Parental Responsibilities and Rights
21. Should joint birth registration be compulsory?
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No mainly the reason for this is it can be impracticable (unknown where father is or cannot attend), cases of domestic abuse or father unknown.
We also don't feel it is the remit of the registrar to persuade a father to jointly register, nor feel that we should have to persuade a mother to put the name of the father down where circumstances could be part of the above.
Although ideally it would be ideal that every birth registration has a father's name we feel this would be very difficult to implement in practice and mandatory birth registration for both will prove very difficult.
We also don't feel it is the remit of the registrar to persuade a father to jointly register, nor feel that we should have to persuade a mother to put the name of the father down where circumstances could be part of the above.
Although ideally it would be ideal that every birth registration has a father's name we feel this would be very difficult to implement in practice and mandatory birth registration for both will prove very difficult.
Birth Registrations
45. Should a person under 16 with capacity be able to apply to record a change of their name in the birth register?
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We feel this should remain at age 16. Young people can marry at 16, can vote at 16 so we feel this is an appropriate age to be serious about changing your name.
46. Should a person who is applying to record a change of name for a young person under the age of 16 be required to seek their views?
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A child should have the right to be considered
47. Should S.I. 1965/1838 be amended so that a father who has a declarator of parentage and has PRRs can re-register the birth showing him on the birth certificate?
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If he has been granted a declarator of parentage and PRRs he should be allowed to have the birth re-registered and his details added
About you
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Association of Registrars of Scotland