Response 683208251

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1. Do you support increasing the MLS for velvet crab landed into Orkney from 65 mm to 70 mm carapace width?

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Radio button: Unticked Don't Know

2. Do you support increasing the MLS for lobster landed into Orkney from 87 mm to 90 mm carapace length over a three year period?

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Radio button: Unticked Don't Know

3. Do you support introducing a MLS for green crab landed into Orkney of 70 mm carapace width?

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Radio button: Unticked Don't Know

4. Do you support prohibiting the landing of berried velvet crab caught in the six nautical miles around Orkney?

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Radio button: Unticked Don't Know

5. Would you support new restrictions on carriage in the six nautical miles around Orkney to accompany these measures?

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