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East Renfrewshire HSCP
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Consultation questions
1. What are your views on the proposed Purpose of the Strategy?
What are your views on the proposed Purpose of the Strategy?
In general the group were very positive about the purpose of the Strategy. They described it as admirable and felt that it promoted multi agency working and assisted in raising awareness of the issue of missing persons. They felt in general that the strategy was timely and appropriate.
2. Are we right to have a national definition?
Are we right to have a national definition?
Yes, in general the group felt the national definition was helpful and it assisted in getting the message across to all of those who were possibly not aware. In addition for those professionals making the difficult judgement call it assisted in separating those who were missing from those who were absent.
There was some concern that the term ‘out of character’ may not be helpful given that 1 in 3 are repeat incidents. In addition given that repeated missing activity can be an indicator of poorer future outcomes for young people there was concern that this group may be excluded, as their behaviour may not be termed ‘out of character’.
There was some concern that the term ‘out of character’ may not be helpful given that 1 in 3 are repeat incidents. In addition given that repeated missing activity can be an indicator of poorer future outcomes for young people there was concern that this group may be excluded, as their behaviour may not be termed ‘out of character’.
3. What are your comments on the proposed definition above?
What are your comments on the proposed definition above?
The group generally felt that the national definition used by Police Scotland was appropriate and helpful for us also to use within the Strategy.
There was some query about timescales police adhere to with reference to missing persons and a feeling that this should be detailed within the definition.
There was discussion about the implications of a national definition for guidance, policy and practice for all agencies. There was a feeling that disparate responses by different agencies may be appropriate in terms of the variation in risk across different client groups. Scottish Governments response to the definition of missing was welcomed by the group.
There was some query about timescales police adhere to with reference to missing persons and a feeling that this should be detailed within the definition.
There was discussion about the implications of a national definition for guidance, policy and practice for all agencies. There was a feeling that disparate responses by different agencies may be appropriate in terms of the variation in risk across different client groups. Scottish Governments response to the definition of missing was welcomed by the group.
4. What works well in the Strategy?
What works well in the Strategy?
The Group felt in particular that the Objectives worked well within the strategy to provide a comprehensive overview to assist improvement in practice and address vulnerability and risk. They also felt that the strategy encouraged interagency communication and worked well to utilise and strengthen existing approaches.
5. What could we do better or differently in the Strategy?
What could we do better or differently in the Strategy?
The group felt that we needed a national approach rather than a local approach. There was a feeling that a national template could be adapted locally to enable consistency in approach as far as possible. It was agreed that this would also assist if a child went missing across authorities/boarder. Consideration was given also to the necessity to develop emergency access to support for young people as this group form a large proportion of children who go missing.
6. What will be vital to the implementation and success of the Strategy?
What will be vital to the implementation and success of the Strategy?
There was concern about how information would be shared, in particular where e.g. the Named Person gathered information. Challenges were discussed around proportionate information sharing. There was agreement that information sharing across partnerships was very good, the continued challenge of compatibility and IT systems remains at the forefront of discussions.
It was felt that an implementation plan with clear monitoring arrangements would be vital. There was a view that Police Scotland protocols would be a useful resource when available. It was acknowledged that a new strategy may mean a revised SOP.
There was a view that partners have a common understanding of the term missing, and a shared risk assessment and response with reference to the local population.
It was felt that an implementation plan with clear monitoring arrangements would be vital. There was a view that Police Scotland protocols would be a useful resource when available. It was acknowledged that a new strategy may mean a revised SOP.
There was a view that partners have a common understanding of the term missing, and a shared risk assessment and response with reference to the local population.
7. Do you see any challenges to implementation of the Strategy?
Do you see any challenges to implementation of the Strategy?
As above the group were concerned by the limitations caused interagency IT systems. Whilst there was some concern around information being delayed, all partners felt that processes currently being streamlined as a result of the statutory responsibilities of the Named persons Services such as the Request for Assistance team in East Renfrewshire would reduce the risk of data being lost in the system.
