What are Scotland’s Just Transition Outcomes

Closed 14 Oct 2022

Opened 7 Jul 2022


The Just Transition Outcomes are a central part of our National Just Transition Planning Framework.

Just Transition Planning is about working collectively to identify the opportunities (and risks) associated with taking climate action.  The aim is to plan for an orderly managed transition, that supports these Just Transition outcomes.  Where the energy transition presents risks to these outcomes, for example where carbon-intensive activities will need to adapt, or are predicted to decline, then we plan action that can mitigate the worst impacts of such changes.

National Just Transition Outcomes

  1. citizens, communities and place: empowering and invigorating communities and strengthening local economies
  2. jobs, skills and education: equipping people with the skills, education and retraining required; providing access to green, fair and high-value work
  3. fair distribution of costs and benefits
  4. business and economy: supporting a strong, dynamic and productive economy, making Scotland a great place to do business
  5. adaptation and resilience: identifying risks and planning for long-term resilience against climate risks  
  6. environmental protection and restoration
  7. decarbonisation and efficiencies
  8. further equality and human rights implementation and preventing new inequalities from arising: for example, addressing fuel poverty and child poverty; furthering wider equality and human rights across protected characteristics


  • Just transition