Response 523101791

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1. Do you support the preferred option to close fishing for sandeel throughout all of Scottish waters?

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3. Is there any further evidence that should be considered in terms of the potential benefits or value of the preferred option that could be considered?

Sandeel are at the base of the food chain for the marine ecosystem. If we protect sandeel we protect countless species of fish and birds. Anyone who spends time outdoors, for example, anglers, can attest to a great decline in sandeel numbers. Together with them fish catches are also declining which is a strong indicator of declining population. You can see these declines in such short time span as only last decade!

4. Is there any further evidence that should be considered to demonstrate any impact on island communities?

Island communities don't eat sandeel. They can eat fish and they can attract tourists (like anglers) to eco-diverse and healthy shores and coasts.

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