Response 210759219

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Consultation Questionnaire

1. Is the strategy founded on the right principles?

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2. Are the four key themes identified the right ones to focus on?

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3. Do you agree with the priorities for action outlined in the 'leaders' theme?

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Are there other actions that should be considered?
Feel this key theme is paramount to driving digital learning both for educators and for learners.

4. Do you agree with the priorities for action outlined in the 'access' theme?

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Are there other actions that should be considered?
There needs to be a equity in provision of hardware, software and digital strategy. At the moment it very much depends on what each council's priority is and what budget sacrifices have been made. This therefore means that educators and learners do not have equal opportunities to learn through technologies.

5. Do you agree with the priorities for action outlined in the 'curriculum and assessment' theme?

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6. Do you agree with the priorities for action outlined in the 'teachers' theme?

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Are there other actions that should be considered?
There is a huge lack of support for educators where training and support is concerned. This has a huge issue with confidence in using digital technologies. The massive cut backs in council spending has resulted in ICT support being cut in many, if not all councils.
As stated in the SSSC code of practice for social care service workers, which includes early years practitioners/early educators:
'Provide training and development opportunities to enable social service workers to strengthen and develop their skills and knowledge' this would also include digital technologies.

7. Would you be willing to share your experiences of digital learning and teaching with us?

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If so, please provide the details you would like us to use to contact you (e.g. an email address) in the box below.
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