Response 862108502

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Proposed river gradings for the 2024 fishing season

1. Do you agree with the proposed river gradings for the 2024 season?

Please select one item
Radio button: Unticked I agree with the proposed changes
Radio button: Unticked I disagree with the proposed changes
Radio button: Ticked I neither agree or disagree with the proposed changes
Please explain your answer.
SANA respects the basis of assessment and has no objections to the proposals.

However, in tune with the evidence-based approach to the subject, it is important that individual fishery should have the opportunity to challenge if they have additional information on the subject.

2. Please indicate your particular area of interest in the conservation assessment.

Please select all that apply
Checkbox: Ticked I am interested in the whole assessment process
Checkbox: Ticked I am interested in the proposed gradings for all of Scotland
Checkbox: Unticked I am interested in the proposed gradings for a number of districts and/or river areas
Checkbox: Unticked I am interested in the proposed gradings for a particular district or river area
Checkbox: Unticked I am interested in all of the above
Checkbox: Unticked I am not interested in any of the above
Please explain your answer.
SANA represents the interests of game anglers throughout Scotland.


8. Do you have any further comments you wish to add?

Please provide any further comments.
SANA is grateful that Scottish Ministers are continuing the ban on netting by fixed engines on the Scottish East Coast.

However, we have outstanding concerns about the impacts on stocks of salmon and sea trout in Scotland of fixed engine netting in the North East of England. We ask that Scottish Minsters make representation on the matter.

About you

11. Are you responding as an individual or an organisation?

Please select one item
Radio button: Unticked Individual
Radio button: Ticked Organisation

12. What is your organisation?

Scottish Anglers National Association