Response 347560462

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Consultation Questionnaire

1. Is the strategy founded on the right principles?

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Are there other principles that should be considered as we continue to develop the strategy?
Compulsory Computing Science education for all Scottish school pupils in the broad general education over S1-S3.

2. Are the four key themes identified the right ones to focus on?

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Are there other themes that should be considered?
As above

3. Do you agree with the priorities for action outlined in the 'leaders' theme?

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4. Do you agree with the priorities for action outlined in the 'access' theme?

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5. Do you agree with the priorities for action outlined in the 'curriculum and assessment' theme?

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Are there other actions that should be considered?
The SQA are not currently addressing real issues that ordinary classroom teachers of Computing Science have with the CfE National courses. The actual teachers who stand in front of pupils every day must be listened to and appropriate action taken. Engaging in a drive for digital literacy will be meaningless unless the distinction between ICT and Computing Science is properly acknowledged and schools are told that they cannot get away with teaching "ICT" when it should be ICT & Computing Science - 2 separate and distinct, but complimentary subjects.

6. Do you agree with the priorities for action outlined in the 'teachers' theme?

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Are there other actions that should be considered?
No pint in improving teachers digital literacy if they cannot regularly get access to ICT equipment in a whole class setting. This would require huge investment in infrastructure and computing equipment.

7. Would you be willing to share your experiences of digital learning and teaching with us?

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8. Is there anything else you wish to add about this strategy?

is there anything else you wish to add about this strategy?
Just to reinforce that the Scottish Government must urgently invest in a huge expansion of training of new Computing Science teachers, enforce the teaching of this subject in ALL secondary schools and start talking to the classroom teachers about the problems they are continually raising with the SQA and having them brushed aside. The current SQA approach to Computing Science is not fit for purpose.