Cancer strategy: draft vision, aims and priority areas

Closed 7 Jun 2022

Opened 12 Apr 2022

Feedback updated 17 Nov 2022

We asked

We asked you to comment on the draft vision, aims and principles we are proposing to base a new cancer strategy for Scotland on. We also outlined the potential scope and areas for a new strategy and asked for your suggestions on these.


You said

A total of 257 consultation responses were received. Individuals provided 156 responses, with 101 from organisations. You were in general agreement with what was proposed. There were a few who disagreed and gave helpful reasons why and alternative suggestions. Many people stressed the importance of the holistic aspects of cancer care such as person-centred care, better communication and psychological support, for example. There was recognition of the importance of prevention, earlier diagnosis and pre- and post-treatment support as well as the need for a skilled, well distributed and supported workforce. Reducing health inequalities, and the importance of research, innovation and use of data were also raised as priorities. Several suggestions were made of which cancer types to focus on.

We would encourage you to read the analysis of the consultation responses report to understand the full range of views provided here .

We did

We used the results of what you said to inform further engagement with people with lived experience of cancer, and with people working on cancer in the third sector. We are combining these inputs to inform the drafting of the new 10-year cancer strategy and three year action plan to be published in the spring of 2023.

Published responses

View submitted responses where consent has been given to publish the response.


The current National Cancer Plan ‘Recovery and redesign: an action plan for cancer services’ comes to completion in March 2023. This superseded the previous cancer strategy ‘Beating Cancer Ambition and Action’, and was developed in response to immediate challenges presented by the COVID-19 pandemic. We have started the process of developing a new cancer strategy for Scotland and want to seek wide ranging views on what should be prioritised as we recover from the pandemic and beyond.

It is important that our vision, aims and principles reflect a long-term ambition and guide where we want to go. We need to decide what aspects of cancer prevention, management and care are the most important. We want to be comprehensive but will also need to focus on the most important areas for action, particularly in the shorter-term.

Please refer to the consultation document when responding: New cancer strategy: consultation

Why your views matter

To help ensure that the right cancer services are available at the right time and in the right way for those who need them, we need to hear the views from people across Scotland. Your views will help us determine the most effective way to manage cancer in Scotland in the short and longer term.

What happens next

Where respondents have given permission for their response to be made public, and after we have checked that they contain no potentially defamatory material, responses will be made available to the public at . If you use the consultation hub to respond, you will receive a copy of your response via email.

Following the closing date, all responses will be analysed and considered along with any other available evidence to help us. Responses will be published where we have been given permission to do so. An analysis report will also be made available.


  • Health and Social Care