Option 1: Track Record (history of landings)
1. What are your views on the use of recent track record as a basis for allocating Additional Quota in 2021?
Please explain your view
Issue new licences to under 10m vessels to provide uptake and employment in inshore fisheries - use additional quota allocation based on track record of larger vessels with the provision that the quota is taken more than x miles from nearest land
2. Do you think the track record period should be 2015-2019 (Marine Scotland’s preferred option)?
Please explain your view
No comment
3. Do you think the track record period should be 2017-2019?
Please explain your view
No comment
4. Do you think the track record period should be 2013-2019?
Please explain your view
No comment
Option 2: Allocating Additional Quota to Non-Sector Vessels
5. What are your views on retaining a proportion of Additional Quota for allocation to non-sector vessels subject to the proposed criteria?
Please explain your view
Non sector vessels should be given the bulk of any additional quota. No sector vessels should be afforded additional fishing opportunities based on the number of crew to incentivise away from single handed working on U10 fleet and create additional employment.
6. Which quota stocks would, in your view, be most suitable to be allocated to non-sector vessels through this method and why?
Please explain your view
Pelagic fish inc herring mackerel sprats etc without prescribing catch method or other factors which make it impossible to uptake quota in meaningful quantity
Option 3: Allocate via FQA units
7. What are your views on using FQA holdings as a basis for allocating Additional Quota for 2021?
Please explain your view
Negative - the people with the most FQAs have indeed invested heavily in them and should not be penalised but hoarding fishing opportunity is to the detriment of the fleet and industry as a whole. If additional quota allocation is based on present FQA holdings that will unnaturally inflate a market which should not exist in the first place, and ensure that only the rich get richer, consolidating more quota in fewer hands
Other Allocation Options
8. What are your views on alternative options for allocating Additional Quota?
Please explain your view
Perhaps a system of temporary licences could be devised to enable part time or recreational fishermen to target specific seasonal fisheries without the expense of holding a fishing licence.
On the west coast for example there could be a viable seasonal herring/mackerel/groundfish fishery for small vessels but not one that would support a small vessel year round without resorting to already oversubscribed shellfish fisheries.
Seasonal or temporary licences and quota allocation could make best use of these stocks, develop markets, add to amenity and culture in rural areas and support the local economy
On the west coast for example there could be a viable seasonal herring/mackerel/groundfish fishery for small vessels but not one that would support a small vessel year round without resorting to already oversubscribed shellfish fisheries.
Seasonal or temporary licences and quota allocation could make best use of these stocks, develop markets, add to amenity and culture in rural areas and support the local economy
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