Response 907134186

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Page 1 - Open Space Strategies

1. (a). Do you agree with the idea of promoting an outcomes-based approach through the Open Space Strategies Regulations?

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Any comments?
Yes, although it would be good if there were a way to meaningfully measure success in the delivery of these outcomes. The proposed update to the national Greenspace Quality Guide would represent a good opportunity to do this, however it would be important that any new approach to measurement are backwards compatible with the current system of monitoring.

1. (b). Do you agree with the suggested outcomes?

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Any comments?
Yes, however, a more explicit reference to creating attractive environments would be welcomed. The closest the present outcomes come to this is a reference to successful places, but it might not be evident to everyone this should includes creating attractive places. Attractive places are important to encourage use of open spaces and, in turn, help with delivery of many of the other outcomes listed.

Inclusivity should also be stated alongside accessibility in the title of the outcome relating to accessibility. Although the consultation paper does explain that improving inclusivity is part of assessing accessibility (as shown in the table below para. 46), it would help to highlight the importance of inclusivity for it to be noted in the title of outcome itself.

2. Do you agree with the proposed definition of:

(a) ‘open space’ Yes Radio button: Not checked Yes (a) ‘open space’ No Radio button: Checked No (a) ‘open space’ No view Radio button: Not checked No view
(b) ’green space’ Yes Radio button: Not checked Yes (b) ’green space’ No Radio button: Checked No (b) ’green space’ No view Radio button: Not checked No view
(c) ‘green infrastructure’ Yes Radio button: Checked Yes (c) ‘green infrastructure’ No Radio button: Not checked No (c) ‘green infrastructure’ No view Radio button: Not checked No view
(d) 'green networks’ Yes Radio button: Checked Yes (d) 'green networks’ No Radio button: Not checked No (d) 'green networks’ No view Radio button: Not checked No view
(e) 'ecosystem services’ Yes Radio button: Checked Yes (e) 'ecosystem services’ No Radio button: Not checked No (e) 'ecosystem services’ No view Radio button: Not checked No view
(a) ‘open space’ definition - Any comments?
No. The definition of open space is linked to the definition of greenspace and there are concerns with that definition (see answer to question 2b below).
(b) ’green space’ definition - Any comments?
No. This definition does not include horticulture. Horticultural areas can be an important form of open space in urban areas, including allotments and community growing areas. Horticulture should not be included in the exclusion at the end of the definition set out in the draft regulations.
(e) 'ecosystem services’ definition - Any comments?
e) ‘ecosystem services’
Yes, although it would help to list in guidance some of the main examples of the benefits that can be derived from ecosystem services.

3. Do you agree with proposed thresholds for open space audits in Draft Regulation 4(2)?

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Any comments?
Yes. Guidance however should be make it clear that LPAs have discretion in how they structure their audit in relation to how it groups different sizes and types of spaces. It is inferred from legislation that this is the case, however confirmation would be welcomed.

4. (a). Do you agree with suggested information to include about each open space (location, size and type)?

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4. (b). Do you agree with Regulation 4(5) on the other information planning authorities may include in the audit?

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5. (a). Do you agree with the suggested approach to require locality level place-based information?

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Any comments?
More discretion over the maximum size of population that can be considered to exist in a single neighbourhood would be welcomed, however it is appreciate that the definition of localities comes from existing legislation and so redressing this would require a breaking from an established definition and may present issues of inconsistency.

5. (b). Do you agree with the three high level aspects that should be covered in these statements ‘accessibility’, ‘quantity’ and ‘quality’?

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6. Do you agree with the list of consultees for the open space audit?

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7. (a). Do you agree the Assessment of Current and Future Requirements should have regard to how open spaces and green networks in the area are contributing to the outcomes?

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Any comments?
Overall yes, however there is reference to issues of maintenance. It is proposed that OSSs should consider issues of maintenance. Local planning authorities often cannot enforce existing or proposed maintenance arrangements however. There would consequently be misleading impression given of local planning authority powers. It may also result in OSSs setting out proposals that cannot be implemented.

7. (b). Do you agree with the proposed provisions for the Assessment of Current and Future Requirements for the assessment to be informed by engagement with the groups set out?

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8. (a). Do you agree Open Space Strategies should include a statement setting out how they contribute to the outcomes?

