Response 960567936

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2. The Heat in Buildings Standard - covering heating and energy efficiency

1. To what extent do you support our proposal to prohibit the use of polluting heating systems in all buildings after 2045?

Please select one item
Radio button: Unticked Strongly support
Radio button: Unticked Somewhat support
Radio button: Unticked Neither support nor oppose
Radio button: Unticked Somewhat oppose
Radio button: Ticked Strongly oppose
Radio button: Unticked Don't know
Please include any additional comments below
You are proposing a prohibition on all "polluting" heating systems without supplying an alternative.
Heat pumps on tenement flats??
Heat pumps for listed flats??

2. To what extent do you agree that we should introduce a minimum energy efficiency standard to be met by private sector landlords by the end of 2028 (even if they are already using clean heating)?

Please select one item
Radio button: Unticked Strongly support
Radio button: Unticked Somewhat support
Radio button: Unticked Neither support nor oppose
Radio button: Unticked Somewhat oppose
Radio button: Ticked Strongly oppose
Radio button: Unticked Don’t know.
Please include any additional comments below
Your proposal take no account of the old housing stock and listed buildings and offers no solution as to how to make such buildings energy efficient in a cost effective and, for listed buildings, permitted manner.

3. To what extent do you agree that we should introduce a minimum energy efficiency standard to be met in owner occupied homes (which still have a polluting heating system) by the end of 2033?

Please select one item
Radio button: Unticked Strongly support
Radio button: Unticked Somewhat support
Radio button: Unticked Neither support nor oppose
Radio button: Unticked Somewhat oppose
Radio button: Ticked Strongly oppose
Radio button: Unticked Don’t know
Please include any additional comments below
Your proposal take no account of the old housing stock and listed buildings and offers no solution as to how to make such buildings energy efficient in a cost effective and, for listed buildings, permitted manner.

4. Do you agree with our proposal to set a minimum energy efficiency standard that can be met by either installing a straightforward list of measures, or showing a good level of energy efficiency based on a reformed EPC fabric efficiency metric?

Please select one item
Radio button: Unticked Strongly support
Radio button: Unticked Somewhat support
Radio button: Unticked Neither support nor oppose
Radio button: Unticked Somewhat oppose
Radio button: Unticked Strongly oppose
Radio button: Ticked Don’t know
Please include any additional comments below
your proposal is not clear, if I understand correctly older listed building will not be able to implement many of the items on the list therefore not actually improving there energy efficiency but, they will still be forced to a heat pump solution which is ineffective in lower energy efficient buildings - so your proposal doesn't make sense.

5. What is your view on the initial proposed list of measures to meet the minimum energy efficiency standard?

Please select one item
Radio button: Unticked Strongly support
Radio button: Unticked Somewhat support
Radio button: Ticked Neither support nor oppose
Radio button: Unticked Somewhat oppose
Radio button: Unticked Strongly oppose
Radio button: Unticked Don’t know
Please include any additional comments below
your proposal is not clear, if I understand correctly older listed building will not be able to implement many of the items on the list therefore not actually improving there energy efficiency but, they will still be forced to a heat pump solution which is ineffective in lower energy efficient buildings - so your proposal doesn't make sense.

6. Do you think that properties for which most or all of the measures on the initial proposed list are not relevant should be required to meet an equivalent minimum energy efficiency standard?

Please select one item
Radio button: Ticked A. No – these properties should be considered compliant once they have installed all the measures that are appropriate for their building type, even if this is few or no measures
Radio button: Unticked B. Yes – they should be required to meet the standard and additional measures should be included on the list (such as solid wall insulation, solid floor insulation and flat roof insulation), and they should be required to install all of these where feasible
Radio button: Unticked C. Yes – they should be required to meet the standard and additional measures should be included on the list (such as solid wall insulation, solid floor insulation and flat roof insulation), but they should only be required to install some of these where feasible and cost effective
Radio button: Unticked D. Yes – they should be required to meet the standard and additional measures should be included on the list (such as solid wall insulation, solid floor insulation and flat roof insulation), but they should only be required to install some of these where feasible, and they should be allowed additional time to do so.

7. Do you think that an alternative approach to setting the minimum energy efficiency standard is required?

Please select one item
Radio button: Ticked Yes
Radio button: Unticked No
Radio button: Unticked Don't know

8. Do you agree that the use of bioenergy should continue to be permitted in certain circumstances?

Please select all that apply
Checkbox: Unticked No, it should be prohibited in all cases
Checkbox: Unticked Yes, it should be permitted for those buildings already using it
Checkbox: Unticked Yes, it should be permitted for those buildings who have no other clean heating system available
Checkbox: Unticked Yes, it should be permitted for those buildings already using it and for those buildings who have no other clean heating system available
Checkbox: Ticked Yes, it should be used in wider circumstances (please describe these)
Please include any additional comments below
Bioenergy, if produced and used correctly, is 100% renewable and should be encouraged.

