Response 138697324

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Proposal 1 - The Inner Sound of Skye

1. Do you agree that the pilot proposal for the Inner Sound of Skye should be taken forward by Marine Scotland as described?

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Please set out the reasons for your answer.
Economic benefit - more jobs for local fishermen in an area where employment opportunities are limited. Fishing is a local traditional industry. Creel boats employ more people than trawlers do already. But many creel boats now fish single handed out of financial necessity. This makes an already dangerous job much more dangerous. Increased year round catch with possible increase in landable size (if size limits are brought in with the proposal) will make it easier for single handers to take on a crew person. Creel boats also lose thousands of £ per year having their gear hauled by trawlers.

Sustainability - the fishing industry has a long and global history of failure in stock management. The proposal is an opportunity to manage the fishery on our doorstep. This fishery is an amazing gift in our back yard. Without management the herring and white fisheries have already been wiped out in this area. The proposal creates an opportunity to scientifically evaluate the fishery and to then have evidence to base future decisions. As per the proposal and the numerous studies quoted within there is already evidence to suggest that not trawling the sea bed/water column will allow a recovery in fish stocks in the area.

2. What is your view on the possible impact, both positive and negative, of amending the current six month restriction so that all mobile gear fishing is prohibited throughout the duration of the pilot?

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There are many positives to the proposal. The most tangible and guaranteed benefits are; no gear conflict will save static gear boats having their fleets hauled and ruined by trawl boats, larger area clear to fish all year round for static gear boats so catch and income should be more stable, next to zero bycatch from static gear, less disturbance of the sea bed allowing habitat restoration. The above factors should have a positive influence on boats income and then employment and the local economy. The hoped for benefits in the environment are then habitat restoration leading to stock increase in Nephrops, Shellfish and all other types of fish. This in turn creates a sustainable fishery which will provide jobs and food for future generations.
Mobile gear boats will lose out in the local area if the proposal goes ahead. They will either have to swap to static gear or fish in the areas just outside the trial area which may then create gear conflict with the static gear boats in these adjacent areas.

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