Response 409250703

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1a. What are the most important aspects of the cancer journey you would like to see included in a long-term strategy?

Think about, for example, prevention, screening, diagnosis, treatment, support for people with or affected by cancer, other care.
Ensuring sufficient resource (mainly ensuring there are sufficient staff) is available to treat patients diagnosed with cancer in a timely fashion. This is lacking currently and thus efforts to achieve faster diagnosis etc will just hit the bottleneck of inadequate treatment resource if this is not tackled first. This is not just about making funding available. You will need to ensure that more medical, nursing, pharmacy, radiography staff are being trained (and retained rather than swanning off to Australasia etc after training here).

The buildings providing services need to be of adequate size/quality to cope with the demands/staff space needs - which most are not now.

1b. Are there particular groups of cancers which should be focused on over the next 3 or 10 years?

Examples of groups may include secondary cancers or less survivable cancers.
Those in patients less than 80 years old where use of resources achieves much better outcomes than in those over 80 years.
The SMC should also look at cost effectiveness based on age bands; some drugs should be available to younger but not older patients due to much lower benefits in older patients.
This is not age discrimination, this is the reality of life.

1c . What do you think we should prioritise over the short-term?

Consider what needs addressed within the first 3 years.
Staffing levels in all aspects of cancer journey, but single point of contact is merely 'nice to have' rather than vital and resource should actually go to where it will make the biggest difference to outcomes (not just public perception issues)

2a. Do you agree with the proposal for a 10-year strategy?

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2b. Please explain your answer and provide any additional suggestions.
too many short term 'political' targets are not helpful. Longer term focus on providing sufficient staff/resource for all aspects cancer care is more appropriate

Vision, aims and principles

3a. Do you agree with this vision?

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Radio button: Unticked No
3b. Please explain your answer and provide any additional suggestions.
well - it states the obvious!

4a. Do you agree with these goals?

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Radio button: Unticked No
4b. Please explain your answer and provide any additional suggestions.
again - these are obvious

5a. Do you agree with these principles?

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Radio button: Unticked No
5b. Please explain your answer and provide any additional suggestions.
again - all fairly obvious

Scope and Framing

6a. Do you agree with these themes?

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Radio button: Unticked No
6b. Please explain your answer and provide any additional suggestions.
yes - again all fairly obvious needs

7a. Do you agree with these areas of focus for person-centred care?

Please select one item
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Radio button: Unticked No

8a. In your experience, what actions do you think would be most effective for helping to stop people getting cancer, and reducing inequalities in cancer incidence?

Please focus your response on the prevention of cancer and inequalities in cancer incidence.
Life is carncinogenic. Euthanasia at age 60 would prevent vast majority of cancers!
Failing that, ban smoking full stop. Treat it as a class A drug.

9a . Do you agree with these areas of focus for timely access to care?

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Radio button: Unticked No
9b. In your experience, what aims or actions would you like to see under any of these areas?
Support development of cell free circulating tumour DNA detection by blood sampling.

10a. Do you agree with these areas of focus for high quality care?

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Radio button: Unticked No
10b. In your experience, what aims or actions would you like to see under any of these areas?
Ensure sufficient staff/adequate buildings to support such services.
PET scanner provision for Highlands asap to overcome inequality of access to such scanning!

11a. Do you agree with these areas of focus for safe and effective treatments?

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Radio button: Unticked No
11b. In your experience, what aims or actions would you like to see under any of these areas?
There is a difference between what is realistic for an individual and what is realistic for the rest of society that is paying for healthcare. An increasing number of hugely expensive therapies can be delivered to the very elderly/frail BUT with limited benefits to the individual and often nothing but cost to society as a whole.
Government &SMC must actually set limits and then stick to them even when someone complains about lack of access to some treatments.

12a. Do you agree with these areas of focus for quality of life and wellbeing?

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Radio button: Ticked Yes
Radio button: Unticked No
12b. In your experience, what aims or actions would you like to see under any of these areas?
In general yes. Access to euthanasia for those at end of life must be made available.

If diagnostic/treatment services are adequately resourced there will not be time for 'pre-habilitation'. Many patients will never be suitable for such in any case due to effects of their tumours/co-morbidities. This will have minimal impact on outcomes.

13a. Do you agree with these areas of focus for data, technology and measurement?

