Response 234152719

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Part 1 - Definitions

1.1. Do you agree with this description of "mental health"?

Please select one item
Radio button: Unticked Yes
Radio button: Ticked No
1.2 If you answered no, what would you change about this description and why?
Being mentally healthy requires good physical health. Poor physical health undermines us in every way, making us reliant on medical and social services that are overstretched and don’t meet our needs.

1.3. Do you agree with this description of "mental wellbeing?"

Please select one item
Radio button: Unticked Yes
Radio button: Ticked No
1.4 If you answered no, what would you change about this description and why?
Physical health also plays a major role in our mental well-being.

1.5. Do you agree with this description of "mental health conditions" and "mental illness"?

Please select one item
Radio button: Unticked Yes
Radio button: Ticked No
1.6 If you answered no, what would you change about this description and why?
Mental health conditions usually are enduring not potentially. Diagnosis can change but the underlying condition remains.

Part 2 - Our overall vision

2.1. In the 'Draft Outcomes' section we have identified a draft vision for the Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy: 'Better mental health and wellbeing for all'. Do you agree with the proposed vision?

Please select one item
Radio button: Unticked Yes
Radio button: Ticked No
2.2 If not, what do you think the vision should be?
It is too wide and does not reflect the seriousness of poor mental health

2.3 . If we achieve our vision, what do you think success would look like?

Please add your response in the text box
Of course success would mean everyone has full and appropriate access to mental health consultations before they turn into gibbering wrecks.

Part 3 - Our key areas of focus

3.1. In the 'Draft Outcomes' section, we have identified four key areas that we think we need to focus on. Do you agree with these four areas?

Please select one item
Radio button: Unticked Yes
Radio button: Ticked No
3.2 If not, what else do you think we should concentrate on as a key area of focus?
Families supporting someone with poor mental health and well-being need much more support. They are living with unpredictably day to day and this affects their mental health and well-being.

Part 4.1 - Outcomes: addressing the underlying social factors

4.1. Do you agree that the Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy should aim to achieve the following outcome to address underlying social factors?

Through actions across policy areas, we will have influenced the social factors that affect mental health and wellbeing, to improve people's lives and reduce inequalities Strongly disagree Radio button: Not checked Strongly disagree Through actions across policy areas, we will have influenced the social factors that affect mental health and wellbeing, to improve people's lives and reduce inequalities Disagree Radio button: Not checked Disagree Through actions across policy areas, we will have influenced the social factors that affect mental health and wellbeing, to improve people's lives and reduce inequalities Neutral Radio button: Not checked Neutral Through actions across policy areas, we will have influenced the social factors that affect mental health and wellbeing, to improve people's lives and reduce inequalities Agree Radio button: Not checked Agree Through actions across policy areas, we will have influenced the social factors that affect mental health and wellbeing, to improve people's lives and reduce inequalities Strongly agree Radio button: Checked Strongly agree

Part 4.2 - Outcomes: individuals

4.2. Do you agree that the Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy should aim to achieve the following outcomes for people?

