Response 484394439

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david martin

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The taking of bookings– review of regulations

1. Should the current booking office licensing regime be updated and the definition of the licensed activity amended?

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The current definition of a booking office means you can stand in the Grassmarket with an ipad and call yourself a "booking office" thisis lax and abuses the definition and should be addressed in my opinion

This is encouraging certain cab operators to circumvent the definition

2. In what ways should the booking office licensing regime be amended?

In what ways should the booking office licensing regime be amended?
please see previous answer

3. What would be the impact for local Licensing Authorities, the trade and the public?

What would be the impact for local Licensing Authorities, the trade and the public?
It would discourage the type of operator who is bringing this trade down in the eyes of the public

4. Should the current exemption to the licensing regime for booking offices with three or less relevant vehicles be amended?

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another loophole to be plugged

5. What should the limit be amended to?

What should the limit be amended to?
any organisation who wants to operate licensed vehicles

6. What would be the impact for local Licensing Authorities, the trade and the public?

What would be the impact for local Licensing Authorities, the trade and the public?
? not a yes no answer?

Doing these simple amendments, and tightening up licencing laws will level the playing field and hopefully make the licensing depts job a bit easier

Local presence

8. If a business is taking bookings where should it be registered? For example should it be registered in every local authority where it takes bookings?

If a business is taking bookings where should it be registered? For example should it be registered in every local authority where it takes bookings?
yes, local authority
i would imagine it would make them more accountable

9. What sort of information or assistance should a business taking bookings be required to provide and to whom?

What sort of information or assistance should a business taking bookings be required to provide and to whom?
full disclosure,
company house details,
HMRC designation

10. Do you have other concerns about where the taking of bookings should be licensed?

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The current set up is weak and needs to be tightened up
it cant be right that operators with ipads can run rings round the council

11. Should the current position and status quo be maintained?

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Taxi and private hire car maximum fares

12. Would it be appropriate for taxis and private hire cars to be required to have a taximeter?

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The anecdotal stories i hear about overcharging from Phc also under the guise of Redacted text
are frightening and currently go unchallenged by anyone
As a blackcab owner i would be in front of the cab inspector for overcharging there is no evidence it is being policed at all by the cab office

13. Should the Scottish Government impose the requirement of a taximeter on all taxis and private hire cars ?

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15. What would be the impact, for example additional costs, of requiring all taxis and private hire car vehicles to install and operate a taximeter. In particular could this jeopardise provision in rural areas?

What would be the impact, for example additional costs, of requiring all taxis and private hire car vehicles to install and operate a taximeter. In particular could this jeopardise provision in rural areas?
a meter costs approx £ 300
hardly a bank bursting cost

16. Are you aware of particular problems with the charging of fares in your local area?

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see q12

17. Can you suggest, or have you experienced licensing authority good practice in relation to fares?

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Other Concerns

18. Do you have any additional concerns regarding the issues raised in this consultation?

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The whole licensing of Phc is a mess, from illegal drivers, inappropriate behaviour to female passengers,
condition of vehicles, overcharging, actual ownership off said phc companies ( organised crime?)

19. Do you have any suggestions or are you aware of existing good practice, for addressing the issues raised in this consultation?

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as 18 above