Draft Policy Framework
Question 1. What is your view of the aims and purpose of Highly Protected Marine Areas as set out in sections 2 and 3 of the draft Policy Framework?
Please select one item
Radio button:
Strongly support
Radio button:
Radio button:
Radio button:
Radio button:
Strongly oppose
Please explain your answer in the text box
As a creel fisherman who fishes in an MPA in the Firth of Lorne i think that a blanket ban of ALL types of commercial fishing in an HPMA is extremely unfair and completely unnecessary.I agree that some areas should be closed off to mobile gear boats as they are the ones causing the harm but to completely close an area would put many fisherman out of work as they are unable to fish anywhere else.Many of these fisherman have young families to support in fragile island communities,ironicaly something the SNP have always strived to protect.I have fished for over 30years and surely know the sea better than anyone and to say the Firth of Lorne need further protection is put and utter political folly.
Question 2. What is your view of the effectiveness of the approaches to manage the activities listed below, as set out in section 6 of the draft Policy Framework, in order to achieve the aims and purpose of HPMAs?
Commercial fishing (of any kind) Strongly support Radio button: Not checked Strongly support | Commercial fishing (of any kind) Support Radio button: Not checked Support | Commercial fishing (of any kind) Neutral Radio button: Not checked Neutral | Commercial fishing (of any kind) Oppose Radio button: Not checked Oppose | Commercial fishing (of any kind) Strongly oppose Radio button: Checked Strongly oppose |
Recreational fishing (of any kind) Strongly support Radio button: Not checked Strongly support | Recreational fishing (of any kind) Support Radio button: Not checked Support | Recreational fishing (of any kind) Neutral Radio button: Checked Neutral | Recreational fishing (of any kind) Oppose Radio button: Not checked Oppose | Recreational fishing (of any kind) Strongly oppose Radio button: Not checked Strongly oppose |
All other recreational activities Strongly support Radio button: Not checked Strongly support | All other recreational activities Support Radio button: Not checked Support | All other recreational activities Neutral Radio button: Checked Neutral | All other recreational activities Oppose Radio button: Not checked Oppose | All other recreational activities Strongly oppose Radio button: Not checked Strongly oppose |
Finfish aquaculture Strongly support Radio button: Not checked Strongly support | Finfish aquaculture Support Radio button: Not checked Support | Finfish aquaculture Neutral Radio button: Checked Neutral | Finfish aquaculture Oppose Radio button: Not checked Oppose | Finfish aquaculture Strongly oppose Radio button: Not checked Strongly oppose |
Shellfish aquaculture Strongly support Radio button: Not checked Strongly support | Shellfish aquaculture Support Radio button: Not checked Support | Shellfish aquaculture Neutral Radio button: Not checked Neutral | Shellfish aquaculture Oppose Radio button: Not checked Oppose | Shellfish aquaculture Strongly oppose Radio button: Checked Strongly oppose |
Seaweed harvesting Strongly support Radio button: Not checked Strongly support | Seaweed harvesting Support Radio button: Not checked Support | Seaweed harvesting Neutral Radio button: Checked Neutral | Seaweed harvesting Oppose Radio button: Not checked Oppose | Seaweed harvesting Strongly oppose Radio button: Not checked Strongly oppose |
Oil and gas sector Strongly support Radio button: Not checked Strongly support | Oil and gas sector Support Radio button: Not checked Support | Oil and gas sector Neutral Radio button: Checked Neutral | Oil and gas sector Oppose Radio button: Not checked Oppose | Oil and gas sector Strongly oppose Radio button: Not checked Strongly oppose |
Renewable energy Strongly support Radio button: Not checked Strongly support | Renewable energy Support Radio button: Not checked Support | Renewable energy Neutral Radio button: Checked Neutral | Renewable energy Oppose Radio button: Not checked Oppose | Renewable energy Strongly oppose Radio button: Not checked Strongly oppose |
