Response 760714938

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Island Proofing

1. Is the concept of ‘Island-Proofing’ something the Scottish Government should consider placing in legislation through the proposed Islands Bill?

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2. If you answered ‘Yes’ to question 1, do you agree that Scottish Ministers should have the power to issue statutory guidance to other relevant public bodies related to island-proofing which they would be required to adhere to in exercising their functions and duties?

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3. If you answered ‘Yes’ to question 2, please state which public bodies, and what specific decisions this statutory guidance you think this should relate to?

Which public bodies?
Councils need to be guided as to the specific minimums they must provide to their island communities. Argyll & Bute Council severly lack in this area.
NHS Highland require guidance on minimum provisions for island communities.

4. Are there any other areas that you feel the policy of Island-Proofing should cover?

Are there any other areas that you feel the policy of Island-Proofing should cover?
Health in particular. Multi-skilled health workers able to carry out a whole range of duties, rather than specialised in one area.

Empowering Island Communities

5. Do you agree that the current powers Island Councils, and Councils with Island responsibilities presently have are sufficient to deliver positive outcomes for their local island communities?

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Do you agree that the current powers Island Councils, and Councils with Island responsibilities presently have are sufficient to deliver positive outcomes for their local island communities?
The power is too centralised in the Council and does not allow for differing needs of differing islands.

6. If you answered ‘No’ to question 5, please outline what additional powers you feel they require to benefit or better protect the island communities they serve, and explain the reasons for your answer

If you answered ‘No’ to question 5, please outline what additional powers you feel they require to benefit or better protect the island communities they serve, and explain the reasons for your answer
Committees should reflect the representation of the community, not the whole council:
Example. The licencing committee for the Isle of Bute has no Isle of Bute Councillors on it, so thereore does not represent the wishes or needs of the people of Bute.

7. Do you feel there is a requirement to make any additions to the existing Zetland and Orkney County Council Acts of 1974?

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8. Should any of the powers currently set out in the Zetland and Orkney County Council Acts of 1974 be extended to the Western Isles and other relevant Councils?

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National Islands Plan

9. Do you think the Scottish Government should introduce a ‘National Islands Plan’?

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Please explain the reasons for your answer.
Our Islands are very different to our mainland communities, and are very fragile to economic changes.

10. Are there any specific areas you feel the plan should cover and report on?

Are there any specific areas you feel the plan should cover and report on?
Depopulation. Specifically how to turn it around.

11. If such a plan was introduced, what in your view would be an appropriate life span for the plan – e.g. 3 years/5 years/other?

If such a plan was introduced, what in your view would be an appropriate life span for the plan – e.g. 3 years/5 years/other?
In my view it would be longer term, 5-10 years

Constituency Protection for Na h-Eileanan an Iar

12. Do you agree that statutory protection should be given to the Na h-Eileanan an lar Scottish parliamentary constituency?

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Do you agree that statutory protection should be given to the Na h-Eileanan an lar Scottish parliamentary constituency?
Not just Na h-Eileanan an lar, but also other island communities.

Local Government Electoral Wards – populated Islands

13. Should the Scottish Government consider amending the Local Governance (Scotland) Act 2004 to allow the LGBCS the power to make an exception to the usual 3 or 4 member ward rule for use with respect to populated islands?

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Please explain the reasons for your answer.
Island communities are very different and also remote from the mainland. This can mean that islands are remote from decision making.

Other General Issues not covered elsewhere

14. Please provide details of any additional issues, not addressed in your other responses, that you think should be considered in relation to the introduction of a future Islands Bill and its potential provisions.

Please provide details of any additional issues, not addressed in your other responses, that you think should be considered in relation to the introduction of a future Islands Bill and its potential provisions.
Orkney, Shetland, Hebrides etc are specific Island communities, yet within Argyll & Bute, Island communities are under represented or remote from power & decision making.