People have a shared language and understanding of mental health and wellbeing and mental health conditions Strongly disagree Radio button: Not checked Strongly disagree People have a shared language and understanding of mental health and wellbeing and mental health conditions Disagree Radio button: Not checked Disagree People have a shared language and understanding of mental health and wellbeing and mental health conditions Neutral Radio button: Not checked Neutral People have a shared language and understanding of mental health and wellbeing and mental health conditions Agree Radio button: Not checked Agree People have a shared language and understanding of mental health and wellbeing and mental health conditions Strongly agree Radio button: Checked Strongly agree
People understand the things that can affect their own and other’s mental health and wellbeing, including the importance of tolerance and compassion Strongly disagree Radio button: Not checked Strongly disagree People understand the things that can affect their own and other’s mental health and wellbeing, including the importance of tolerance and compassion Disagree Radio button: Not checked Disagree People understand the things that can affect their own and other’s mental health and wellbeing, including the importance of tolerance and compassion Neutral Radio button: Not checked Neutral People understand the things that can affect their own and other’s mental health and wellbeing, including the importance of tolerance and compassion Agree Radio button: Not checked Agree People understand the things that can affect their own and other’s mental health and wellbeing, including the importance of tolerance and compassion Strongly agree Radio button: Checked Strongly agree
People recognise that it is natural for everyday setbacks and challenging life events to affect how they feel Strongly disagree Radio button: Not checked Strongly disagree People recognise that it is natural for everyday setbacks and challenging life events to affect how they feel Disagree Radio button: Not checked Disagree People recognise that it is natural for everyday setbacks and challenging life events to affect how they feel Neutral Radio button: Not checked Neutral People recognise that it is natural for everyday setbacks and challenging life events to affect how they feel Agree Radio button: Not checked Agree People recognise that it is natural for everyday setbacks and challenging life events to affect how they feel Strongly agree Radio button: Checked Strongly agree
People know what they can do to look after their own and other’s mental health and wellbeing, how to access help and what to expect Strongly disagree Radio button: Not checked Strongly disagree People know what they can do to look after their own and other’s mental health and wellbeing, how to access help and what to expect Disagree Radio button: Not checked Disagree People know what they can do to look after their own and other’s mental health and wellbeing, how to access help and what to expect Neutral Radio button: Not checked Neutral People know what they can do to look after their own and other’s mental health and wellbeing, how to access help and what to expect Agree Radio button: Not checked Agree People know what they can do to look after their own and other’s mental health and wellbeing, how to access help and what to expect Strongly agree Radio button: Checked Strongly agree
People have the material, social and emotional resources to enable them to cope during times of stress, or challenging life circumstances Strongly disagree Radio button: Not checked Strongly disagree People have the material, social and emotional resources to enable them to cope during times of stress, or challenging life circumstances Disagree Radio button: Not checked Disagree People have the material, social and emotional resources to enable them to cope during times of stress, or challenging life circumstances Neutral Radio button: Not checked Neutral People have the material, social and emotional resources to enable them to cope during times of stress, or challenging life circumstances Agree Radio button: Not checked Agree People have the material, social and emotional resources to enable them to cope during times of stress, or challenging life circumstances Strongly agree Radio button: Checked Strongly agree
People feel safe, secure, settled and supported Strongly disagree Radio button: Not checked Strongly disagree People feel safe, secure, settled and supported Disagree Radio button: Not checked Disagree People feel safe, secure, settled and supported Neutral Radio button: Not checked Neutral People feel safe, secure, settled and supported Agree Radio button: Not checked Agree People feel safe, secure, settled and supported Strongly agree Radio button: Checked Strongly agree
People feel a sense of hope, purpose and meaning Strongly disagree Radio button: Not checked Strongly disagree People feel a sense of hope, purpose and meaning Disagree Radio button: Not checked Disagree People feel a sense of hope, purpose and meaning Neutral Radio button: Not checked Neutral People feel a sense of hope, purpose and meaning Agree Radio button: Not checked Agree People feel a sense of hope, purpose and meaning Strongly agree Radio button: Checked Strongly agree
People feel valued, respected, included and accepted Strongly disagree Radio button: Not checked Strongly disagree People feel valued, respected, included and accepted Disagree Radio button: Not checked Disagree People feel valued, respected, included and accepted Neutral Radio button: Not checked Neutral People feel valued, respected, included and accepted Agree Radio button: Not checked Agree People feel valued, respected, included and accepted Strongly agree Radio button: Checked Strongly agree
People feel a sense of belonging and connectedness with their communities and recognise them as a source of support Strongly disagree Radio button: Not checked Strongly disagree People feel a sense of belonging and connectedness with their communities and recognise them as a source of support Disagree Radio button: Not checked Disagree People feel a sense of belonging and connectedness with their communities and recognise them as a source of support Neutral Radio button: Not checked Neutral People feel a sense of belonging and connectedness with their communities and recognise them as a source of support Agree Radio button: Not checked Agree People feel a sense of belonging and connectedness with their communities and recognise them as a source of support Strongly agree Radio button: Checked Strongly agree
People know that it is okay to ask for help and that they have someone to talk to and listen to them Strongly disagree Radio button: Not checked Strongly disagree People know that it is okay to ask for help and that they have someone to talk to and listen to them Disagree Radio button: Not checked Disagree People know that it is okay to ask for help and that they have someone to talk to and listen to them Neutral Radio button: Not checked Neutral People know that it is okay to ask for help and that they have someone to talk to and listen to them Agree Radio button: Not checked Agree People know that it is okay to ask for help and that they have someone to talk to and listen to them Strongly agree Radio button: Checked Strongly agree
People have the foundations that enable them to develop and maintain healthy, nurturing, supportive relationships throughout their lives Strongly disagree Radio button: Not checked Strongly disagree People have the foundations that enable them to develop and maintain healthy, nurturing, supportive relationships throughout their lives Disagree Radio button: Not checked Disagree People have the foundations that enable them to develop and maintain healthy, nurturing, supportive relationships throughout their lives Neutral Radio button: Not checked Neutral People have the foundations that enable them to develop and maintain healthy, nurturing, supportive relationships throughout their lives Agree Radio button: Not checked Agree People have the foundations that enable them to develop and maintain healthy, nurturing, supportive relationships throughout their lives Strongly agree Radio button: Checked Strongly agree
People are supported and feel able to engage with and participate in their communities Strongly disagree Radio button: Not checked Strongly disagree People are supported and feel able to engage with and participate in their communities Disagree Radio button: Not checked Disagree People are supported and feel able to engage with and participate in their communities Neutral Radio button: Not checked Neutral People are supported and feel able to engage with and participate in their communities Agree Radio button: Not checked Agree People are supported and feel able to engage with and participate in their communities Strongly agree Radio button: Checked Strongly agree
People with mental health conditions are supported and able to achieve what they want to achieve in their daily lives Strongly disagree Radio button: Not checked Strongly disagree People with mental health conditions are supported and able to achieve what they want to achieve in their daily lives Disagree Radio button: Not checked Disagree People with mental health conditions are supported and able to achieve what they want to achieve in their daily lives Neutral Radio button: Not checked Neutral People with mental health conditions are supported and able to achieve what they want to achieve in their daily lives Agree Radio button: Not checked Agree People with mental health conditions are supported and able to achieve what they want to achieve in their daily lives Strongly agree Radio button: Checked Strongly agree
People with mental health conditions, including those with other health conditions or harmful drug and alcohol use, are supported to have as good physical health as possible Strongly disagree Radio button: Not checked Strongly disagree People with mental health conditions, including those with other health conditions or harmful drug and alcohol use, are supported to have as good physical health as possible Disagree Radio button: Not checked Disagree People with mental health conditions, including those with other health conditions or harmful drug and alcohol use, are supported to have as good physical health as possible Neutral Radio button: Not checked Neutral People with mental health conditions, including those with other health conditions or harmful drug and alcohol use, are supported to have as good physical health as possible Agree Radio button: Not checked Agree People with mental health conditions, including those with other health conditions or harmful drug and alcohol use, are supported to have as good physical health as possible Strongly agree Radio button: Checked Strongly agree
People living with physical health conditions have as good mental health and wellbeing as possible Strongly disagree Radio button: Not checked Strongly disagree People living with physical health conditions have as good mental health and wellbeing as possible Disagree Radio button: Not checked Disagree People living with physical health conditions have as good mental health and wellbeing as possible Neutral Radio button: Not checked Neutral People living with physical health conditions have as good mental health and wellbeing as possible Agree Radio button: Not checked Agree People living with physical health conditions have as good mental health and wellbeing as possible Strongly agree Radio button: Checked Strongly agree
People experiencing long term mental health conditions are supported to self-manage their care (where appropriate and helpful) to help them maintain their recovery and prevent relapse Strongly disagree Radio button: Not checked Strongly disagree People experiencing long term mental health conditions are supported to self-manage their care (where appropriate and helpful) to help them maintain their recovery and prevent relapse Disagree Radio button: Not checked Disagree People experiencing long term mental health conditions are supported to self-manage their care (where appropriate and helpful) to help them maintain their recovery and prevent relapse Neutral Radio button: Not checked Neutral People experiencing long term mental health conditions are supported to self-manage their care (where appropriate and helpful) to help them maintain their recovery and prevent relapse Agree Radio button: Not checked Agree People experiencing long term mental health conditions are supported to self-manage their care (where appropriate and helpful) to help them maintain their recovery and prevent relapse Strongly agree Radio button: Checked Strongly agree
People feel and are empowered to be involved as much as is possible in the decisions that affect their health, treatment and lives. Even where there may be limits on the decisions they can make (due to the setting, incapacity or illness), people feel that they are supported to make choices, and their views and rights will be respected Strongly disagree Radio button: Not checked Strongly disagree People feel and are empowered to be involved as much as is possible in the decisions that affect their health, treatment and lives. Even where there may be limits on the decisions they can make (due to the setting, incapacity or illness), people feel that they are supported to make choices, and their views and rights will be respected Disagree Radio button: Not checked Disagree People feel and are empowered to be involved as much as is possible in the decisions that affect their health, treatment and lives. Even where there may be limits on the decisions they can make (due to the setting, incapacity or illness), people feel that they are supported to make choices, and their views and rights will be respected Neutral Radio button: Not checked Neutral People feel and are empowered to be involved as much as is possible in the decisions that affect their health, treatment and lives. Even where there may be limits on the decisions they can make (due to the setting, incapacity or illness), people feel that they are supported to make choices, and their views and rights will be respected Agree Radio button: Not checked Agree People feel and are empowered to be involved as much as is possible in the decisions that affect their health, treatment and lives. Even where there may be limits on the decisions they can make (due to the setting, incapacity or illness), people feel that they are supported to make choices, and their views and rights will be respected Strongly agree Radio button: Checked Strongly agree

4.2.1. Do you have any comments you would like to add on the above outcomes?

Please add your response to the text box
People need to know they are listened to and believed. We can be given a say but are not always heard. Different services have their own agendas that don’t always meet individual needs.

Part 4.3 - Outcomes: communities

4.3 . Do you agree that the Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy should aim to achieve the following outcomes for communities?

Communities are engaged with, involved in, and able to influence decisions that affect their lives and support mental wellbeing Strongly disagree Radio button: Not checked Strongly disagree Communities are engaged with, involved in, and able to influence decisions that affect their lives and support mental wellbeing Disagree Radio button: Not checked Disagree Communities are engaged with, involved in, and able to influence decisions that affect their lives and support mental wellbeing Neutral Radio button: Not checked Neutral Communities are engaged with, involved in, and able to influence decisions that affect their lives and support mental wellbeing Agree Radio button: Not checked Agree Communities are engaged with, involved in, and able to influence decisions that affect their lives and support mental wellbeing Strongly agree Radio button: Checked Strongly agree
Communities value and respect diversity, so that people, including people with mental health conditions, are able to live free from stigma and discrimination Strongly disagree Radio button: Not checked Strongly disagree Communities value and respect diversity, so that people, including people with mental health conditions, are able to live free from stigma and discrimination Disagree Radio button: Not checked Disagree Communities value and respect diversity, so that people, including people with mental health conditions, are able to live free from stigma and discrimination Neutral Radio button: Not checked Neutral Communities value and respect diversity, so that people, including people with mental health conditions, are able to live free from stigma and discrimination Agree Radio button: Not checked Agree Communities value and respect diversity, so that people, including people with mental health conditions, are able to live free from stigma and discrimination Strongly agree Radio button: Checked Strongly agree
Communities are a source of support that help people cope with challenging life events and everyday knocks to wellbeing Strongly disagree Radio button: Not checked Strongly disagree Communities are a source of support that help people cope with challenging life events and everyday knocks to wellbeing Disagree Radio button: Not checked Disagree Communities are a source of support that help people cope with challenging life events and everyday knocks to wellbeing Neutral Radio button: Checked Neutral Communities are a source of support that help people cope with challenging life events and everyday knocks to wellbeing Agree Radio button: Not checked Agree Communities are a source of support that help people cope with challenging life events and everyday knocks to wellbeing Strongly agree Radio button: Not checked Strongly agree
Communities have equitable access to a range of activities and opportunities for enjoyment, learning, participating and connecting with others. Strongly disagree Radio button: Not checked Strongly disagree Communities have equitable access to a range of activities and opportunities for enjoyment, learning, participating and connecting with others. Disagree Radio button: Checked Disagree Communities have equitable access to a range of activities and opportunities for enjoyment, learning, participating and connecting with others. Neutral Radio button: Not checked Neutral Communities have equitable access to a range of activities and opportunities for enjoyment, learning, participating and connecting with others. Agree Radio button: Not checked Agree Communities have equitable access to a range of activities and opportunities for enjoyment, learning, participating and connecting with others. Strongly agree Radio button: Not checked Strongly agree