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Any comments?
Yes, although it should be made clear that OSSs and PSAs can make reference to other related strategies where these set out further details on how these outcomes are addressed; for example Forestry and Woodland Strategies.

8. (b). Do you agree Open Space Strategies should identify strategic green networks?

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8. (c). Do you agree Open Space Strategies should identify how green networks may be enhanced?

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9. Do you agree with the proposed consultation requirements on draft Open Space Strategies?

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10. Do you agree with the proposed publication requirements for Open Space Strategies?

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11. Do you agree the Regulations should set a 10 year minimum review period for updating open space audits and strategies?

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Any comments?
The reference to a minimum review period in this question and the consultation paper is confusing. It would be clearer if it was stated that 10 years is the maximum period of time which can elapse between the production of new OSSs so as to reflect the wording of the draft legislation itself which is appropriate in this regard.

Notwithstanding this, there is no objection to the 10 years period but only on the condition there is the option for interim updates to particular parts of OSSs, PSAs and/or associated audits. This would ensure they remain fit for purpose. In particular this would assist monitoring and evaluation of the standard of open spaces and green networks. It would also allow new greenspace proposals to be added as they emerge and for the status of existing proposals can be updated as they go through the different stages of design and delivery.

Up to date information on proposals is important in ensuring cross-linkages with other strategies such as local development plans, as well as ensuring new developments deliver and contribute to greenspace proposals where appropriate through the development management process. This would support the aspiration in the consultation paper that OSSs and PSAs should link to planning, but would ensure this happens through the development management process as well as local development plans.

Page 2 - Play Sufficiency Assessments

12. Do you agree with the proposed definitions?

(a) “children" Yes Radio button: Checked Yes (a) “children" No Radio button: Not checked No (a) “children" No view Radio button: Not checked No view
(b) “localities” Yes Radio button: Not checked Yes (b) “localities” No Radio button: Checked No (b) “localities” No view Radio button: Not checked No view
(c) “open space” Yes Radio button: Not checked Yes (c) “open space” No Radio button: Checked No (c) “open space” No view Radio button: Not checked No view
(d) “play spaces” Yes Radio button: Checked Yes (d) “play spaces” No Radio button: Not checked No (d) “play spaces” No view Radio button: Not checked No view
(b) “localities” definition - Any comments?
See response to question 5a
(c) “open space” definition - Any comments?
No. See response to question 2a.
(d) “play spaces” definition - Any comments?
Yes, although it could be expanded to be explicit about whether facilities such as Multi Use Games Areas and Skateparks are considered part of this definition or whether they are classed as sports areas. The definition of sports areas does not explicitly say whether it includes these types of facilities either, although it does say sports facilities are generally those which have to be booked which means– in the absence of explicit confirmation – sports facilities does not cover MUGAs and skateparks. To avoid ambiguity however clarification would be helpful.

13. Do you agree planning authorities should map the locations of the two categories of play spaces, and how they are described in Draft Regulations 3(2)(a) and (b)?

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14. Do you agree with the proposed requirement to assess play opportunities in respect of their suitability by age groups?

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15. (a). Do you agree with the proposed three aspects of assessment - ‘accessibility’, ‘quantity’ and ‘quality’?

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15. (b). Do you agree to provide them in written statements in respect of the totality of the local authority area and at each locality level?

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16. (a). Do you agree to the requirement to consult as part of the process of carrying out the play sufficiency assessment?

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16. (b). Do you agree with the proposed list of consultees on play sufficiency assessments?

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17. Do you agree with the publication requirement for play sufficiency assessments?

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Page 3 - Impact Assessments

18. Do you have or can you direct us to any additional information that would assist in finalising these assessments (BRIA, EQIA, CRWIA, ICIA)?

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19. Please give us your views on the content of these assessments and how they have informed the draft provisions, or if you think changes are needed to the Regulations to further respond to the issues?

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No changes needed

20. Do you agree with the Fairer Scotland Duty screening and our conclusion that full assessment is not required.

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21. Do you agree with the Strategic Environmental Assessment pre-screenings, that the Open Space Strategies and Play Sufficiency Assessments Regulations are exempt from the Environmental Assessment (Scotland) Act 2005, as the environmental effects are likely to be minimal?

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Please add your comments here:
Suggest updating statement to say 'There should be minimal negative impacts. '

22. Any other comments?

Please detail below:

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City of Edinburgh Council