Published responses

Our consultation on A Healthier Future - Action and Ambitions on Diet, Activity, and Healthy Weight closed on 31 January 2018.

The consultation paper set out proposals for (i) transforming the food environment (through, for example, voluntary schemes to support reformulation as well as statutory measures on the promotion and advertising of specific types of food and drink); (ii) encouraging and supporting the adoption of healthier and more active lives (through, for example, initiatives aimed at young children, supported weight management for people at risk of type 2 diabetes, and increased investment in active travel); and (iii) strong leadership and exemplary practice within both the public sector and the food and drink industry.

Over 360 academics, health professionals, members of the general public and organisations including health and third sector organisations, local authorities and members of the food and drinks industry responded.

In addition to the responses received directly by the Scottish Government, four organisations undertook consultations events with specific stakeholder groups on behalf of the Scottish Government.  Over 630 people participated in these consultation exercises. 

We have reviewed all of the responses to the consultation and published an independent analysis in April.  The Scottish Government will consider these responses together with expert advice and evidence when developing the final strategy due for publication this Summer. 

Only answers from respondents who gave permission are published. However, all responses are included in the analysis of this consultation.

You can access the published responses and find links to the various consultation event reports below.

Scottish Public Health Network (ScotPHN) – conducted a series of workshops attended by representatives from public health organisations – primarily from the public and third sector. Four events were held in total, in Glasgow (6 December), Edinburgh (8 December), Inverness (10 January) and a ‘virtual event’ (11 January) which included mainly participants from rural NHS Boards. The workshops included introductory presentations, followed by two facilitated discussions. These focused on carrying out a SWOT analysis of certain aspects of the proposals set out in the consultation paper; and a discussion of how the proposals could be implemented at a local level.  Altogether, 224 individuals attended these events.

Food Standards Scotland – conducted a workshop for local authority environmental health representatives. The workshop programme included two introductory presentations and three themed workshops focused on: (i) the out of home food environment; (ii) the planning system and the food environment; and (iii) leadership and transforming the food environment. Altogether 55 representatives from 21 local authorities attended.

Scottish Youth Parliament – held a focus group with young people exploring their views and opinions around the topic of diet and obesity. Topics of discussion included healthy eating, advertising / food promotions, and ideas of how to improve diet and influence healthy eating choices. In addition, local consultations focusing on similar issues were carried out by Members of the Scottish Youth Parliament (MSYPs). Altogether, 11 young people took part in the focus groups and 34 additional responses were gathered by MSYPs.

Young Scot –  hosted a focus group with young people exploring their views and opinions around the topic of diet and obesity.  In conjunction with this event, Young Scot also conducted a Diet, Activity and Healthy Weight Survey between 22 October 2017 and 21 January 2018. The survey included 19 questions which sought information about young people’s perceptions and experiences of a healthy lifestyle (including diet and physical activity), food promotions and ‘unhealthy’ food.  Altogether, 15 young people took part in the focus group and the survey was completed by 308 Scottish young people aged 11-25.