4.3.1. Do you have any comments you would like to add on the above outcomes?

Please add your response to the text box
The first thing to go in financial cuts is community mental health facilities. People are marginalised and are unable to speak up for themselves and the vicious circle goes on, mental well-being is hidden under the carpet again.

Part 4.4 - Outcomes: population

4.4. Do you agree that the Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy should aim to achieve the following outcomes for populations?

We live in a fair and compassionate society that is free from discrimination and stigma Strongly disagree Radio button: Not checked Strongly disagree We live in a fair and compassionate society that is free from discrimination and stigma Disagree Radio button: Not checked Disagree We live in a fair and compassionate society that is free from discrimination and stigma Neutral Radio button: Not checked Neutral We live in a fair and compassionate society that is free from discrimination and stigma Agree Radio button: Not checked Agree We live in a fair and compassionate society that is free from discrimination and stigma Strongly agree Radio button: Checked Strongly agree
We have reduced inequalities in mental health and wellbeing and mental health conditions Strongly disagree Radio button: Not checked Strongly disagree We have reduced inequalities in mental health and wellbeing and mental health conditions Disagree Radio button: Not checked Disagree We have reduced inequalities in mental health and wellbeing and mental health conditions Neutral Radio button: Not checked Neutral We have reduced inequalities in mental health and wellbeing and mental health conditions Agree Radio button: Not checked Agree We have reduced inequalities in mental health and wellbeing and mental health conditions Strongly agree Radio button: Checked Strongly agree
We have created the social conditions for people to grow up, learn, live, work and play, which support and enable people and communities to flourish and achieve the highest attainable mental health and wellbeing across the life-course Strongly disagree Radio button: Not checked Strongly disagree We have created the social conditions for people to grow up, learn, live, work and play, which support and enable people and communities to flourish and achieve the highest attainable mental health and wellbeing across the life-course Disagree Radio button: Checked Disagree We have created the social conditions for people to grow up, learn, live, work and play, which support and enable people and communities to flourish and achieve the highest attainable mental health and wellbeing across the life-course Neutral Radio button: Not checked Neutral We have created the social conditions for people to grow up, learn, live, work and play, which support and enable people and communities to flourish and achieve the highest attainable mental health and wellbeing across the life-course Agree Radio button: Not checked Agree We have created the social conditions for people to grow up, learn, live, work and play, which support and enable people and communities to flourish and achieve the highest attainable mental health and wellbeing across the life-course Strongly agree Radio button: Not checked Strongly agree
People living with mental health conditions experience improved quality and length of life Strongly disagree Radio button: Not checked Strongly disagree People living with mental health conditions experience improved quality and length of life Disagree Radio button: Checked Disagree People living with mental health conditions experience improved quality and length of life Neutral Radio button: Not checked Neutral People living with mental health conditions experience improved quality and length of life Agree Radio button: Not checked Agree People living with mental health conditions experience improved quality and length of life Strongly agree Radio button: Not checked Strongly agree

4.4.1. Do you have any comments you would like to add on the above outcomes?

Please add your response to the text box
There is more publicity about mental health and well-being and people are more aware about it but, sadly, it’s all too visible in our town and cities and it seems to be getting worse. COVID aside (it gets the blame for everything that’s not done properly) there are people walk-in the streets with severe mental health issues that are not been dealt with.

Part 4.5 - Outcomes: services and support

4.5. Do you agree that the Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy should aim to achieve the following outcomes for services and support?

A strengthened community-focussed approach, which includes the third sector and community-based services and support for mental health and wellbeing, is supported by commissioning processes and adequate, sustainable funding Strongly disagree Radio button: Not checked Strongly disagree A strengthened community-focussed approach, which includes the third sector and community-based services and support for mental health and wellbeing, is supported by commissioning processes and adequate, sustainable funding Disagree Radio button: Not checked Disagree A strengthened community-focussed approach, which includes the third sector and community-based services and support for mental health and wellbeing, is supported by commissioning processes and adequate, sustainable funding Neutral Radio button: Not checked Neutral A strengthened community-focussed approach, which includes the third sector and community-based services and support for mental health and wellbeing, is supported by commissioning processes and adequate, sustainable funding Agree Radio button: Checked Agree A strengthened community-focussed approach, which includes the third sector and community-based services and support for mental health and wellbeing, is supported by commissioning processes and adequate, sustainable funding Strongly agree Radio button: Not checked Strongly agree
Lived experience is genuinely valued and integrated in all parts of our mental health care, treatment and support services, and co-production is the way of working from service design through to delivery Strongly disagree Radio button: Not checked Strongly disagree Lived experience is genuinely valued and integrated in all parts of our mental health care, treatment and support services, and co-production is the way of working from service design through to delivery Disagree Radio button: Checked Disagree Lived experience is genuinely valued and integrated in all parts of our mental health care, treatment and support services, and co-production is the way of working from service design through to delivery Neutral Radio button: Not checked Neutral Lived experience is genuinely valued and integrated in all parts of our mental health care, treatment and support services, and co-production is the way of working from service design through to delivery Agree Radio button: Not checked Agree Lived experience is genuinely valued and integrated in all parts of our mental health care, treatment and support services, and co-production is the way of working from service design through to delivery Strongly agree Radio button: Not checked Strongly agree
When people seek help for their mental health and wellbeing they experience a response that is person-centred and flexible, supporting them to achieve their personal outcomes and recovery goals Strongly disagree Radio button: Checked Strongly disagree When people seek help for their mental health and wellbeing they experience a response that is person-centred and flexible, supporting them to achieve their personal outcomes and recovery goals Disagree Radio button: Not checked Disagree When people seek help for their mental health and wellbeing they experience a response that is person-centred and flexible, supporting them to achieve their personal outcomes and recovery goals Neutral Radio button: Not checked Neutral When people seek help for their mental health and wellbeing they experience a response that is person-centred and flexible, supporting them to achieve their personal outcomes and recovery goals Agree Radio button: Not checked Agree When people seek help for their mental health and wellbeing they experience a response that is person-centred and flexible, supporting them to achieve their personal outcomes and recovery goals Strongly agree Radio button: Not checked Strongly agree
We have a service and support system that ensures there is no wrong door, with points of access and clear referral pathways that people and the workforce understand and can use Strongly disagree Radio button: Checked Strongly disagree We have a service and support system that ensures there is no wrong door, with points of access and clear referral pathways that people and the workforce understand and can use Disagree Radio button: Not checked Disagree We have a service and support system that ensures there is no wrong door, with points of access and clear referral pathways that people and the workforce understand and can use Neutral Radio button: Not checked Neutral We have a service and support system that ensures there is no wrong door, with points of access and clear referral pathways that people and the workforce understand and can use Agree Radio button: Not checked Agree We have a service and support system that ensures there is no wrong door, with points of access and clear referral pathways that people and the workforce understand and can use Strongly agree Radio button: Not checked Strongly agree
Everyone has equitable access to support and services in the right place, at the right time wherever they are in Scotland, delivered in a way that best suits the person and their needs Strongly disagree Radio button: Checked Strongly disagree Everyone has equitable access to support and services in the right place, at the right time wherever they are in Scotland, delivered in a way that best suits the person and their needs Disagree Radio button: Not checked Disagree Everyone has equitable access to support and services in the right place, at the right time wherever they are in Scotland, delivered in a way that best suits the person and their needs Neutral Radio button: Not checked Neutral Everyone has equitable access to support and services in the right place, at the right time wherever they are in Scotland, delivered in a way that best suits the person and their needs Agree Radio button: Not checked Agree Everyone has equitable access to support and services in the right place, at the right time wherever they are in Scotland, delivered in a way that best suits the person and their needs Strongly agree Radio button: Not checked Strongly agree
People are able to easily access and move between appropriate, effective, compassionate, high quality services and support (clinical and non-clinical) Strongly disagree Radio button: Not checked Strongly disagree People are able to easily access and move between appropriate, effective, compassionate, high quality services and support (clinical and non-clinical) Disagree Radio button: Checked Disagree People are able to easily access and move between appropriate, effective, compassionate, high quality services and support (clinical and non-clinical) Neutral Radio button: Not checked Neutral People are able to easily access and move between appropriate, effective, compassionate, high quality services and support (clinical and non-clinical) Agree Radio button: Not checked Agree People are able to easily access and move between appropriate, effective, compassionate, high quality services and support (clinical and non-clinical) Strongly agree Radio button: Not checked Strongly agree
Services and support focus on early intervention and prevention, as well as treatment, to avoid worsening of individual’s mental health and wellbeing Strongly disagree Radio button: Not checked Strongly disagree Services and support focus on early intervention and prevention, as well as treatment, to avoid worsening of individual’s mental health and wellbeing Disagree Radio button: Checked Disagree Services and support focus on early intervention and prevention, as well as treatment, to avoid worsening of individual’s mental health and wellbeing Neutral Radio button: Not checked Neutral Services and support focus on early intervention and prevention, as well as treatment, to avoid worsening of individual’s mental health and wellbeing Agree Radio button: Not checked Agree Services and support focus on early intervention and prevention, as well as treatment, to avoid worsening of individual’s mental health and wellbeing Strongly agree Radio button: Not checked Strongly agree