3. Property Purchases

9. To what extent do you support the requirement to end the use of polluting heating following a property purchase?

Please select one item
Radio button: Unticked Strongly support
Radio button: Unticked Somewhat support
Radio button: Unticked Neither support nor oppose
Radio button: Unticked Somewhat oppose
Radio button: Ticked Strongly oppose
Radio button: Unticked Don’t know
Please include any additional comments below
This is simply wrong.
When heat pumps are found to be cost effective, efficient (especially in older housing stock) people will move to the new technology willingly.
This is government overreach and should be rejected.

11. To what extent do you support our proposal to apply a cost-cap where people are required to end their use of polluting heating following a property purchase?

Please select one item
Radio button: Ticked Strongly support
Radio button: Unticked Somewhat support
Radio button: Unticked Neither support nor oppose
Radio button: Unticked Somewhat oppose
Radio button: Unticked Strongly oppose
Radio button: Unticked Don’t know
Please include any additional comments below
but how can you afford it?

12. Which of the following methods of applying a cost-cap do you support?

Please select one item
Radio button: Unticked A flat cost-cap.
Radio button: Unticked A size-based cost-cap.
Radio button: Unticked A purchase price-based cost-cap.
Radio button: Unticked None.
Radio button: Ticked Another.
If another, please suggest below
none of your suggestions actually work, do better.

13. To what extent do you support the proposal that the Scottish Ministers should be given powers to extend the circumstances in future (beyond a property purchase) in which people could be required to end their use of polluting heating? This could be, for example, preventing the installation of new fossil fuel boilers when replacing the heating in your home or business premises?

Please select one item
Radio button: Unticked Strongly support
Radio button: Unticked Somewhat support
Radio button: Unticked Neither support nor oppose
Radio button: Unticked Somewhat oppose
Radio button: Ticked Strongly oppose
Radio button: Unticked Don’t know
Please include any additional comments below
such powers are unnecessary, people will move to cost effective, cheaper alternatives as they present themselves. Therefore once heat pumps meet the criteria people will install them.

What you could do is ensure all new builds are energy efficient and use clean energy heating.

5. Monitoring and Enforcement

18. We will need to have a way to monitor if people are meeting the Heat in Buildings Standard, and discussed two options for this. Which do you support?

Please select one item
Radio button: Unticked Submitting EPCs alone.
Radio button: Unticked Sampling a percentage of buildings.
Radio button: Unticked A combination of the two
Radio button: Ticked None, there should be no monitoring.
Radio button: Unticked Another method, please suggest below or explain your selected answer

19. We will need to have a way to enforce the Heat in Buildings Standard. We discussed possible options to help achieve compliance. What are your views on these ideas?

Please select one item
Radio button: Unticked I support relying on market and financial product mechanisms such as mortgages or home/ building insurance.
Radio button: Unticked I support extra Council Tax and Non-domestic Rates charges, in future, for those who don’t comply.
Radio button: Unticked I support the introduction of civil penalties, in future, if compliance is not achieved.
Radio button: Unticked I support a mixture of the above options.
Radio button: Unticked I do not support the suggested enforcement tools, but have another suggestion (please provide below).
Radio button: Ticked I do not support any form of enforcement
Please include any additional comments below
The market economics will deliver the required result.

20. To what extent do you support our proposals to modify the Standard or exempt certain people from the need to meet the Heat in Buildings Standard?

Please select one item
Radio button: Unticked Strongly support
Radio button: Unticked Somewhat support
Radio button: Ticked Neither support nor oppose
Radio button: Unticked Somewhat oppose
Radio button: Unticked Strongly oppose
Radio button: Unticked Don’t know
Please include any additional comments below
this is getting way to complicated

22. To what extent do you support our proposals to give certain people extra time to meet the Heat in Buildings Standard?

Please select one item
Radio button: Unticked Strongly support
Radio button: Unticked Somewhat support
Radio button: Ticked Neither support nor oppose
Radio button: Unticked Somewhat oppose
Radio button: Unticked Strongly oppose
Radio button: Unticked Don’t know

About you

31. Are you responding as an individual or an organisation?

Please select one item
Radio button: Ticked Individual
Radio button: Unticked Organisation