1. Are you aware of any additional data on the impacts of short-term lets (over and above that set out in Annex A – The Short-Term Rental Sector, Housing and Tourism in Scotland and briefly summarised above) which the Scottish Government should take into account when considering proposals for regulation?
Are you aware of any additional data on the impacts of short-term lets (over and above that set out in Annex A – The Short-Term Rental Sector, Housing and Tourism in Scotland and briefly summarised above) which the Scottish Government will take into account when considering proposals for regulation?
I think it should also distinguish between small time landlords with a single property or rooms and that of property portfolio holders.
There is a massive difference between the man on the street trying to supplement their income or pay the mortgage on second property, than someone with many properties running a business.
There is a massive difference between the man on the street trying to supplement their income or pay the mortgage on second property, than someone with many properties running a business.
2. Should a regulatory framework distinguish between sharing, swapping and secondary letting?
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there should be a category that allows for short term lets which allows economic growth on a local level.
for example giving a break to a small scale letting in your own local area. For example renting out a second home or room in your own town for only part of the year.
This keeps the money earned in the local community which benefits local business, firstly by the tourists who visit and secondly, by the local owner of the property. They are also more likely to use the local workforce in the up keep of the property.
for example giving a break to a small scale letting in your own local area. For example renting out a second home or room in your own town for only part of the year.
This keeps the money earned in the local community which benefits local business, firstly by the tourists who visit and secondly, by the local owner of the property. They are also more likely to use the local workforce in the up keep of the property.
3. Should the rules be capable of being different depending on the type of accommodation? For example, to distinguish between tenement flats and detached houses.
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no I think conforming to socially acceptable and moral behaviour should be expected wherever.
4. Do you have any comments on any other aspect of the definition of short term lets?
Do you have any comments on any other aspect of the definition of short term lets?
I think it should also distinguish between small time landlords with a single property or rooms and that of property portfolio holders.
There is a massive difference between the man on the street trying to supplement their income or pay the mortgage on second property, than someone with many properties running a business.
There is a massive difference between the man on the street trying to supplement their income or pay the mortgage on second property, than someone with many properties running a business.
5. Do you have any comments on the positive or negative impacts of short-term lets?
Do you have any comments on the positive or negative impacts of short-term lets?
in some of the most beautiful small villages, so may homes become holiday lets that the village becomes a ghost town.
there should be a percentage cap that only allows a certain amount of holiday or short term (AirB&B)
there should be a percentage cap that only allows a certain amount of holiday or short term (AirB&B)
6. Do you have any examples of other positive or negative impacts of short-term lets?
Do you have any examples of other positive or negative impacts of short-term lets?
it brings more money into the local communities as not every town or village is a tourist attraction. things like AirB&B give workers and visiting families another option rather than staying in a guest house or hotel.
for local festivals and events it allows extra accommodation when other places are full
Because they are locally owned and not part of big chance the money stays in the local community.
because these places need to attract visitors they are often kept in much better condition than those unscrupulous landlords that don't take care of their property or manage tenants with anti social behaviour
for local festivals and events it allows extra accommodation when other places are full
Because they are locally owned and not part of big chance the money stays in the local community.
because these places need to attract visitors they are often kept in much better condition than those unscrupulous landlords that don't take care of their property or manage tenants with anti social behaviour
7. Do you have any comments about the impact of short-term lets on the housing market?
Do you have any comments about the impact of short-term lets on the housing market?
it keep the housing market buoyant, houses are occupied and not allowed to sit empty to become overgrown and allow to rot.
it keeps areas nice which adds to the value of those trying to sell and keeps the appeal for those looking for a new home.
it keeps areas nice which adds to the value of those trying to sell and keeps the appeal for those looking for a new home.
8. Do you have any comments on the restrictions imposed on short-term lets by planning law?
Do you have any comments on the restrictions imposed on short-term lets by planning law?
there should be a separate definition that allows for holiday lets and Air B&B or other short term rentals where they are rented for less than two thirds of each year
9. Do you have any comments on powers to tackle antisocial behaviour caused by short-term lets?
Do you have any comments on powers to tackle antisocial behaviour caused by short-term lets?
having stayed in many Air B&B and holiday lets over the years and spoken to many of their owners this does not appear to be where the anti social behaviour comes from.
The problem lies with Private landlords who rent out to poor tenants. They usual don't live in the area where their property is and have no idea of the effect their tenants have on the people living around them or they don't care. They do not manage their properties or look after their upkeep.
When good landlords have difficult tenants who damage property and have anti social behaviour it is often difficult to remove them. Powers should be given to the police and local authority to request an eviction of a tenant if they continue to be disruptive
The problem lies with Private landlords who rent out to poor tenants. They usual don't live in the area where their property is and have no idea of the effect their tenants have on the people living around them or they don't care. They do not manage their properties or look after their upkeep.
When good landlords have difficult tenants who damage property and have anti social behaviour it is often difficult to remove them. Powers should be given to the police and local authority to request an eviction of a tenant if they continue to be disruptive
10. Do you have any comments about complaint systems for short-term lets?
Do you have any comments about complaint systems for short-term lets?
making the complaint is the first step!
often getting someone to act on it is the problem
often getting someone to act on it is the problem
11. Do you have any comments on safety issues related to short-term lets?
Do you have any comments on safety issues related to short-term lets?
any one who rents a home or room out should have top register and have yearly safe home check by the fire service or equivalent
12. Do you have any comments on eligibility for non-domestic rates?
Do you have any comments on eligibility for non-domestic rates?
keeping the rates low for only part of a year rentals
13. Do you have any comments on the additional eligibility requirements recommended by the Barclay Review?
Do you have any comments on the additional eligibility requirements recommended by the Barclay Review?
hopefully this discretion will be used to aid the local economy to grow rather than to top up the council tax
14. Do you have any comments on the eligibility of self-catering accommodation for the Small Business Bonus Scheme?
Do you have any comments on the eligibility of self-catering accommodation for the Small Business Bonus Scheme?
not many properties in Scotland are £35000 or less no wonder not many benefit from it
15. Do you have any other comments on taxation relating to short-term lets?
Do you have any other comments on taxation relating to short-term lets?’
tax breaks for those who rent out for shortest periods over a year with only one property
16. Do you have any additions or amendments to the proposed design principles?
Do you have any additions or amendments to the proposed design principles?
easy to understand and allowing for anyone to copmplete
About you (optional)
1. Which of the following best describes you. Please choose all that apply:
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Affected resident
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Host with one property
Host with more than one property
Hosting intermediary
Hotel or B&B owner
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we have a second property which belonged to my wife before we married. the house prices have fallen and we are unable to sell while in negative equity. we rent it out at the moment on a yearly agreement
2. How did you hear about the consultation? Please choose all that apply.
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