Response 413489554

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FOR INDIVIDUALS ONLY Please indicate which category best describes you. Individual with primary interest in: (Tick one only)

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Radio button: Unticked Farming
Radio button: Unticked General land management (or interest in a combination of land uses)
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Radio button: Ticked Forestry
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Section 10: Forestry Grant Scheme

Q10. It is proposed to support forestry under six main areas as outlined below. Please identify whether you agree with these broad areas.

Woodland Creation Yes, should be included Radio button: Checked Yes, should be included Woodland Creation No, should NOT be included Radio button: Not checked No, should NOT be included Woodland Creation No opinion Radio button: Not checked No opinion
Agroforestry Yes, should be included Radio button: Checked Yes, should be included Agroforestry No, should NOT be included Radio button: Not checked No, should NOT be included Agroforestry No opinion Radio button: Not checked No opinion
Tree Health Yes, should be included Radio button: Checked Yes, should be included Tree Health No, should NOT be included Radio button: Not checked No, should NOT be included Tree Health No opinion Radio button: Not checked No opinion
Woodland Improvement Grant Yes, should be included Radio button: Checked Yes, should be included Woodland Improvement Grant No, should NOT be included Radio button: Not checked No, should NOT be included Woodland Improvement Grant No opinion Radio button: Not checked No opinion
Process and marketing Yes, should be included Radio button: Checked Yes, should be included Process and marketing No, should NOT be included Radio button: Not checked No, should NOT be included Process and marketing No opinion Radio button: Not checked No opinion
Sustainable Management of Forests Yes, should be included Radio button: Checked Yes, should be included Sustainable Management of Forests No, should NOT be included Radio button: Not checked No, should NOT be included Sustainable Management of Forests No opinion Radio button: Not checked No opinion

Q11. We propose nine woodland creation options with support through standard costs. Please identify whether you think these options should be included (Yes) or excluded (No)

Conifer Yes, should be included Radio button: Checked Yes, should be included Conifer No, should NOT be included Radio button: Not checked No, should NOT be included Conifer No opinion Radio button: Not checked No opinion
Diverse Conifer Yes, should be included Radio button: Checked Yes, should be included Diverse Conifer No, should NOT be included Radio button: Not checked No, should NOT be included Diverse Conifer No opinion Radio button: Not checked No opinion
Broadleaves Yes, should be included Radio button: Checked Yes, should be included Broadleaves No, should NOT be included Radio button: Not checked No, should NOT be included Broadleaves No opinion Radio button: Not checked No opinion
Native Scots Pine Yes, should be included Radio button: Checked Yes, should be included Native Scots Pine No, should NOT be included Radio button: Not checked No, should NOT be included Native Scots Pine No opinion Radio button: Not checked No opinion
Native Broadleaved W4 Yes, should be included Radio button: Checked Yes, should be included Native Broadleaved W4 No, should NOT be included Radio button: Not checked No, should NOT be included Native Broadleaved W4 No opinion Radio button: Not checked No opinion
Native Broadleaved Other Yes, should be included Radio button: Checked Yes, should be included Native Broadleaved Other No, should NOT be included Radio button: Not checked No, should NOT be included Native Broadleaved Other No opinion Radio button: Not checked No opinion
Native low density Yes, should be included Radio button: Checked Yes, should be included Native low density No, should NOT be included Radio button: Not checked No, should NOT be included Native low density No opinion Radio button: Not checked No opinion
Small or Farm Wood Yes, should be included Radio button: Checked Yes, should be included Small or Farm Wood No, should NOT be included Radio button: Not checked No, should NOT be included Small or Farm Wood No opinion Radio button: Not checked No opinion
Northern and Western Isles Yes, should be included Radio button: Checked Yes, should be included Northern and Western Isles No, should NOT be included Radio button: Not checked No, should NOT be included Northern and Western Isles No opinion Radio button: Not checked No opinion

Q12. Are there any other woodland types that should be supported? If Yes, please specify

Please select one item
Radio button: Unticked Yes
Radio button: Ticked No

Q13. Should the Central Scotland Green Network be allowed an ‘Additional Cost Contribution’? If No, please briefly explain your reasons

Please select one item
Radio button: Ticked Yes
Radio button: Unticked No
open text
However consideration should be given to providing the same allowance to some areas outside the CSGN area, such as the former mining districts of Ayrshire, Fife and Midlothian.

Q14. What is your preferred option for Income Foregone (IF) in SRDP 2014 - 2020? Please click on 'More information' below to view the 3 options

Please select one item
Radio button: Unticked Option1
Radio button: Ticked Option 2
Radio button: Unticked Option 3

Please explain your choice

open text
The priority here is to remove the current disincentive to planting created by reluctance to forego Single Farm Payment. This applies particularly to situations where woodland and grazing might be combined during the 20/30 year IF compensation period. Option 2 presents the farmer with clearer information.

Q15. It is proposed to support woodland creation through other means. Do you agree with the range of ‘other support’ for woodland creation?

Tree shelters and fencing Yes, include Radio button: Checked Yes, include Tree shelters and fencing No, should NOT be included Radio button: Not checked No, should NOT be included Tree shelters and fencing No opinion Radio button: Not checked No opinion
Improved stock for Sitka Spruce Yes, include Radio button: Checked Yes, include Improved stock for Sitka Spruce No, should NOT be included Radio button: Not checked No, should NOT be included Improved stock for Sitka Spruce No opinion Radio button: Not checked No opinion
Bracken contribution Yes, include Radio button: Checked Yes, include Bracken contribution No, should NOT be included Radio button: Not checked No, should NOT be included Bracken contribution No opinion Radio button: Not checked No opinion
Community woodland Yes, include Radio button: Checked Yes, include Community woodland No, should NOT be included Radio button: Not checked No, should NOT be included Community woodland No opinion Radio button: Not checked No opinion

Q16. Should agroforestry be funded through the SRDP 2014-2020?

