Consultation on new Management Measures for Crab and Lobster Landings into Orkney

Closed 15 May 2015

Opened 20 Feb 2015

Feedback updated 7 Jan 2016

We asked

For views on proposed management measures for the lobster, velvet crab and green crab fisheries in the Orkney Islands.

You said

A total of 46 responses were received. The majority came from individual Orkney fishermen, along with organisations involved in the fishing industry, either in Orkney or elsewhere in Scotland.

A majority of respondents supported the proposed measures, with over 80% in favour of each proposal.

We did

We analysed the consultation responses and published an outcome report in October 2015.

The finalised management measures will be introduced into legislation, and are due to come into force in early 2016.

Results updated 5 Oct 2015

This report is the outcome of Marine Scotland’s 'Consultation on new Management Measures on Crab and Lobster Landings into Orkney', which took place from 20 February 2015 to 15 May 2015.

The report provides summaries of the respondents to the consultation and their responses to the questions posed. It also provides a conclusion on the consultation process and next steps.

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The report can also be viewed in HTML on the Scottish Government website.

Published responses

View submitted responses where consent has been given to publish the response.


(Photograph by Velela)


This consultation seeks views on:

  • increasing the minimum landing size (MLS) for velvet crab (Necora puber) landed into Orkney from 65 mm to 70 mm carapace width
  • increasing the MLS for lobster (Homarus gammarus) landed into Orkney from 87 mm to 90 mm carapace length over a three year period
  • introducing a MLS for green crab (Carcinus maenas) landed into Orkney of 70 mm carapace width
  • prohibiting the landing of berried velvet crab (Necora puber) caught in the six nautical miles around Orkney
  • whether there should be new restrictions on carriage in the six nautical miles around Orkney to accompany these measures


Landings of these species were worth £2.5 million to the economy of Orkney in 2013, and more when processing and other related activities are included. The velvet crab and lobster stocks around Orkney are both currently assessed to be fished at levels close to or above the FMSY proxy. FMSY is the fishing mortality consistent with the largest average yield that can continuously be taken from a stock under prevailing environmental conditions. When a stock is fished above FMSY, it is advisable that measures be introduced to reduce fishing mortality to achieve a higher yield and biomass in the long term. There is currently no assessment of the green crab stock around Orkney.

These measures were developed and proposed by Orkney Sustainable Fisheries Ltd, which is part of the Inshore Fisheries Group network, and are intended to help improve the sustainability of these fisheries through the regulation of harvesting controls.


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Why your views matter

The purpose of this consultation document is to seek the views of those with an interest in shellfish fisheries in Orkney, in order to inform policy decisions. The consultation will last for 12 weeks, commencing on Friday 20 February 2015 with a deadline of Friday 15 May 2015 for responses.

The views and suggestions received in consultation responses will be analysed and fed into the decision making process. Final decisions on the issues under consideration will also take account of a range of other factors, including any otheravailable information and research evidence.

What happens next

The consultation will last for 12 weeks, commencing on Friday 20 February 2015 with a deadline of Friday 15 May 2015 for responses.

The views and suggestions received in consultation responses will be analysed and fed into the decision making process. Final decisions on the issues under consideration will also take account of a range of other factors, including any other available information and research evidence.


  • Marine and Fisheries