4.5.1. Do you have any comments you would like to add on the above outcomes?

Please add your response to the text box
1 Sustainable funding is the key factor. Projects are given funding for a short period then it’s dropped leaving vulnerable people opening up only to be closed out again.
2 The services work to financial whims and have to compete with each other for funding. Not a positive way for professional people to do their job to the best of their ability. Everyone is working hard but stresses build up and everyone loses.
3 Not at all in my experience
Some of these statements are so far from reality. I can feel my body stressing as I read them.

Part 4.6 - Outcomes: information, data and evidence

4.6. Do you agree that the Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy should aim to achieve the following outcome for data and evidence?

People who make decisions about support, services and funding use high quality evidence, research and data to improve mental health and wellbeing and to reduce inequalities. They have access to infrastructure and analysis that support this Strongly disagree Radio button: Not checked Strongly disagree People who make decisions about support, services and funding use high quality evidence, research and data to improve mental health and wellbeing and to reduce inequalities. They have access to infrastructure and analysis that support this Disagree Radio button: Not checked Disagree People who make decisions about support, services and funding use high quality evidence, research and data to improve mental health and wellbeing and to reduce inequalities. They have access to infrastructure and analysis that support this Neutral Radio button: Not checked Neutral People who make decisions about support, services and funding use high quality evidence, research and data to improve mental health and wellbeing and to reduce inequalities. They have access to infrastructure and analysis that support this Agree Radio button: Not checked Agree People who make decisions about support, services and funding use high quality evidence, research and data to improve mental health and wellbeing and to reduce inequalities. They have access to infrastructure and analysis that support this Strongly agree Radio button: Checked Strongly agree

4.6.1. Do you have any comments you would like to add on the above outcome?

Please add your response to the text box
Agree, but in my case when we moved house to a different council area my psychiatric records of 16 years were misplaced and 2 years 4 months later I’ve not seen a psychiatrist when previously I saw one every 3 months and the doctor every 2 months. Now I can’t get the face to face appointment with my GP. It’s not happening. Also there is no communication between community mental health and the surgery. This is reality noe the utopian vision presented.

Part 4.7 - Outcomes: other

4.7. Are there any other outcomes we should be working towards? Please specify.

Please add your response to the text box
I know my condition better than anyone other than my long suffering husband. We’ve been living with my complex PTSD for 18 years. I know I need to see a professional who fully understands trauma but this has not happened for the past few years and I am not alone. Everyone should be seen by an appropriately qualified professional.

Part 5 - Creating the conditions for good mental health and wellbeing

5.1. What are the main things in day-to-day life that currently have the biggest positive impact on the mental health and wellbeing of you, or of people you know?

Please add your response to the text box
Being loved and cared for. Good food and being warm. Sunlight.

5.2. Is there anything else you would like to tell us about this, whether you’re answering as an individual or on behalf of any organisation?

Please add your response to the text box
As an individual.

5.3. What are the main things in day-to-day life that currently have the biggest negative impact on the mental health and wellbeing of yourself, or the people you know?

Please add your response to the text box
Hitting a brick wall phoning the doctor for an appointment. We have to spend at least 5 minutes listening to options or instructions when we can get through to the surgery. Trying to speak to anyone in the surgery has taken me more than 4 hours. By the time I speak to someone my stress levels are through the roof and I’m unable to articulate properly.
Not receiving the help that I so obviously need for my condition.

5.4. Is there anything else you would like to tell us about this, whether you’re answering as an individual or on behalf of any organisation?

Please add your response to the text box
Answering for myself.

5.5. There are things we can all do day-to-day to support our own, or others', mental health and wellbeing and stop mental health issues arising or recurring. In what ways do you actively look after your own mental health and wellbeing?

Please select all that apply
Checkbox: Unticked Exercise
Checkbox: Unticked Sleep
Checkbox: Ticked Community groups
Checkbox: Ticked Cultural activities
Checkbox: Ticked Time in nature
Checkbox: Ticked Time with family and friends
Checkbox: Ticked Mindfulness/meditation practice
Checkbox: Ticked Hobbies/practical work
Checkbox: Unticked None of the above
Checkbox: Unticked Other
5.6. If you answered ‘other’, can you describe the ways in which you look after your own mental health and wellbeing, or the mental health and wellbeing of others?
I also use alternative therapies to help with my body and mind. Exercise exhausts me and I end up unable to function so I keep fit by working in the garden.

5.7. Is there anything else you would like to tell us about this, whether you’re answering as an individual or on behalf of any organisation?

Please add your response to the text box
Answering for myself

5.8. Referring to your last answers, what stops you doing more of these activities?

Please add your response to the text box
Tiredness stops me from lots of activities but my motivation levels are very low which makes life difficult at times.

5.9. Is there anything else you would like to tell us about this, whether you’re answering as an individual or on behalf of any organisation?

Please add your response to the text box
Answering on my own behalf

5.10. In what way do concerns about money impact on your mental health?

Please add your response to the text box
Heating is a major concern and house repairs.

