Proposal 1 - The Inner Sound of Skye
1. Do you agree that the pilot proposal for the Inner Sound of Skye should be taken forward by Marine Scotland as described?
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Because it does the ground good to have both mobile and static fishing in the area, if it was only static gear all year round catch numbers would go down. Also, the area is an area that mobile gear vessels can safely fish in poor weather conditions.
2. What is your view on the possible impact, both positive and negative, of amending the current six month restriction so that all mobile gear fishing is prohibited throughout the duration of the pilot?
Please write your response here.
It would have a negative impact on both fishermen & ports that those boats land into. There is a sustainable system currently in place so why change it?
Proposal 4 - Outer Hebrides
13. Do you agree that the pilot proposal for the management of creel numbers around the Outer Hebrides should be taken forward by Marine Scotland as described?
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Please set out the reasons for your answer.
A small minority of boats are working too much gear making it unfair for the other boats trying to get space in areas there fishing.
14. What is your view on the possible impact, both positive and negative, of limiting permitted creel numbers based on vessel size?
Please write your response here.
It will have a positive impact as there should be less gear on the ground which will mean there should be less gear conflict as it won't be so tight on space.
15. What is your view on the possible impact, both positive and negative, of requiring that all marker buoys set must clearly display the vessel’s name and registration number?
Please write your response here.
This should be the case already.
16. What is your view on the possible impact, both positive and negative, of requiring that no vessel may haul another vessel’s creels without first obtaining clearance from Marine Scotland Compliance?
Please write your response here.
About you
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