Please select one item
Radio button: Ticked Yes
Radio button: Unticked No
Radio button: Unticked No opinion

Q17. Should tree health be funded through SRDP 2014-2020?

Please select one item
Radio button: Ticked Yes
Radio button: Unticked No
Radio button: Unticked No opinion

Q18. Do you agree with the range of Woodland Improvement Grants?

Long term forest planning - new Yes Radio button: Checked Yes Long term forest planning - new No Radio button: Not checked No Long term forest planning - new No opinion Radio button: Not checked No opinion
Long term forest planning - renewal Yes Radio button: Checked Yes Long term forest planning - renewal No Radio button: Not checked No Long term forest planning - renewal No opinion Radio button: Not checked No opinion
Reducing Deer Impact Yes Radio button: Checked Yes Reducing Deer Impact No Radio button: Not checked No Reducing Deer Impact No opinion Radio button: Not checked No opinion
Woodland Habitats and Species Yes Radio button: Checked Yes Woodland Habitats and Species No Radio button: Not checked No Woodland Habitats and Species No opinion Radio button: Not checked No opinion
Restructuring Regeneration Yes Radio button: Checked Yes Restructuring Regeneration No Radio button: Not checked No Restructuring Regeneration No opinion Radio button: Not checked No opinion
Non- Woodland Habitats and Species Yes Radio button: Checked Yes Non- Woodland Habitats and Species No Radio button: Not checked No Non- Woodland Habitats and Species No opinion Radio button: Not checked No opinion
Natural regeneration Yes Radio button: Checked Yes Natural regeneration No Radio button: Not checked No Natural regeneration No opinion Radio button: Not checked No opinion
Woodlands In and Around Towns Yes Radio button: Checked Yes Woodlands In and Around Towns No Radio button: Not checked No Woodlands In and Around Towns No opinion Radio button: Not checked No opinion

Q19. We propose to offer support to forest owners, micro-enterprises and SMEs for investments which enhance forestry potential or relate to processing and marketing, or adding value to forest products. Should these areas be supported through the SRDP?

Small scale premium processing sector Yes, should be included Radio button: Checked Yes, should be included Small scale premium processing sector No, should NOT be included Radio button: Not checked No, should NOT be included Small scale premium processing sector No opinion Radio button: Not checked No opinion
Equipment to increase harvesting in under-managed woods Yes, should be included Radio button: Checked Yes, should be included Equipment to increase harvesting in under-managed woods No, should NOT be included Radio button: Not checked No, should NOT be included Equipment to increase harvesting in under-managed woods No opinion Radio button: Not checked No opinion
Equipment to increase capacity for steep ground harvesting Yes, should be included Radio button: Checked Yes, should be included Equipment to increase capacity for steep ground harvesting No, should NOT be included Radio button: Not checked No, should NOT be included Equipment to increase capacity for steep ground harvesting No opinion Radio button: Not checked No opinion

Q20. We propose six Sustainable Management of Forest Options. Do you agree with the range of Sustainable Management of Forest grants?

Native Woodlands Yes, should be included Radio button: Checked Yes, should be included Native Woodlands No, should NOT be included Radio button: Not checked No, should NOT be included Native Woodlands No opinion Radio button: Not checked No opinion
Low Impact Silvicultural Systems (LISS) Yes, should be included Radio button: Checked Yes, should be included Low Impact Silvicultural Systems (LISS) No, should NOT be included Radio button: Not checked No, should NOT be included Low Impact Silvicultural Systems (LISS) No opinion Radio button: Not checked No opinion
Public Access Yes, should be included Radio button: Checked Yes, should be included Public Access No, should NOT be included Radio button: Not checked No, should NOT be included Public Access No opinion Radio button: Not checked No opinion
Public Access WIAT ((woods within 1 km of settlements with a population of over 2000 people) Yes, should be included Radio button: Checked Yes, should be included Public Access WIAT ((woods within 1 km of settlements with a population of over 2000 people) No, should NOT be included Radio button: Not checked No, should NOT be included Public Access WIAT ((woods within 1 km of settlements with a population of over 2000 people) No opinion Radio button: Not checked No opinion
Livestock Removal Yes, should be included Radio button: Checked Yes, should be included Livestock Removal No, should NOT be included Radio button: Not checked No, should NOT be included Livestock Removal No opinion Radio button: Not checked No opinion
Woodland Grazing Yes, should be included Radio button: Checked Yes, should be included Woodland Grazing No, should NOT be included Radio button: Not checked No, should NOT be included Woodland Grazing No opinion Radio button: Not checked No opinion

Q21. How would you rate your broad satisfaction with the proposals for the Forestry Scheme

Please select one item
Radio button: Unticked Very satisfied
Radio button: Ticked Quite satisfied
Radio button: Unticked Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
Radio button: Unticked Quite dissatisfied
Radio button: Unticked Very dissatisfied

If you are dissatisfied, please briefly outline your reasons.

open text
Refinement points:-

Q15 - should support improved stock for any tree species.
Q19 - small-scale tractors and iron-horses should be allowed.
Q20 - woodland grazing should be considered in plantations.