Response 805120957

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Chapter 2 Equity loan pilot questions

1. What is your view on the use of equity in people’s homes in order to support the decarbonisation of buildings and the improvement of energy efficiency as a means to improve wellbeing and support independent living?

Please explain your answer
Pointless. Why are we asking people to take on debt to achieve Government policies? Either the Government should pay for these 'necessary' improvements or scrap the targets.

3. Do you have views on the eligibility and scope of the pilot as it exists now?

Please explain your answer
Yet more public funding and assistance for people in low tax bands or on benefits. Anyone working full time or living in a council tax D band property would be better of moving out of Scotland to another part of the UK

Chapter 3 Net-Zero policy context questions

4. What is your view on the contribution a nationwide equity loan scheme focused on both energy efficiency and decarbonised heat solutions can make towards supporting our climate change and fuel poverty targets?

Please explain your answer
Utterly pointless. Even if we achieve these climate change targets, what global impact will it have. What's the opportunity cost to do something better with the staff/money? Will Scotland's economy grow as a result?

Why does the Gov think it needs to drive change before the private sector or advances in technology can deliver it? For example, Apple designed a phone that everyone wants - and most people have one of their devices - not one single Government had to get involved to make Apple (or Amazon) a global success.

5. Please provide your views on the proposal to expand the equity loan pilot to a full nationwide support scheme.

please explain your position
See answer to Q4. A complete waste of time which will have little global impact.

6. Do you have a view on which energy efficiency measures and zero emission heating solutions should be included in the list of eligible measures?

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Please explain your position
None of them.

Chapter 4 Fuel Poverty and Consumer Protection questions

7. a: Do you agree that a nationwide equity loan can support the reduction of fuel poverty in Scotland?

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Would it not be better to give people who can work jobs in order to improve their economic circumstances rather than pay them enough to sit at home and consume all this energy that you don't want them to.

7. b: Do you have any suggestions on how a future scheme could better support a reduction in fuel poverty in Scotland?

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8. a: The equity loan pilot uses the EPC recommendations as a basis for eligible measures which can be funded by the loan and we will be consulting on a reformed EPC assessment process to better align with wider net zero objectives as part of our Heat in Buildings Strategy. Do you agree with using the EPC in this way for a future scheme?

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Please explain your answer
Are you simply tinkering with the EPC to make the results 'fit' with the outcomes you want? If so, leave it alone. Governments usually 'break' other things as soon as they 'fix' one thing.

8. b: Can you provide any alternatives?

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9. a: Do you agree with the proposed approach to consumer protection set out above?

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Please explain your position
It doesn't explain how, just that you would like to make things better. Probably because the solar panels were mis-sold on the back of Govt declarations/statements like 'climate emergency'. There isn't an emergency. It's just the weather. And it it was an emergency, Scotland isn't going to save the planet, regardless of what it does or doesn't do.

9. b: Are there any additional consumer protection measures that can be considered within Scottish Government competence?

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Please explain your position
The Scottish Government isn't exactly well known for it's competence - apart from covering things up and media spin.

Chapter 5 Opportunities and challenges questions

10. The expansion of the pilot could provide a greater opportunity for eligible homeowners to participate in scheduled refurbishment works being undertaken by local housing associations and local authorities. Do you have suggestions on how best to achieve such a working partnership?

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11. Do you have any suggestions on how to ensure delivery of the scheme is efficient and robust, including the legal process and customer support service whilst ensuring value for money?

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Please explain your answer
Let the public sector deliver this and institutional lenders. The public sector are the last people equipped to successfully deliver this.

12. Please provide your views on any challenges and/or opportunities offered by the potential expansion of the pilot.

Please provide your views
The challenge is to prevent fraud. Make a significant. tangible difference. Provide value for money. Have a watertight process that will ensure the loans are repaid (rather than simply written off at the year end), If the Government achieves any of this it will be doing well.

About you

16. Are you responding as an individual or an organisation?

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