5.11. What type of support do you think would address these money related worries?

Please add your response to the text box
To be financially stable and secure

Part 6 - Access to advice and support for mental wellbeing

6.1. If you wanted to improve your mental health and wellbeing, where would you go first for advice and support?

Please select one item
Radio button: Unticked Friends or family or carer
Radio button: Unticked GP
Radio button: Unticked NHS24
Radio button: Unticked Helplines
Radio button: Unticked Local community group
Radio button: Unticked Third Sector (charity) support
Radio button: Unticked Health and Social Care Partnership
Radio button: Unticked Online support
Radio button: Unticked School (for example, a guidance teacher or a school counsellor)
Radio button: Unticked College or University (for example, a counsellor or a student welfare officer)
Radio button: Unticked Midwife
Radio button: Unticked Health visitor
Radio button: Unticked Community Link Workers
Radio button: Unticked Workplace
Radio button: Unticked An employability provider (for example, Jobcentre Plus)
Radio button: Ticked Other
If you selected 'other', please specify
I have used Future Pathways for advice and support
6.2 If you answered ‘online support’ could you specify which online support?
Wouldn’t use online support

6.3. Is there anywhere else you would go to for advice and support with your mental health and wellbeing?

Please select all that apply
Checkbox: Ticked Friends or family or carer
Checkbox: Ticked GP
Checkbox: Unticked NHS24
Checkbox: Unticked Helplines
Checkbox: Unticked Local community group
Checkbox: Unticked Third Sector (charity) support
Checkbox: Unticked Health and Social Care Partnership
Checkbox: Unticked Online support
Checkbox: Unticked School (for example, a guidance teacher or a school counsellor)
Checkbox: Unticked College or University (for example, a counsellor or a student welfare officer)
Checkbox: Unticked Midwife
Checkbox: Unticked Health visitor
Checkbox: Unticked Community Link Worker
Checkbox: Unticked Workplace
Checkbox: Unticked An employability provider (for example, Jobcentre Plus)
Checkbox: Unticked Other
6.6 Is there anything else you would like to tell us about this, whether you’re answering as an individual or on behalf of any organisation?
Answering for myself

6.7. Please use this space to tell us the positive experiences you have had in accessing advice and support for your mental health or wellbeing.

Please add your response to the text box
Future Pathways have been an amazing help to me, they encourage self reliance and have given me access to much needed counselling. The funding for this is not stable though.
6.8 Is there anything else you would like to tell us about this, whether you’re answering as an individual or on behalf of any organisation?
Individual response

6.9. We also want to hear about any negative experiences of accessing mental health and wellbeing advice and support so we can address these. If you have experienced barriers to accessing support, what have they been?

Please select all that apply
Checkbox: Ticked Lack of awareness of support available
Checkbox: Ticked Time to access support
Checkbox: Unticked Travel costs
Checkbox: Ticked Not the right kind of support
Checkbox: Unticked Support not available near me
Checkbox: Ticked Lack of understanding of issues
Checkbox: Unticked Not a good relationship with the person offering support
Checkbox: Ticked Having to retell my story to different people
Checkbox: Ticked Long waits for assessment or treatment
Checkbox: Unticked Stigma
Checkbox: Unticked Discrimination
Checkbox: Unticked Other
6.11 Is there anything else you would like to tell us about this, whether you’re answering as an individual or on behalf of any organisation?
Answer for myself

Part 7 - Improving services

7.1. Reflecting on your answers, do you have any specific suggestions of how to improve the types and availability of mental health and wellbeing support in future? In particular, do you have any thoughts on how the new National Care Service can create opportunities to improve mental health services?

Please add your response to the text box
There needs to be proper funding in place this is fundamental. If no one is secure at their place of work or are unsure of the financial position of the service they are giving, hoe can they give a proper service?
Alternative therapies can be used in conjunction with medication.
Proper communication between clinicians and other professionals - a more holistic approach would make a huge improvement.

Part 8 - The role of difficult or traumatic life experiences

8.1. For some people, mental health issues can arise following traumatic or very difficult life experiences in childhood and/or adulthood. What kind of support is most helpful to support recovery from previous traumatic experiences?

Please add your response to the text box
Talking therapy is extremely helpful here. It needs a therapist well versed in trauma to work with a traumatised person. Other therapies work in conjunction with this. I tried writing and painting which worked well. Indeed writing with my non-dominant hand helped me find out things I’d hidden away.

8.2. What things can get in the way of recovery from such experiences?

Please add your response to the text box
I had 9 psychiatrists in 2 years. Not a lot of help there.
Having to wait for a month between sessions.
10 to 12 sessions is not enough to get over trauma, there must be a holistic approach to help recovery.

8.3. Is there anything else you’d like to tell us about this, whether you’re answering as an individual or on behalf of an organisation?

Please add your response to the text box
My own experience

Part 9 - Children, young people and families' mental health

9.1. What should our priorities be when supporting the mental health and wellbeing of children and young people, their parents and families?

Please add your response to the text box
Listen and believe.
9.2 Is there anything else you’d like to tell us about this, whether you’re answering as an individual or on behalf of an organisation?
Own experience

9.3. What things do you feel have the biggest impact on children and young people’s mental health?

Please add your response to the text box
Poverty and abuse in any form
9.4 Is there anything else you’d like to tell us about this, whether you’re answering as an individual or on behalf of an organisation?
My own experience

Part 10 - Your experience of mental health services

10.1. If you have received care and treatment for any aspect of your mental health, who did you receive care and treatment from?

Please select all that apply
Checkbox: Ticked Community Mental Health Team
Checkbox: Ticked GP Practice
Checkbox: Unticked Inpatient care
Checkbox: Ticked Third Sector Organisation
Checkbox: Unticked Psychological Therapy Team
Checkbox: Unticked Digital Therapy
Checkbox: Ticked Peer support group
Checkbox: Unticked Perinatal Mental Health Team
Checkbox: Unticked Child and Adolescent Mental Health Team (CAMHS)
Checkbox: Unticked Forensic Mental Health Unit
Checkbox: Unticked Other
10.2 If you selected ‘other’, could you tell us who you received treatment from?
I also used Future Pathways

10.3. How satisfied were you with the treatment you received?

Please add your response to the text box
Psychologist lost my notebook that contained writing with my non-dominant hand that helped me make sense of my disorientation of the world.
Follow up treatments never happened.
All community support was withdrawn after 5 years and I was left to fumble my way through life until I took initiative and set up self help groups. People with mental health issues do not necessarily have learning difficulties.
Last couple of years have left me with no psychiatric help, as a result my mental health and well-being has slumped.
10.4 Please explain the reason for your response above
This is my experience

10.5. If you were in contact with other health and social care services as part of your mental health care and treatment, how satisfied were you with the connections between these services? Are there ways in which you think connections between services could be improved through the development of the National Care Service?

Please add your response to the text box
There is little or no communication between services despite having the technological means to do so. Each service is stand alone in my experience
10.6 Is there anything else you’d like to tell us about this, whether you’re answering as an individual or on behalf of an organisation? For example, positive experiences of close working or areas where joint working could be improved.
My own experiences.
There has been precious little intercommunion between services

Part 11 - Equalities

11.1. Do you have any further comments on what could be done to address mental health inequalities for a particular group of people?

Please add your response to the text box
We should all be treated in the same way. I am not familiar with any particular group so feel it’s inappropriate to comment.

Part 12 - Funding

12.1. Do you think funding for mental health and wellbeing supports and services could be better used in your area?

Please select one item
Radio button: Ticked Yes
Radio button: Unticked No
12.2 Please explain the reason for your response above.
Funding for mental health services is intermittent and insufficient. Of course it could be better.

12.3. Is there anything else you’d like to tell us about this, whether you’re answering as an individual or on behalf of an organisation?

Please add your response to the text box
Just my own experience

Part 14 - Our vision and outcomes for the mental health and wellbeing workforce

14.1. Do you agree that these are the right short term (1-2 years) outcomes for our mental health and wellbeing workforce?

