Response 523758121

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Proposal 1 - The Inner Sound of Skye

1. Do you agree that the pilot proposal for the Inner Sound of Skye should be taken forward by Marine Scotland as described?

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Please set out the reasons for your answer.
This is a most welcome proposal and arguably mobile gear should have been banned from the Inner Sound of Skye years ago. The fact that the proposal is being considered now is recognition that the situation has been tolerated for too long and should be remedied. there are sound economic, social and environmental arguments for its adoption.

2. What is your view on the possible impact, both positive and negative, of amending the current six month restriction so that all mobile gear fishing is prohibited throughout the duration of the pilot?

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The most obvious positive impact will be on creel fishing, the morale of those engaged in the fishery with the knowledge that their creels will not be towed away or damaged. They will be able to plan for the longer term by providing certainty to creel fishermen and security in planning their long term sustainable futures. The proposal describes the situation of creel fishermen well, operating small boats single or double handed, and the importance of knowledge that they will be working in an area protected from mobile gear boats cannot be overestimated. Central to the proposal is sound locally-empowered monitoring and management of the fishery and what is planned should be encouraged, supported and resourced. A further positive impact will be on issues of conservation, especially with recent adjacent MPA status receving protection from incursion.

The negatives will be perceived as loss of ground and opportunity for mobile gear boats. This is conceded, but they do have options, where the creel fishermen have none - by concentrating on other areas alone; or diversifying into creel fishing themselves. The positives considerably outweigh the negatives.

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Colin McAndrew

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