Response 630477661

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Island Proofing

1. Is the concept of ‘Island-Proofing’ something the Scottish Government should consider placing in legislation through the proposed Islands Bill?

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2. If you answered ‘Yes’ to question 1, do you agree that Scottish Ministers should have the power to issue statutory guidance to other relevant public bodies related to island-proofing which they would be required to adhere to in exercising their functions and duties?

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3. If you answered ‘Yes’ to question 2, please state which public bodies, and what specific decisions this statutory guidance you think this should relate to?

Which public bodies?
Local authorities and NHS in particular, but guidance needs to be made to all public bodies to enable uniformity in decision-making, processes, etc.
What specific decisions?
I do not have the base knowledge to be specific about 'specific decisions'; that surely needs to come from the research already carried out as to what needs special consideration when it comes to 'island-proofing'.

4. Are there any other areas that you feel the policy of Island-Proofing should cover?

Are there any other areas that you feel the policy of Island-Proofing should cover?
Maintaining populations on islands (and remote communities) will always be difficult. By their very nature they are expensive places to live as most resources have to travel further. Food, fuel and the postal service are big concerns here, so I'd like to see focus made on these areas. We islanders can't have our cake and eat it, not without the rest of Scotland feeling that we're always getting special treatment.

Empowering Island Communities

5. Do you agree that the current powers Island Councils, and Councils with Island responsibilities presently have are sufficient to deliver positive outcomes for their local island communities?

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Do you agree that the current powers Island Councils, and Councils with Island responsibilities presently have are sufficient to deliver positive outcomes for their local island communities?
While it would be nice to have more local powers, I don't believe we have the ability to exercise any more powers. Councillors tend to either have their own agenda, or do anything their constituents nag them about. We need a coherent approach to using powers, for the good of the whole and for the long term. Independent councillors, whilst doing the best they can, are not (in my opinion) best skilled/experienced to exercise more powers.

7. Do you feel there is a requirement to make any additions to the existing Zetland and Orkney County Council Acts of 1974?

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If ‘Yes’ please state what additions should be made and give the reasons for your answer.
Without knowing the nature of why certain powers where allocated in the first place, I struggle to understand why Shetland was given such control over a large extent of their seabed, and Orkney merely given Scapa and a few ports?

Perhaps it would be good to review the whole thing to ensure all its fair, especially for the Outer Hebrides which seems to have missed out altogether.

8. Should any of the powers currently set out in the Zetland and Orkney County Council Acts of 1974 be extended to the Western Isles and other relevant Councils?

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If ‘Yes’ please explain which powers and give the reasons for your answer.
See above.

National Islands Plan

9. Do you think the Scottish Government should introduce a ‘National Islands Plan’?

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Please explain the reasons for your answer.
It's sounds reasonable for the Scottish Government to want the best for all its people, not just important areas such as Glasgow and Edinburgh. Having a plan lets us all know what to expect, and what opportunities may be available for us as iindividuals to help ourselves.

10. Are there any specific areas you feel the plan should cover and report on?

Are there any specific areas you feel the plan should cover and report on?
Orkney is in fuel poverty, yet we are surrounded by wind turbines and have 9% added to our electricity bills to pay for subsidies, and a fuel surcharge for being in a remote area. It doesn't feel fair. Our council should be given the powers (and persuaded) to have island turbines to fuel the homes of Orkney residents. Land owners making money from residents in fuel poverty is wrong.

11. If such a plan was introduced, what in your view would be an appropriate life span for the plan – e.g. 3 years/5 years/other?

If such a plan was introduced, what in your view would be an appropriate life span for the plan – e.g. 3 years/5 years/other?
A plan needs at least five years to be effective. This does not mean five years before anything is seen to happen, but a proper plan which has facts, analysis, reasoning, objectives, and actions - from day one. The aim then being to carry out the actions over the five years, reporting on progress of those actions each year (and consequences if actions not carried out). I've seen too many plans that are written and then put on the shelf, with a pat on the back, and a tick in a box.

Plans should not be considered static, but fluid. Things change, and a plan should allow some flexibility to react. No point saying 'oh, it's in the plan, so that's what we're doing'; you need to keep reviewing your objectives to ensure the actions are going to take you there.

Constituency Protection for Na h-Eileanan an Iar

12. Do you agree that statutory protection should be given to the Na h-Eileanan an lar Scottish parliamentary constituency?

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Local Government Electoral Wards – populated Islands

13. Should the Scottish Government consider amending the Local Governance (Scotland) Act 2004 to allow the LGBCS the power to make an exception to the usual 3 or 4 member ward rule for use with respect to populated islands?

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Please explain the reasons for your answer.
I say 'no' because of the expense of having more councillors, and the vote-to-population issue that would raise.