Plan: Improved evidence base for workforce planning including population needs assessment for mental health and wellbeing Strongly disagree Radio button: Not checked Strongly disagree Plan: Improved evidence base for workforce planning including population needs assessment for mental health and wellbeing Disagree Radio button: Not checked Disagree Plan: Improved evidence base for workforce planning including population needs assessment for mental health and wellbeing Neutral Radio button: Not checked Neutral Plan: Improved evidence base for workforce planning including population needs assessment for mental health and wellbeing Agree Radio button: Checked Agree Plan: Improved evidence base for workforce planning including population needs assessment for mental health and wellbeing Strongly agree Radio button: Not checked Strongly agree
Plan: Improved workforce data for different mental health staff groups Strongly disagree Radio button: Not checked Strongly disagree Plan: Improved workforce data for different mental health staff groups Disagree Radio button: Not checked Disagree Plan: Improved workforce data for different mental health staff groups Neutral Radio button: Not checked Neutral Plan: Improved workforce data for different mental health staff groups Agree Radio button: Checked Agree Plan: Improved workforce data for different mental health staff groups Strongly agree Radio button: Not checked Strongly agree
Plan: Improved local and national workforce planning capacity and capability Strongly disagree Radio button: Not checked Strongly disagree Plan: Improved local and national workforce planning capacity and capability Disagree Radio button: Not checked Disagree Plan: Improved local and national workforce planning capacity and capability Neutral Radio button: Not checked Neutral Plan: Improved local and national workforce planning capacity and capability Agree Radio button: Checked Agree Plan: Improved local and national workforce planning capacity and capability Strongly agree Radio button: Not checked Strongly agree
Plan: Improved capacity for service improvement and redesign Strongly disagree Radio button: Not checked Strongly disagree Plan: Improved capacity for service improvement and redesign Disagree Radio button: Not checked Disagree Plan: Improved capacity for service improvement and redesign Neutral Radio button: Not checked Neutral Plan: Improved capacity for service improvement and redesign Agree Radio button: Checked Agree Plan: Improved capacity for service improvement and redesign Strongly agree Radio button: Not checked Strongly agree
Plan: User centred and system wide service (re)design Strongly disagree Radio button: Not checked Strongly disagree Plan: User centred and system wide service (re)design Disagree Radio button: Not checked Disagree Plan: User centred and system wide service (re)design Neutral Radio button: Not checked Neutral Plan: User centred and system wide service (re)design Agree Radio button: Checked Agree Plan: User centred and system wide service (re)design Strongly agree Radio button: Not checked Strongly agree
Plan: Peer support and peer worker roles are a mainstream part of mental health services Strongly disagree Radio button: Not checked Strongly disagree Plan: Peer support and peer worker roles are a mainstream part of mental health services Disagree Radio button: Not checked Disagree Plan: Peer support and peer worker roles are a mainstream part of mental health services Neutral Radio button: Checked Neutral Plan: Peer support and peer worker roles are a mainstream part of mental health services Agree Radio button: Not checked Agree Plan: Peer support and peer worker roles are a mainstream part of mental health services Strongly agree Radio button: Not checked Strongly agree
Attract: Improved national and international recruitment and retention approaches/mechanisms Strongly disagree Radio button: Not checked Strongly disagree Attract: Improved national and international recruitment and retention approaches/mechanisms Disagree Radio button: Not checked Disagree Attract: Improved national and international recruitment and retention approaches/mechanisms Neutral Radio button: Not checked Neutral Attract: Improved national and international recruitment and retention approaches/mechanisms Agree Radio button: Checked Agree Attract: Improved national and international recruitment and retention approaches/mechanisms Strongly agree Radio button: Not checked Strongly agree
Attract: Increased fair work practices such as appropriate channels for effective voice, create a more diverse and inclusive workplace Strongly disagree Radio button: Not checked Strongly disagree Attract: Increased fair work practices such as appropriate channels for effective voice, create a more diverse and inclusive workplace Disagree Radio button: Not checked Disagree Attract: Increased fair work practices such as appropriate channels for effective voice, create a more diverse and inclusive workplace Neutral Radio button: Not checked Neutral Attract: Increased fair work practices such as appropriate channels for effective voice, create a more diverse and inclusive workplace Agree Radio button: Checked Agree Attract: Increased fair work practices such as appropriate channels for effective voice, create a more diverse and inclusive workplace Strongly agree Radio button: Not checked Strongly agree
Attract: Increased awareness of careers in mental health Strongly disagree Radio button: Not checked Strongly disagree Attract: Increased awareness of careers in mental health Disagree Radio button: Not checked Disagree Attract: Increased awareness of careers in mental health Neutral Radio button: Not checked Neutral Attract: Increased awareness of careers in mental health Agree Radio button: Not checked Agree Attract: Increased awareness of careers in mental health Strongly agree Radio button: Checked Strongly agree

14.2. Do you agree that these are the right short term (1-2 years) outcomes for our mental health and wellbeing workforce?

Train: Long term workforce planning goals are reflected in and supported by training programmes provided by universities, colleges and apprenticeships Strongly disagree Radio button: Not checked Strongly disagree Train: Long term workforce planning goals are reflected in and supported by training programmes provided by universities, colleges and apprenticeships Disagree Radio button: Not checked Disagree Train: Long term workforce planning goals are reflected in and supported by training programmes provided by universities, colleges and apprenticeships Neutral Radio button: Not checked Neutral Train: Long term workforce planning goals are reflected in and supported by training programmes provided by universities, colleges and apprenticeships Agree Radio button: Not checked Agree Train: Long term workforce planning goals are reflected in and supported by training programmes provided by universities, colleges and apprenticeships Strongly agree Radio button: Checked Strongly agree
Train: Increased student intake through traditional routes into mental health professions Strongly disagree Radio button: Not checked Strongly disagree Train: Increased student intake through traditional routes into mental health professions Disagree Radio button: Not checked Disagree Train: Increased student intake through traditional routes into mental health professions Neutral Radio button: Not checked Neutral Train: Increased student intake through traditional routes into mental health professions Agree Radio button: Not checked Agree Train: Increased student intake through traditional routes into mental health professions Strongly agree Radio button: Checked Strongly agree
Train: Create alternative routes into mental health professions Strongly disagree Radio button: Not checked Strongly disagree Train: Create alternative routes into mental health professions Disagree Radio button: Not checked Disagree Train: Create alternative routes into mental health professions Neutral Radio button: Not checked Neutral Train: Create alternative routes into mental health professions Agree Radio button: Checked Agree Train: Create alternative routes into mental health professions Strongly agree Radio button: Not checked Strongly agree
Train: Create new mental health roles Strongly disagree Radio button: Not checked Strongly disagree Train: Create new mental health roles Disagree Radio button: Not checked Disagree Train: Create new mental health roles Neutral Radio button: Checked Neutral Train: Create new mental health roles Agree Radio button: Not checked Agree Train: Create new mental health roles Strongly agree Radio button: Not checked Strongly agree
Train: Improved and consistent training standards across Scotland, including trauma informed practice and cultural competency Strongly disagree Radio button: Not checked Strongly disagree Train: Improved and consistent training standards across Scotland, including trauma informed practice and cultural competency Disagree Radio button: Not checked Disagree Train: Improved and consistent training standards across Scotland, including trauma informed practice and cultural competency Neutral Radio button: Not checked Neutral Train: Improved and consistent training standards across Scotland, including trauma informed practice and cultural competency Agree Radio button: Not checked Agree Train: Improved and consistent training standards across Scotland, including trauma informed practice and cultural competency Strongly agree Radio button: Checked Strongly agree
Train: Our workforce feel more knowledgeable about other Services in their local area and how to link others in to them Strongly disagree Radio button: Not checked Strongly disagree Train: Our workforce feel more knowledgeable about other Services in their local area and how to link others in to them Disagree Radio button: Not checked Disagree Train: Our workforce feel more knowledgeable about other Services in their local area and how to link others in to them Neutral Radio button: Not checked Neutral Train: Our workforce feel more knowledgeable about other Services in their local area and how to link others in to them Agree Radio button: Not checked Agree Train: Our workforce feel more knowledgeable about other Services in their local area and how to link others in to them Strongly agree Radio button: Checked Strongly agree
Train: Our workforce is informed and confident in supporting self-care and recommending digital mental health resources Strongly disagree Radio button: Not checked Strongly disagree Train: Our workforce is informed and confident in supporting self-care and recommending digital mental health resources Disagree Radio button: Not checked Disagree Train: Our workforce is informed and confident in supporting self-care and recommending digital mental health resources Neutral Radio button: Not checked Neutral Train: Our workforce is informed and confident in supporting self-care and recommending digital mental health resources Agree Radio button: Checked Agree Train: Our workforce is informed and confident in supporting self-care and recommending digital mental health resources Strongly agree Radio button: Not checked Strongly agree
Train: Develop and roll out mental health literacy training for the health and care workforce, to provide more seamless support for physical and mental health Strongly disagree Radio button: Not checked Strongly disagree Train: Develop and roll out mental health literacy training for the health and care workforce, to provide more seamless support for physical and mental health Disagree Radio button: Not checked Disagree Train: Develop and roll out mental health literacy training for the health and care workforce, to provide more seamless support for physical and mental health Neutral Radio button: Not checked Neutral Train: Develop and roll out mental health literacy training for the health and care workforce, to provide more seamless support for physical and mental health Agree Radio button: Not checked Agree Train: Develop and roll out mental health literacy training for the health and care workforce, to provide more seamless support for physical and mental health Strongly agree Radio button: Checked Strongly agree
Train: Improved leadership training Strongly disagree Radio button: Not checked Strongly disagree Train: Improved leadership training Disagree Radio button: Not checked Disagree Train: Improved leadership training Neutral Radio button: Not checked Neutral Train: Improved leadership training Agree Radio button: Not checked Agree Train: Improved leadership training Strongly agree Radio button: Checked Strongly agree
Train: Improved Continuing Professional Development (CPD) and careers progression pathways Strongly disagree Radio button: Not checked Strongly disagree Train: Improved Continuing Professional Development (CPD) and careers progression pathways Disagree Radio button: Not checked Disagree Train: Improved Continuing Professional Development (CPD) and careers progression pathways Neutral Radio button: Not checked Neutral Train: Improved Continuing Professional Development (CPD) and careers progression pathways Agree Radio button: Not checked Agree Train: Improved Continuing Professional Development (CPD) and careers progression pathways Strongly agree Radio button: Checked Strongly agree