Carbon capture, utilisation and storage Strongly support Radio button: Not checked Strongly support | Carbon capture, utilisation and storage Support Radio button: Not checked Support | Carbon capture, utilisation and storage Neutral Radio button: Checked Neutral | Carbon capture, utilisation and storage Oppose Radio button: Not checked Oppose | Carbon capture, utilisation and storage Strongly oppose Radio button: Not checked Strongly oppose |
Subsea cables Strongly support Radio button: Not checked Strongly support | Subsea cables Support Radio button: Not checked Support | Subsea cables Neutral Radio button: Checked Neutral | Subsea cables Oppose Radio button: Not checked Oppose | Subsea cables Strongly oppose Radio button: Not checked Strongly oppose |
Aggregate extraction Strongly support Radio button: Not checked Strongly support | Aggregate extraction Support Radio button: Not checked Support | Aggregate extraction Neutral Radio button: Checked Neutral | Aggregate extraction Oppose Radio button: Not checked Oppose | Aggregate extraction Strongly oppose Radio button: Not checked Strongly oppose |
Ports and harbours Strongly support Radio button: Not checked Strongly support | Ports and harbours Support Radio button: Not checked Support | Ports and harbours Neutral Radio button: Checked Neutral | Ports and harbours Oppose Radio button: Not checked Oppose | Ports and harbours Strongly oppose Radio button: Not checked Strongly oppose |
Shipping and ferries Strongly support Radio button: Not checked Strongly support | Shipping and ferries Support Radio button: Not checked Support | Shipping and ferries Neutral Radio button: Checked Neutral | Shipping and ferries Oppose Radio button: Not checked Oppose | Shipping and ferries Strongly oppose Radio button: Not checked Strongly oppose |
Military and defence Strongly support Radio button: Not checked Strongly support | Military and defence Support Radio button: Not checked Support | Military and defence Neutral Radio button: Checked Neutral | Military and defence Oppose Radio button: Not checked Oppose | Military and defence Strongly oppose Radio button: Not checked Strongly oppose |
Hydrogen production Strongly support Radio button: Not checked Strongly support | Hydrogen production Support Radio button: Not checked Support | Hydrogen production Neutral Radio button: Checked Neutral | Hydrogen production Oppose Radio button: Not checked Oppose | Hydrogen production Strongly oppose Radio button: Not checked Strongly oppose |
Space Ports Strongly support Radio button: Not checked Strongly support | Space Ports Support Radio button: Not checked Support | Space Ports Neutral Radio button: Checked Neutral | Space Ports Oppose Radio button: Not checked Oppose | Space Ports Strongly oppose Radio button: Not checked Strongly oppose |
Question 3. What is your view of the proposed additional powers set out in section 8.3.2 of the draft Policy Framework: “Allow for activities to be prohibited from the point of designation to afford high levels of protection.”
Please select one item
Radio button:
Strongly support
Radio button:
Radio button:
Radio button:
Radio button:
Strongly oppose
Please explain your answer in the text box
Completely unnecessary.The seas where i fish are protected enough by being designated as an MPA and banning mobile gear.Static gear does little harm.
Question 4. What is your view of the proposed additional powers set out in section 8.3.3 of the draft Policy Framework: “Establish processes to permit certain limited activities within a HPMA on a case-by-case basis for specified reasons.”
Please select one item
Radio button:
Strongly support
Radio button:
Radio button:
Radio button:
Radio button:
Strongly oppose
Please explain your answer in the text box.
I don't think conservation bodies should have the final say in whether a boat can fish in an area or not when they cannot prove that the type of fishing being carried out,Static gear does any harm to the seabed or the biodiversity
Question 5. What is your view of the proposed additional powers set out in section 8.3.4 of the draft Policy Framework: “Activities which are not permitted in a HPMA but are justified in specified cases of emergency or force majeure.”
Please select one item
Radio button:
Strongly support
Radio button:
Radio button:
Radio button:
Radio button:
Strongly oppose
Question 6. What is your view of the proposed additional powers set out in section 8.3.5 of the draft Policy Framework: “Measures for activities allowed and carefully managed in HPMAs.”