There was a feeling in the group that the Police may not in all cases be the best individuals to undertake the return interview. Presently there is minimal response from children following police return interviews and this was felt by the group to be a reflection on the limited rapport the police can build with a child in a short space of time. Consideration was given to the appropriateness of using trained school staff or the campus officer who may have a better relationship with the child although there was a sense that additional training would be necessary.
Police Scotland has indicated a plan to review current return processes and this will be done in consultation with partners.
This will allow for joint ownership to support the ‘champion’ agency in implementing the plan.
There was a feeling in the group that the Police may not in all cases be the best individuals to undertake the return interview. Presently there is minimal response from children following police return interviews and this was felt by the group to be a reflection on the limited rapport the police can build with a child in a short space of time. Consideration was given to the appropriateness of using trained school staff or the campus officer who may have a better relationship with the child although there was a sense that additional training would be necessary.
Police Scotland has indicated a plan to review current return processes and this will be done in consultation with partners.
This will allow for joint ownership to support the ‘champion’ agency in implementing the plan.
8. Equality Considerations
What issues are raised by this strategy for people with protected characteristics (age, disability, gender reassignment, race, religion or belief, sex, pregnancy and maternity, sexual orientation)?
Q8. What issues are raised by this strategy for people with protected characteristics (age, disability, gender reassignment, race, religion or belief, sex, pregnancy and maternity, sexual orientation?
Members of the group were surprised in particular with the large percentage of children with mental health difficulties who were reported going missing and they wanted consideration to be given to this group in particular with reference to any proposed response. This must be considered by CAMHS Services across Scotland. With reference to the high numbers of young people who go missing the group felt that this reflected some of the findings of recent CSE enquiries.
Members also felt that the strategy was very specific to those in looked after both at home and away from home and focused less on those going missing in the general community population. They felt the strategy needed to reflect the latter group better.
Members of the group were surprised in particular with the large percentage of children with mental health difficulties who were reported going missing and they wanted consideration to be given to this group in particular with reference to any proposed response. This must be considered by CAMHS Services across Scotland. With reference to the high numbers of young people who go missing the group felt that this reflected some of the findings of recent CSE enquiries.
Members also felt that the strategy was very specific to those in looked after both at home and away from home and focused less on those going missing in the general community population. They felt the strategy needed to reflect the latter group better.
9. Are there likely to be any negative implications as a result of the strategy, particularly regarding children’s wellbeing?
Are there likely to be any negative implications as a result of the strategy, particularly regarding children’s wellbeing?
The group were opposed to additional paperwork and were encouraged that the strategy wished to implement actions within existing paperwork. There was a strong desire to keep paperwork to a minimum in particular to incorporate the Prevent Strategy into the Child’s Plan for example.
10. Are there any other equality issues we should consider?
Are there any other equality issues we should consider?
The recent findings of LGBTi Scotland should be considered, particularly as young people described in the grouping face a number of disproportionate risks of violence and harm and therefore may be more likely to go missing or run-away from home.
The Strategy proposes eight commitments structured around four Objectives: Prevent, Respond, Support and Protect. Each Objective has two Commitments and a number of Supporting Actions.
The Strategy proposes eight commitments structured around four Objectives: Prevent, Respond, Support and Protect. Each Objective has two Commitments and a number of Supporting Actions.
11. Commitments
What are your views on the proposed Objectives and Commitments?
As above there was concern about who was the most appropriate person to complete the return interview. A National definition would encourage consistency in approach and Risk Assessment and Analysis.
12. What are the challenges to delivering these Objectives and Commitments?
What are the challenges to delivering these Objectives and Commitments?
A National agreement is required.
13. What are your views on the Supporting Actions and are there any additional actions that would support delivery of the Strategy?
What are your views on the Supporting Actions and are there any additional actions that would support delivery of the Strategy?
We agree with supporting actions and welcome a new Missing Persons Strategy at earliest possible opportunity.