14.3. Do you agree that these are the right short term (1-2 years) outcomes for our mental health and wellbeing workforce?

Employ: Consistent employer policies Strongly disagree Radio button: Not checked Strongly disagree Employ: Consistent employer policies Disagree Radio button: Not checked Disagree Employ: Consistent employer policies Neutral Radio button: Not checked Neutral Employ: Consistent employer policies Agree Radio button: Checked Agree Employ: Consistent employer policies Strongly agree Radio button: Not checked Strongly agree
Employ: Refreshed returners programme Strongly disagree Radio button: Not checked Strongly disagree Employ: Refreshed returners programme Disagree Radio button: Not checked Disagree Employ: Refreshed returners programme Neutral Radio button: Not checked Neutral Employ: Refreshed returners programme Agree Radio button: Checked Agree Employ: Refreshed returners programme Strongly agree Radio button: Not checked Strongly agree
Employ: Improved diversity of the mental health workforce and leadership Strongly disagree Radio button: Not checked Strongly disagree Employ: Improved diversity of the mental health workforce and leadership Disagree Radio button: Not checked Disagree Employ: Improved diversity of the mental health workforce and leadership Neutral Radio button: Not checked Neutral Employ: Improved diversity of the mental health workforce and leadership Agree Radio button: Not checked Agree Employ: Improved diversity of the mental health workforce and leadership Strongly agree Radio button: Checked Strongly agree
Nurture: Co-produced quality standard and safety standards for mental health services Strongly disagree Radio button: Not checked Strongly disagree Nurture: Co-produced quality standard and safety standards for mental health services Disagree Radio button: Not checked Disagree Nurture: Co-produced quality standard and safety standards for mental health services Neutral Radio button: Not checked Neutral Nurture: Co-produced quality standard and safety standards for mental health services Agree Radio button: Not checked Agree Nurture: Co-produced quality standard and safety standards for mental health services Strongly agree Radio button: Checked Strongly agree
Nurture: Safe working appropriate staffing levels and manageable workloads Strongly disagree Radio button: Not checked Strongly disagree Nurture: Safe working appropriate staffing levels and manageable workloads Disagree Radio button: Not checked Disagree Nurture: Safe working appropriate staffing levels and manageable workloads Neutral Radio button: Not checked Neutral Nurture: Safe working appropriate staffing levels and manageable workloads Agree Radio button: Not checked Agree Nurture: Safe working appropriate staffing levels and manageable workloads Strongly agree Radio button: Checked Strongly agree
Nurture: Effective partnership working between staff and partner organisations Strongly disagree Radio button: Not checked Strongly disagree Nurture: Effective partnership working between staff and partner organisations Disagree Radio button: Not checked Disagree Nurture: Effective partnership working between staff and partner organisations Neutral Radio button: Not checked Neutral Nurture: Effective partnership working between staff and partner organisations Agree Radio button: Not checked Agree Nurture: Effective partnership working between staff and partner organisations Strongly agree Radio button: Checked Strongly agree
Nurture: Improved understanding of staff engagement, experience and wellbeing Strongly disagree Radio button: Not checked Strongly disagree Nurture: Improved understanding of staff engagement, experience and wellbeing Disagree Radio button: Not checked Disagree Nurture: Improved understanding of staff engagement, experience and wellbeing Neutral Radio button: Not checked Neutral Nurture: Improved understanding of staff engagement, experience and wellbeing Agree Radio button: Not checked Agree Nurture: Improved understanding of staff engagement, experience and wellbeing Strongly agree Radio button: Checked Strongly agree
Nurture: Improved staff access to wellbeing support Strongly disagree Radio button: Not checked Strongly disagree Nurture: Improved staff access to wellbeing support Disagree Radio button: Not checked Disagree Nurture: Improved staff access to wellbeing support Neutral Radio button: Not checked Neutral Nurture: Improved staff access to wellbeing support Agree Radio button: Not checked Agree Nurture: Improved staff access to wellbeing support Strongly agree Radio button: Checked Strongly agree
Nurture: Improved access to professional supervision Strongly disagree Radio button: Not checked Strongly disagree Nurture: Improved access to professional supervision Disagree Radio button: Not checked Disagree Nurture: Improved access to professional supervision Neutral Radio button: Not checked Neutral Nurture: Improved access to professional supervision Agree Radio button: Not checked Agree Nurture: Improved access to professional supervision Strongly agree Radio button: Checked Strongly agree

14.4. Do you have any comments you would like to add on the above outcomes?

Please add your response to the text box
A well supported work force will benefit employees and service users alike

14.5. Do you agree that these are the right medium term (3-4 years) outcomes for our mental health and wellbeing workforce?

