Response 734061013

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Community Considerations

1. What are your views on the potential social, community and health impacts of an unconventional oil and gas industry in Scotland?

What are your views on the potential social, community and health impacts of an unconventional oil and gas industry in Scotland?
I think it is a disaster waiting to happen, Scotland is already energy rich, we don't need to poison the land or waters of Scotland.
There are already well documented problems associated with fracking including the poisoning of water sources which effects people and the environment.
The land that we use for recreation, farming or living on could become hugely damaged and it is known to produce earthquakes that could have a serious ramification for all those on the central belt who live in old mining areas! Potholes anyone?

2. What are your views on the community benefit schemes that could apply, were an unconventional oil and gas industry to be developed in Scotland?

What are your views on the community benefit schemes that could apply, were an unconventional oil and gas industry to be developed in Scotland?
It won't touch the sides of the damage that can last for decades, lets just focus on green energy instead yes.

Economic Considerations

3. What are your views on the potential impact of unconventional oil and gas industry on Scotland's economy and manufacturing sector?

What are your views on the potential impact of unconventional oil and gas industry on Scotland's economy and manufacturing sector?
Fracking is a short term economy with long term consequences, do you think it will be the companies paying for clean ups, do you think they will stop the poisoning of the water supply. No.

4. What are your views on the potential role of unconventional oil and gas in Scotland's energy mix?

What are your views on the potential role of unconventional oil and gas in Scotland's energy mix?
It is a disaster waiting to happen.

Environmental Considerations

5. What are your views on the potential environmental impacts of an unconventional oil and gas industry in Scotland?

What are your views on the potential environmental impacts of an unconventional oil and gas industry in Scotland?
Huge potential impacts, life lost in a matter of weeks or months.

6. What are your views on the potential climate change impacts of unconventional oil and gas industry in Scotland?

What are your views on the potential climate change impacts of unconventional oil and gas industry in Scotland?
It certainly won't help stopping climate change, in fact it will further contribute to it.

7. What are your views on the regulatory framework that would apply to an unconventional oil and gas industry in Scotland?

hat are you views on the regulatory framework that would apply to an unconventional oil and gas industry in Scotland?
I think that these big companies will tie the Government up in so much litigation that any damage that occurs will be almost impossible to fix.

Concluding Remarks

8. Overall, and in light of the available evidence, what do you think would be the main benefits, if any, of an unconventional oil and gas industry in Scotland?

Overall, and in light of the available evidence, what do you think would be the main benefits, if any, of an unconventional oil and gas industry in Scotland?
None, there are none.

9. Overall, and in light of the available evidence, what do you think would be the main risks or challenges, if any, of an unconventional oil and gas industry in Scotland?

Overall, and in light of the available evidence, what do you think would be the main risks or challenges, if any, of an unconventional oil and gas industry in Scotland?
Opening new earth fractures and fault lines
De-stabalising the ground causing chaos in old mining areas
Poisoning of the land and water supplies
Mass poisoning

10. If you have any other comments on the issues discussed in this consultation, please provide them here.

If you have any other comments on the issues discussed in this consultation, please provide them here.
Don't do it, it's just not worth it.

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