Proposal 1 - The Inner Sound of Skye
1. Do you agree that the pilot proposal for the Inner Sound of Skye should be taken forward by Marine Scotland as described?
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Please set out the reasons for your answer.
I believe that this would allow for the development of a more sustainable fishery that will have a much more acceptable level of impact on the environment and welcome this pilot scheme as a way forward.
2. What is your view on the possible impact, both positive and negative, of amending the current six month restriction so that all mobile gear fishing is prohibited throughout the duration of the pilot?
Please write your response here.
Less disturbance of the seabed.
A more sustainable fishery.
End cross sectoral gear conflict in the proposed area.
Some mobile gear boats would have to travel further.
A more sustainable fishery.
End cross sectoral gear conflict in the proposed area.
Some mobile gear boats would have to travel further.
About you
Are you responding as an individual or an organisation?
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