Response 407818569

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Part 1 - Single-use food containers

1. Do you have any evidence of the environmental impact of single-use (plastic or non-plastic) food containers?

Please provide your evidence below
There is constantly litter all over the street and in the park as people consume their food or drink then drop the container and packaging.

2. Do you have any evidence of the size and nature of the single-use (plastic and non-plastic) food containers market in Scotland?

Please provide your evidence below
Every week I fill a large bin at home with single use plastic containers that my food and water came in. It's too much waste for one person. I eat a lot of salads that all come in plastic boxes and I also drink bottled water which comes in single use bottles. I'd much prefer not to be generating all this waste.

3. Do you have any evidence of effective actions taken in Scotland or other nations to reduce consumption of single-use (plastic or non-plastic) food containers?

Please provide your evidence below
Not really. It feels like nothing is being done.

4. Do you have any evidence of barriers to implementing policy measures to reduce the consumption of single-use food containers?

Please provide your evidence below

5. Do you have any evidence related to the impact on businesses (positive or negative) that policy measures to reduce the consumption of single-use food containers could have?

Please provide your evidence below

6. Do you have any evidence of the impact that policy measures to reduce the consumption of single-use food containers might have on people with protected characteristics or who experience socio-economic disadvantage?

Please provide your evidence below

Part 2 - Other single-use plastic products

7. Do you have any evidence of the environmental impact of the single-use items set out in Part 2 of the call for evidence paper:

a) Single-use plastic bowls, trays and platters?
Yes. I buy salads that come in plastic boxes and they are far too many to ever re-use. They're meant to be thrown away. I get through a large domestic binfull of plastic every week.

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Simon Jones

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