mix?
There must be diverse sources of energy if a country wants to benefit from growth.

Environmental Considerations

5. What are your views on the potential environmental impacts of an unconventional oil and gas industry in Scotland?

What are your views on the potential environmental impacts of an unconventional oil and gas industry in Scotland?
Scotland has enough good engineers to ensure that there are zero harmful environmental impacts.

6. What are your views on the potential climate change impacts of unconventional oil and gas industry in Scotland?

What are your views on the potential climate change impacts of unconventional oil and gas industry in Scotland?
There will be negligible impacts to the climate. If the writer of the question knows about the processing plant at Grangemouth, they will know that this country has an established industry.

7. What are your views on the regulatory framework that would apply to an unconventional oil and gas industry in Scotland?

hat are you views on the regulatory framework that would apply to an unconventional oil and gas industry in Scotland?
The regulatory framework needs to be robust and should not involve politicians or others without an engineering or scientific background.

Concluding Remarks

8. Overall, and in light of the available evidence, what do you think would be the main benefits, if any, of an unconventional oil and gas industry in Scotland?

Overall, and in light of the available evidence, what do you think would be the main benefits, if any, of an unconventional oil and gas industry in Scotland?
The evidence of low oil price and benefits to the consumer is already evidence that this industry is necessary in Scotland.

9. Overall, and in light of the available evidence, what do you think would be the main risks or challenges, if any, of an unconventional oil and gas industry in Scotland?

Overall, and in light of the available evidence, what do you think would be the main risks or challenges, if any, of an unconventional oil and gas industry in Scotland?
The main risks are from uneducated political interference. The main challenge will be to employ the right people.

10. If you have any other comments on the issues discussed in this consultation, please provide them here.

If you have any other comments on the issues discussed in this consultation, please provide them here.
I have an issue with the term "unconventional" as this gives the impression to those without necessary education that this is something new or not safe.

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