Please select one item
Radio button:
Strongly support
Radio button:
Radio button:
Radio button:
Radio button:
Strongly oppose
Please explain your answer in the text box.
Ofcourse people should be allowed to enjoy the sea just the same as creel fisherman should be allowed to earn a living, just the same as people can walk across a farmers field while the farmer earns a living
Question 7. Do you have any further comments on the draft Policy Framework, which have not been covered by your answers to the previous questions?
Please add your response in the text box
Why do you think creel fisherman should be completely banned from areas they have historically fished for decades without damaging the seabed?Surely if our fishing was unsustainable and destructive we wouldn't be able to make a living.Creel fishing is selective and only targets prawns,everything else is put back alive.What harm are we doing could you please tell us?
Draft Site Selection Guidelines
Question 8. What is your view of the proposal that HPMA site identification should be based upon the “functions and resources of significance to Scotland’s seas," as set out in Annex B of the draft Site Selection Guidelines?
Blue Carbon Strongly support Radio button: Not checked Strongly support | Blue Carbon Support Radio button: Not checked Support | Blue Carbon Neutral Radio button: Checked Neutral | Blue Carbon Oppose Radio button: Not checked Oppose | Blue Carbon Strongly oppose Radio button: Not checked Strongly oppose |
Essential Fish Habitats Strongly support Radio button: Not checked Strongly support | Essential Fish Habitats Support Radio button: Not checked Support | Essential Fish Habitats Neutral Radio button: Checked Neutral | Essential Fish Habitats Oppose Radio button: Not checked Oppose | Essential Fish Habitats Strongly oppose Radio button: Not checked Strongly oppose |
Strengthening the Scottish MPA network Strongly support Radio button: Not checked Strongly support | Strengthening the Scottish MPA network Support Radio button: Not checked Support | Strengthening the Scottish MPA network Neutral Radio button: Checked Neutral | Strengthening the Scottish MPA network Oppose Radio button: Not checked Oppose | Strengthening the Scottish MPA network Strongly oppose Radio button: Not checked Strongly oppose |
Protection from storms and sea level rise Strongly support Radio button: Not checked Strongly support | Protection from storms and sea level rise Support Radio button: Not checked Support | Protection from storms and sea level rise Neutral Radio button: Checked Neutral | Protection from storms and sea level rise Oppose Radio button: Not checked Oppose | Protection from storms and sea level rise Strongly oppose Radio button: Not checked Strongly oppose |
Research and education Strongly support Radio button: Not checked Strongly support | Research and education Support Radio button: Not checked Support | Research and education Neutral Radio button: Checked Neutral | Research and education Oppose Radio button: Not checked Oppose | Research and education Strongly oppose Radio button: Not checked Strongly oppose |
Enjoyment and appreciation Strongly support Radio button: Not checked Strongly support | Enjoyment and appreciation Support Radio button: Not checked Support | Enjoyment and appreciation Neutral Radio button: Checked Neutral | Enjoyment and appreciation Oppose Radio button: Not checked Oppose | Enjoyment and appreciation Strongly oppose Radio button: Not checked Strongly oppose |
Other important ecosystem services Strongly support Radio button: Not checked Strongly support | Other important ecosystem services Support Radio button: Not checked Support | Other important ecosystem services Neutral Radio button: Checked Neutral | Other important ecosystem services Oppose Radio button: Not checked Oppose | Other important ecosystem services Strongly oppose Radio button: Not checked Strongly oppose |
Question 9. What is your view of the general principles that are intended to inform the approach to HPMA selection, as listed below and set out in section 4.1 of the draft Site Selection Guidelines?