Comprehensive data and management information on the Mental Health and wellbeing workforce Strongly disagree Radio button: Not checked Strongly disagree Comprehensive data and management information on the Mental Health and wellbeing workforce Disagree Radio button: Not checked Disagree Comprehensive data and management information on the Mental Health and wellbeing workforce Neutral Radio button: Not checked Neutral Comprehensive data and management information on the Mental Health and wellbeing workforce Agree Radio button: Checked Agree Comprehensive data and management information on the Mental Health and wellbeing workforce Strongly agree Radio button: Not checked Strongly agree
Effective workforce planning tools Strongly disagree Radio button: Not checked Strongly disagree Effective workforce planning tools Disagree Radio button: Not checked Disagree Effective workforce planning tools Neutral Radio button: Not checked Neutral Effective workforce planning tools Agree Radio button: Not checked Agree Effective workforce planning tools Strongly agree Radio button: Checked Strongly agree
Good understanding of the gaps in workforce capacity and supply Strongly disagree Radio button: Not checked Strongly disagree Good understanding of the gaps in workforce capacity and supply Disagree Radio button: Not checked Disagree Good understanding of the gaps in workforce capacity and supply Neutral Radio button: Not checked Neutral Good understanding of the gaps in workforce capacity and supply Agree Radio button: Not checked Agree Good understanding of the gaps in workforce capacity and supply Strongly agree Radio button: Checked Strongly agree
Improved governance and accountability mechanisms around workforce planning Strongly disagree Radio button: Not checked Strongly disagree Improved governance and accountability mechanisms around workforce planning Disagree Radio button: Not checked Disagree Improved governance and accountability mechanisms around workforce planning Neutral Radio button: Not checked Neutral Improved governance and accountability mechanisms around workforce planning Agree Radio button: Checked Agree Improved governance and accountability mechanisms around workforce planning Strongly agree Radio button: Not checked Strongly agree
User centred and responsive services geared towards improving population mental health outcomes Strongly disagree Radio button: Not checked Strongly disagree User centred and responsive services geared towards improving population mental health outcomes Disagree Radio button: Not checked Disagree User centred and responsive services geared towards improving population mental health outcomes Neutral Radio button: Not checked Neutral User centred and responsive services geared towards improving population mental health outcomes Agree Radio button: Not checked Agree User centred and responsive services geared towards improving population mental health outcomes Strongly agree Radio button: Checked Strongly agree
Staff feel supported to deliver high quality and compassionate care Strongly disagree Radio button: Not checked Strongly disagree Staff feel supported to deliver high quality and compassionate care Disagree Radio button: Not checked Disagree Staff feel supported to deliver high quality and compassionate care Neutral Radio button: Not checked Neutral Staff feel supported to deliver high quality and compassionate care Agree Radio button: Not checked Agree Staff feel supported to deliver high quality and compassionate care Strongly agree Radio button: Checked Strongly agree
Leaders are able to deliver change and support the needs of the workforce Strongly disagree Radio button: Not checked Strongly disagree Leaders are able to deliver change and support the needs of the workforce Disagree Radio button: Not checked Disagree Leaders are able to deliver change and support the needs of the workforce Neutral Radio button: Not checked Neutral Leaders are able to deliver change and support the needs of the workforce Agree Radio button: Not checked Agree Leaders are able to deliver change and support the needs of the workforce Strongly agree Radio button: Checked Strongly agree
Staff are able to respond well to change Strongly disagree Radio button: Not checked Strongly disagree Staff are able to respond well to change Disagree Radio button: Not checked Disagree Staff are able to respond well to change Neutral Radio button: Not checked Neutral Staff are able to respond well to change Agree Radio button: Not checked Agree Staff are able to respond well to change Strongly agree Radio button: Checked Strongly agree

14.6. Do you have any comments you would like to add on the above outcomes?

Please add your response to the text box
Good communication skills help everyone

Part 15 - The scope of the mental health and wellbeing workforce

15.1. The mental health and wellbeing workforce includes someone who may be:

Please select all that apply
Checkbox: Ticked Employed
Checkbox: Ticked Voluntary
Checkbox: Ticked A highly specialised Mental Health worker, such as a psychiatrist, psychologist, mental health nurse or counsellor
Checkbox: Ticked Any health and social care or public sector worker whose role is not primarily related to mental health but contributes to public mental health and wellbeing
Checkbox: Ticked A social worker or Mental Health Officer
Checkbox: Ticked Someone with experience of using mental health services, acting as a peer support worker

15.2. The mental health and wellbeing workforce includes someone who may work / volunteer for:

Please select all that apply
Checkbox: Ticked The NHS
Checkbox: Ticked The social care sector
Checkbox: Ticked Social care services
Checkbox: Ticked The third and charity sectors
Checkbox: Ticked Wider public sector (including the police, criminal justice system, children’s services, education)
Checkbox: Ticked The private sector
Checkbox: Unticked Other

15.4. The mental health and wellbeing workforce includes someone who may be found in:

Please select all that apply
Checkbox: Ticked Hospitals
Checkbox: Ticked GP surgeries
Checkbox: Ticked Community settings (such as care homes)
Checkbox: Ticked The digital space, providing internet or video enabled therapy
Checkbox: Ticked Educational settings (such as schools, colleges or universities)
Checkbox: Ticked Employment settings
Checkbox: Ticked Justice system settings (such as police stations, prisons or courts)
Checkbox: Unticked Other

15.6. The mental health and wellbeing workforce includes someone who may:

Please select all that apply
Checkbox: Ticked Complete assessments for the presence or absence of mental illness
Checkbox: Ticked Provide treatment and/or management of diagnosed mental illness
Checkbox: Ticked Provide ongoing monitoring of diagnosed mental illness
Checkbox: Ticked Undertake work to prevent the development of mental illness
Checkbox: Ticked Undertake work to address factors which may increase the risk of someone developing mental illness
Checkbox: Ticked Provide support to families of those with mental illness
Checkbox: Ticked Provide direct support on issues which affect wellbeing, but might not be directly related to a diagnosed mental illness, such as housing, financial issues, rights
Checkbox: Unticked Other

Part 16 - Solutions to our current and future workforce challenges

16.1. How do we make the best use of qualified specialist professionals to meet the needs of those who need care and treatment?

Please add your response to the text box
Make sure all professionals caring for or treating a patient communicate with one another. Left hand need to know what the right hand’s doing.

16.2. How do we grow the workforce, in particular increasing the capacity for prevention and early intervention, which enables individual needs to be recognised and addressed in a timely, appropriate manner?

Please add your response to the text box
Better levels of knowledge in the care of mental health

16.3. How do we protect the capacity for specialised and complex care roles in areas like forensic mental health?

Please add your response to the text box
Good and better communication between practitioners

16.4. How do we widen the workforce to fully integrate the contribution of non-professionals and experts by experience, including peer support workers without sacrificing quality of care?

Please add your response to the text box
Employ the right people.

16.5. How do we support a more inclusive approach to workforce planning, recognising that many different workers and services provide mental health and wellbeing support?

Please add your response to the text box
Make sure all workers are valued for the work they do. A cleaner is just as important in the workplace as everyone else. Who wants to go into an office without it being freshened, or a toilet that’s not been cleaned.

16.6. With increasing demand on mental health services, how do we prioritise creating capacity for re-designing services to better manage the impacts of COVID-19, and other systemic pressures?

Please add your response to the text box
Everyone else has had to go back to work, why not doctors?

16.7. How do we better support and protect the wellbeing of those working in all parts of the system?

Please add your response to the text box
Treat everyone with the respect they deserve.

Part 17 - Our immediate actions

17.1. In addition to developing our workforce vision and outcomes, we are also seeking views on what our immediate short-term actions (in the next year) should be for the mental health and wellbeing workforce.

Please select all that apply
Checkbox: Unticked Develop targeted national and international recruitment campaigns for the mental health workforce
Checkbox: Ticked Scope alternative pathways to careers within the workforce, beyond traditional university and college routes, such as apprenticeship pathways into mental health nursing
Checkbox: Ticked Improve capacity in the mental health services to supervise student placements to support the growth of our workforce
Checkbox: Unticked Take steps to increase the diversity of the mental health workforce, so it is reflective of the population that it cares for
Checkbox: Ticked Work with NHS Education Scotland (NES) to improve workforce data, including equalities data, for mental health services in the NHS, by the end of 2023
Checkbox: Ticked Undertake an evaluation of our Mental Health Strategy 2017 commitment to fund 800 additional mental health workers in key settings, including A&Es, GP practices, police station custody suite and prisons, to ensure that the lessons learnt inform future recruitment.

17.2. Do you think there are any other immediate actions we should take to support the workforce? Please specify.

Please add your response to the text box
People in charge take care to see their staff have the proper equipment and skills to do what’s asked of them.

17.3. Do you have any further comments or reflections on how to best support the workforce to promote mental health and wellbeing for people in Scotland? Please specify.

Please add your response to the text box
Kindness works it’s way through the workplace so does bullying.

17.4. Do you have any examples of different ways of working, best practice or case studies that would help support better workforce planning?

Please add your response to the text box
Ask staff about their needs and listen to them.

Part 18 - Final thoughts

18.1. Is there anything else you'd like to tell us?

Please add your response to the text box
My experience with bullying culture and poor communication between services, external and internal have allowed me to make this contribution to the consultation.

About you continued

What is your name?

Anne Ross

Are you responding as an individual or an organisation?

Please select one item
Radio button: Ticked Individual
Radio button: Unticked Organisation