Response 821732258

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1. Do you agree with the proposal that community bodies should have regard to any Locality Plan that is in place for the area under consideration when preparing their Local Place Plan?

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Please comment on your answer (particularly if you do not agree)
Provides context.

2. Do you consider that community bodies should have to have regard to other additional matters beyond the Locality Plan when preparing their Local Place Plan?

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Please comment on your answer, giving examples (particularly if you agree)
Don't know what is meant by 'other additional matters'.

3. Do you agree with the proposal that an LPP should contain a statement setting out the community’s proposals plus a map of the area, setting out the LPP boundary?

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Please comment on your answer (particularly if you do not agree)
Seems obvious

4. Do you think a requirement for the community body to engage and seek the views of people to assist in the preparation of an LPP should be set out in law?

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Please comment on your answer
Adds unecessary complexity

6. Do you agree with the proposal that there should be a minimum statutory requirement on the community body to consult the community once a draft LPP has been prepared and before submitting an LPP?

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Please comment on your answer (particularly if you do not agree)
Seems obvious

7. If a requirement to consult across the community on the content of a draft LPP is to be put into law, what should any minimum requirement be?

Please explain your view
Each household should be contacted, email, mail, local web site.

8. Do you agree with the proposal that the community body should seek the views of ward councillors when preparing the LPP?

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Please comment on your answer - particularly if you do not agree or have a view as to how ward councillors’ views should be taken into account or reported?
They should be consulted while noting their views are not definitive.

9. Do you agree that, alongside the LPP itself, the community body should submit a statement on how it has complied with the legal requirements?

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10. Do you agree the requirements planning authorities have to keep the register of local place plans should be aligned to the existing arrangements for registers?

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11. Do you agree that the additional information provided by the community body alongside the LPP should be kept on the register of local place plans?

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12. Please provide your views on the level and content of information to be placed on the register.

Please explain your views

13. Do you agree with the proposal that a planning authority may remove an LPP from the register once it has been taken into account in the LDP, and must do so when requested by the community body that prepared it?

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Please comment on your answer (particularly if you do not agree)
Onlye if the community agrees.

14. Do you agree the requirements planning authorities have for making the map of local place plans available should be aligned to the existing arrangements for registers?

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15. Please give us any views you have on the content of these partial assessments.

Please explain your view

16. Do you have or can you direct us to any information that would assist in finalising these assessments?

Please explain your view
The completed Local Place Standard assessment tool questionnaires should be carefully considered.

17. Please give us your views on the Fairer Scotland Duty and Strategic Environmental Assessment screening documents and our conclusion that full assessments are not required.

Please explain your view

18. If you consider that full assessments are required, please suggest any information sources that could help inform these assessments?

Please explain your view
Local Place Standard assessments.

About you

What is your name?

Rev. Bill Landale

Are you responding as an individual or an organisation?

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What is your organisation?

Longformacus & Cranshaws Community Coulncil