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Radio button: Ticked Yes
Radio button: Unticked No
13b. In your experience, what aims or actions would you like to see under any of these areas?
and no

Patients are not treated in one health board at a time or across their lives

You must provide proper/fully functional electronic patient records systems that support all specialities/healthcare professions ways of working and that cover the entirety of Scotland (and can accept transfers of data from rest of UK - even if the SNP get their way) as the current systems are wholly inadequate and create too many barriers to efficient/safe patient care. This will do more for all patients (not just cancer patients) than any amount of data collection will ever achieve! It would also make data collection easier.

The rest of your proposals are mere niceties by comparison.
13c. Is there any technology that you would like to see introduced to improve access to cancer care?
see above
13d. Please explain your answer and provide any additional suggestions.
see above

14. What suggestions do you have for what we should measure to make sure we are achieving what we want to in improving cancer care and outcomes?

Please focus your response on cancer care and outcomes.
Trends on overall survival (at a much faster rate of updating than ISD provides) for the specific types & sub types of cancer.
Trends in disease free survival too.
Quality of patient/family experience at end of life especially before and after the introduction of option for euthanasia.

Earlier Diagnosis Vision

15a. What would you like to see an Earlier Diagnosis Vision achieve?

Think ahead to the next 10 years, think big picture – what change(s) should we be aiming to influence when it comes to earlier cancer diagnosis? Consider access to care/cancer screening/primary care/diagnostics and awareness of cancer signs and symptoms.
cell free circulating tumour DNA detection developments where feasible - likely best as a single centre service for Scotland (not necessarily in the central belt!)

15b. Should the Earlier Diagnosis Vision set itself a numerical target?

For example, 75% of all cancers diagnosed at an earlier stage. Please provide any suggested target you have.
difficult - and not appropriate to all cancers. Perhaps reasonable for non-haematological cancers. Look at current rate of 'earlier stage' and aim for a little better.

15c. Should the Earlier Diagnosis Vision focus on specific cancer types?

The current programme focuses on lung, bowel and breast cancers that account for 45% of all cancers diagnosed in Scotland.
Aim for all to be improved but with more focus mainly on those where it actually makes a difference to long term outcomes

15e. From your previous experience, where would you like to access care if you had concerns about cancer that would be different to what is available currently?

Please identify where you would like to access care differently to improve your experience.
Don't let patients ask for access to service is some tiny little local rural/community hospital as it will not be efficient or sustainable to provide services in such locations.

Go to a location with good expertise/sustainable service.

15f. What does good earlier cancer diagnosis look like for you?

Think about what a good outcome would be, for example more people being diagnosed when they can be cured of cancer, living well with cancer for longer etc.
to be rapidly seen once referred for likely cancer (<1 week ideally), to then rapidly undergo diagnostic procedure(s) (<1 week ideally) and for rapid turnaround of result/diagnosis generation (<1 week ideally). Then rapid access to those that can initiate treatment.

Impact Assessments

16a. In your experience, are there aspects of cancer diagnosis, treatment or care that affect people from marginalised groups differently? If there are negative effects, what could be done to prevent this happening?

Please consider the ‘protected characteristics’ of age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex, and sexual orientation.
the very elderly should not be a 'protected group' in this regard. Younger patients with more life to lose should be given priority in accessing services and accessing treatments.

You should include those living in 'remote locations' (e.g most of the Highlands and Islands) as marginalised as they definitely have greater difficult accessing all health services including cancer related health services. Needs to be made easier for such patients to stay close to a hospital (but not in hospital) when needs be as this would expedite progress through diagnostic pathways.

16b. Similarly, is how we manage cancer different for people from higher or lower income households? What could be done to do this better?

Please consider the impact of socio-economic inequality.
see 16a. ?subsidised public transport too?

16c. Is the experience of cancer different for people living in rural or island communities? What could be done to prevent any negative impacts?

Please consider the impact of rurality on access to and quality of cancer services.
YES - see 16A and b.

Place a PET scanner in Inverness asap too.


17. What other comments would you like to make at this time?

Please provide any additional comments regarding the long or short-term ambitions for cancer care.
Increase the training, provision and retention of all staff groups needed.

Current services pressures hamper recruitment and retention and we are thus is a downwards spiral. This has to change....but aided by restricting access to services/treatment for the very elderly where the focus should be more on good palliation.

About you

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