Response 679247045

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Argyll and Bute Council

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The taking of bookings– review of regulations

1. Should the current booking office licensing regime be updated and the definition of the licensed activity amended?

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The definition should be amended to take into account that the impact of modern technology means it will not be necessary to have physical premises in order to take bookings.

2. In what ways should the booking office licensing regime be amended?

In what ways should the booking office licensing regime be amended?
The regime should be amended as above and in addition, the exemption should be amended to booking offices with more than one relevant vehicle, i.e. 2 or more.

This would provide certainty for operators about when a licence was required as well as increasing public protection in that all hire car bookings would be retained for all but operators with one vehicle.

3. What would be the impact for local Licensing Authorities, the trade and the public?

What would be the impact for local Licensing Authorities, the trade and the public?
While there would be administrative costs involved for the Local Authority, these would not be significant.

There would be additional costs to the trade in that should the exemption be reduced, more operators would be required to obtain a licence, however again these costs would not be significant.

The public would have increased protection as details of all hire car bookings would be retained and be accessible by both the Local Authority and Police Scotland if required.

4. Should the current exemption to the licensing regime for booking offices with three or less relevant vehicles be amended?

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See answer 2

5. What should the limit be amended to?

What should the limit be amended to?
2 or more.

6. What would be the impact for local Licensing Authorities, the trade and the public?

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What would be the impact for local Licensing Authorities, the trade and the public?
See answer 3

Local presence

8. If a business is taking bookings where should it be registered? For example should it be registered in every local authority where it takes bookings?

If a business is taking bookings where should it be registered? For example should it be registered in every local authority where it takes bookings?
The business should be licenced in the location where it is based. For example businesses operating exclusively or mainly from Argyll and Bute should be registered there. There should be no requirement for businesses to be registered in more than one location.

9. What sort of information or assistance should a business taking bookings be required to provide and to whom?

What sort of information or assistance should a business taking bookings be required to provide and to whom?
Business should ensure that customers are aware of their complaints procedure. In addition, they should ensure that details of drivers employed by them, and full details of all pre-booked journeys including date, time, pick up point and destination are recorded for access if required by the Police Scotland and/or the local authority.

10. Do you have other concerns about where the taking of bookings should be licensed?

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11. Should the current position and status quo be maintained?

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Taxi and private hire car maximum fares

12. Would it be appropriate for taxis and private hire cars to be required to have a taximeter?

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The current requirement for all taxis to have a meter should continue, however Argyll and Bute do not feel that this should be extended to private hire vehicles. The cost of installing meters could be a disincentive to businesses already operating in the area to continue and consequently could adversely affect provision in the area. The cost/charge of journeys should be left to the discretion of the operator/driver.

Additionally, PHC’s in Argyll and Bute are used for contract work including School transport where the cost is agreed in advance as part of the contract. There is no requirement for a meter in these situations.

13. Should the Scottish Government impose the requirement of a taximeter on all taxis and private hire cars ?

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15. What would be the impact, for example additional costs, of requiring all taxis and private hire car vehicles to install and operate a taximeter. In particular could this jeopardise provision in rural areas?

What would be the impact, for example additional costs, of requiring all taxis and private hire car vehicles to install and operate a taximeter. In particular could this jeopardise provision in rural areas?
As per question 12. The cost of installing meters could be a disincentive to businesses already operating in the area to continue and consequently could adverse provision in the area.

16. Are you aware of particular problems with the charging of fares in your local area?

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There have been occasional complaints in relation to over-charging for the distance travelled in terms of customers who do no know the area they are in, however these are not significant.

17. Can you suggest, or have you experienced licensing authority good practice in relation to fares?

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Other Concerns

18. Do you have any additional concerns regarding the issues raised in this consultation?

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19. Do you have any suggestions or are you aware of existing good practice, for addressing the issues raised in this consultation?

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