Response 935355853

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Proposal 2 - West Coast RIFG - Mull Crabbing Box

3. Do you agree that the pilot proposal for the Mull Crabbing Box should be taken forward by Marine Scotland as described?

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As Chair of Tobermory Harbour I know that local controls and local input into the management of Stocks is critical to sustaining and growing our valuable fishing heritage.

The Mull fishermen are showing a great leadership in securing agreements from both the static and the mobile sectors (scallops) and we support this example of cooperation between sectors

4. What is your view on the possible impact, both positive and negative, of the introduction of a seasonal restriction on mobile gear activity in the area for the duration of the pilot?

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This is all about the long term sustainability of stocks and for the harbour this will result in more local boats and more local employment. We are hope to invest in new Phase 6 infrastructure for the fishing sector at Tobermory and we welcome long term sustainability.

Parts of this box are good for scallops and other parts in the North east of the box are pure shell sand. As these areas are exposed and the proposed closures are in the winter the short term impact should be minimal and in the long term this box will also help to sustain stocks.

5. What is your view on the possible impact, both positive and negative, of whether a seasonal restriction on the number of creels in the relevant area should be put in place for the duration of the pilot?

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Brian Swinbanks

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Tobermory Harbour Authority