Response 161122940

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The taking of bookings– review of regulations

1. Should the current booking office licensing regime be updated and the definition of the licensed activity amended?

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I say no as I believe all Taxi/PHC companies should have a manned office and dispatch team , from time to time problems arise with a booking and dispatch system , it is therefore imperative that customers/passengers can speak directly to the company involved to resolve any issues that may occur.

2. In what ways should the booking office licensing regime be amended?

In what ways should the booking office licensing regime be amended?
All offices should have someone available 24/7 to answer any calls from passengers.

3. What would be the impact for local Licensing Authorities, the trade and the public?

What would be the impact for local Licensing Authorities, the trade and the public?
A safe journey is vitally important to both trade and public , this should be at the core of this industry.
Allowing faceless companies hiding behind apps to operate in any city is a recipe for disaster.

4. Should the current exemption to the licensing regime for booking offices with three or less relevant vehicles be amended?

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Local presence

8. If a business is taking bookings where should it be registered? For example should it be registered in every local authority where it takes bookings?

If a business is taking bookings where should it be registered? For example should it be registered in every local authority where it takes bookings?
Any business should be licensed by every local authority it operates in ,

9. What sort of information or assistance should a business taking bookings be required to provide and to whom?

What sort of information or assistance should a business taking bookings be required to provide and to whom?
Information on every driver should be made available to the local license authority , I would go further and insist that all licensed Taxi/PHC drivers should only be allowed to drive if they have a disclosure Scotland certificate,
This would go a long way to protect passengers from any rogue drivers

10. Do you have other concerns about where the taking of bookings should be licensed?

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I do believe that all bookings should essentially go through a local booking office

11. Should the current position and status quo be maintained?

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Taxi and private hire car maximum fares

12. Would it be appropriate for taxis and private hire cars to be required to have a taximeter?

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In the interest of the public they should be assured that they will not be overcharged at any time,
Every Taxi and PHC vehicle should be required to have a local authority tariffed meter in the vehicle , surging prices when there is high demand is a totally unfair practice by app based companies.

13. Should the Scottish Government impose the requirement of a taximeter on all taxis and private hire cars ?

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The government should indeed make this law ,app based companies are ripping off the public and it needs to be regulated

15. What would be the impact, for example additional costs, of requiring all taxis and private hire car vehicles to install and operate a taximeter. In particular could this jeopardise provision in rural areas?

What would be the impact, for example additional costs, of requiring all taxis and private hire car vehicles to install and operate a taximeter. In particular could this jeopardise provision in rural areas?
Minimal cost impact to those currently operating without a taxi-meter, a brand new meter can be bought and installed for around £250

16. Are you aware of particular problems with the charging of fares in your local area?

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Redacted textare currently surging prices every single day in Edinburgh catching out members of the public who believe they are using a cheaper option only to find their accounts have been debited for considerably more than the local taxi rate.
Sometimes as high as 5x

17. Can you suggest, or have you experienced licensing authority good practice in relation to fares?

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Edinburgh City Council keep a tight regulation on Taxis , it would be fair practice if all PHC vehicles were afforded this same tight regulations

Other Concerns

18. Do you have any additional concerns regarding the issues raised in this consultation?

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App based companies operating overseas are taking millions of pounds out of this country and if not regulated we could find our streets littered with parked PHC vehicles as there are currently no limits to it's numbers , London already has a huge problem where PHC vehicles now out number Taxis by 5 to 1 , they are bursting at the seems where PHC vehicles park in local residence areas causing major disruption for local residents

19. Do you have any suggestions or are you aware of existing good practice, for addressing the issues raised in this consultation?

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Allow local authorities to put a limit on the amount of PHC vehicles they license , insist that all Taxi/PHC drivers have a valid disclosure Scotland certificate , all vehicles must have a taxi meter before they be allowed to operate