Use of a robust evidence base Strongly support Radio button: Not checked Strongly support | Use of a robust evidence base Support Radio button: Not checked Support | Use of a robust evidence base Neutral Radio button: Checked Neutral | Use of a robust evidence base Oppose Radio button: Not checked Oppose | Use of a robust evidence base Strongly oppose Radio button: Not checked Strongly oppose |
HPMA scale and the use of functional ecosystem units Strongly support Radio button: Not checked Strongly support | HPMA scale and the use of functional ecosystem units Support Radio button: Not checked Support | HPMA scale and the use of functional ecosystem units Neutral Radio button: Checked Neutral | HPMA scale and the use of functional ecosystem units Oppose Radio button: Not checked Oppose | HPMA scale and the use of functional ecosystem units Strongly oppose Radio button: Not checked Strongly oppose |
Ensuring added value Strongly support Radio button: Not checked Strongly support | Ensuring added value Support Radio button: Not checked Support | Ensuring added value Neutral Radio button: Checked Neutral | Ensuring added value Oppose Radio button: Not checked Oppose | Ensuring added value Strongly oppose Radio button: Not checked Strongly oppose |
Delivering ecosystem recovery Strongly support Radio button: Not checked Strongly support | Delivering ecosystem recovery Support Radio button: Not checked Support | Delivering ecosystem recovery Neutral Radio button: Checked Neutral | Delivering ecosystem recovery Oppose Radio button: Not checked Oppose | Delivering ecosystem recovery Strongly oppose Radio button: Not checked Strongly oppose |
Question 10. What is your view of the proposed five-stage site selection process, found in sections 4.2 and 4.3 as well as Figure 2 and Annex A of the draft Site Selection Guidelines?
Please select one item
Radio button:
Strongly support
Radio button:
Radio button:
Radio button:
Radio button:
Strongly oppose
Partial Island Communities Impact Assessment (ICIA) Screening Report
Question 14. What is your view of the partial ICIA screening report as an accurate representation of potential impacts, raised by implementation of the draft Policy Framework and Site Selection Guidelines?
Please select one item
Radio button:
Strongly support
Radio button:
Radio button:
Radio button:
Radio button:
Strongly oppose
Please explain your answer in the text box.
If it was it wouldn't allow HPMAs around the islands
Question 15. Do you think that the implementation of the draft Policy Framework and Site Selection Guidelines will have any significantly differential impacts - positive and/or negative - on island communities?
Please select one item
Radio button:
Radio button:
Radio button:
Not sure
Please explain your answer in the text box, including any additional impacts that have not been identified in the partial ICIA screening report.
It will be devastating to many young families that rely on fishing
Partial Business and Regulatory Impact Assessment (BRIA)
Question 16. What is your view of the partial BRIA as an accurate representation of the potential impacts, issues and considerations raised by the implementation of the draft Policy Framework and Site Selection Guidelines?
Please select one item
Radio button:
Strongly support
Radio button:
Radio button:
Radio button:
Radio button:
Strongly oppose
Please explain your answer in the text box.
no idea
Question 17. Do you think that the implementation of the draft Policy Framework and Site Selection Guidelines will have any financial, regulatory or resource implications - positive and/or negative - for you and/or your business?
Please select one item
Radio button:
Radio button:
Radio button:
Not sure
Question 18. If you answered “yes” to the previous question, please specify in the text box below, which of the proposals/actions you refer to and why you believe this would result in financial, regulatory or resource implications for your business.
I will lose my job
Our Commitment
Question 19. Do you have any further thoughts on the Scottish Government’s commitment to introduce HPMAs to at least 10% of Scottish waters?
Please add your response in the text box
Its complete madness and will 100% turn people away from voting SNP.You would protect the sea more by reintroducing the 3mile limit for mobile gear and creating HPMAs in deeper offshore areas where the EU boats do untold damage to the marine environment. Its so wrong to penalise the small inshore creel boats that do little damage to the environment.Remember tourists come to Scotland for the excellent shellfish as well as the wildlife.Would the wildlife be so exceptional if the environment was in such need of protection.Would Oban still be the Seafood capital of Scotland?
About you
Are you responding as an individual or an organisation?
Please select one item
Radio button:
Radio button:
Sector and origin
If you selected 'other' please describe your sector in the text box
Individual creel fisherman