Response 829002413

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DG Health and Wellbeing

The Scottish Government would like your permission to publish your consultation response. Please indicate your publishing preference:

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Radio button: Unticked Publish response with name
Radio button: Ticked Publish response only (anonymous)
Radio button: Unticked Do not publish response

We will share your response internally with other Scottish Government policy teams who may be addressing the issues you discuss. They may wish to contact you again in the future, but we require your permission to do so. Are you content for Scottish Government to contact you again in relation to this consultation exercise?

Please select one item
Radio button: Ticked Yes
Radio button: Unticked No

Adult and child physical activity

1. Would you like to

Please select one item
Radio button: Ticked a) Retain the questions in this topic without any changes?
Radio button: Unticked b) Retain the questions in this topic with some changes?

2. How frequently do you require information gathered by the survey on this topic?

Please select one item
Radio button: Ticked Annually
Radio button: Unticked Biennially
Radio button: Unticked 4 yearly
Please explain why you require data at this frequency.
The Scottish Physical Activity Strategy has set ambitious targets for physical activity for 2022. Tracking progress annually will be helpful in monitoring progress towards this target. Physical Activity cuts across local and national policy (environment, transport, education, health...) and therefore a continuous understanding of progress/performance is needed.

At local level, it would be of course helpful to have an annual indicator of physical activity to support high level indicator inclusion within strategic plans. With health and social care integration the need for information and robust data at locality level is ever more important to influence service provision and design. The number of adults meeting guidelines is the key indicator as it informs the effectiveness of the work taken to support a more physically active population. It is also very difficult to find another local indicator that captures the difference physical activity cumulative work is having without segmenting into multiple indicators by setting.

However, to provide this annually will be costly and we know that changes in behaviour are unlikely to be significant annually. However, an indication every two years would be helpful at local level.

3. What would be the impact on your area of work if this data were no longer collected in the Scottish Health Survey?

Please select one item
Radio button: Ticked Major impact
Radio button: Unticked Some impact
Radio button: Unticked No impact
Please describe the expected impact in the space provided. Please also explain how the information is used, e.g. to measure progress against targets or to support key policy initiatives.
The SHS provides the key data source for physical activity surveillance in Dumfries and Galloway particularly in the adult/older adult population.

Data from the survey is key to reporting against the SG Active Scotland Physical Activity Outcomes framework, particularly outcomes 1 and 2. This will then feed into physical activity strategies across Scotland.

Further, almost all physical activity interventions will aim to support a greater proportion of individuals to be active at recommended levels. Increasing levels towards these targets will support Scotland be a healthier nation.

4. Do you require the data at subnational level?

Please select one item
Radio button: Ticked Yes
Radio button: Unticked No
If Yes, please specify the geography and why this is required (e.g. NHS Health Board).
Health Board and Local Authority level where boundaries are not co-terminus.

5. Is it important to link information on this topic to other questions/topics in SHeS?

Please select one item
Radio button: Ticked Yes
Radio button: Unticked No

If Yes, which questions/topics and how frequently?

Age Annual Radio button: Checked Annual Age Biennial Radio button: Not checked Biennial Age 4 yearly Radio button: Not checked 4 yearly
Sex Annual Radio button: Checked Annual Sex Biennial Radio button: Not checked Biennial Sex 4 yearly Radio button: Not checked 4 yearly
*Household characteristics Annual Radio button: Not checked Annual *Household characteristics Biennial Radio button: Checked Biennial *Household characteristics 4 yearly Radio button: Not checked 4 yearly
Any other question/topic, please specify.
Mental Wellbeing
Please select one item
Radio button: Unticked Annual
Radio button: Unticked Biennial
Radio button: Ticked 4 yearly
Any other question/topic, please specify.
Overweight and Obesity
Please select one item
Radio button: Unticked Annual
Radio button: Unticked Biennial
Radio button: Ticked 4 yearly
Any other question/topic, please specify.
Focused reporting on the most inactive
Please select one item
Radio button: Ticked Annual
Radio button: Unticked Biennial
Radio button: Unticked 4 yearly
Please explain why you need to be able to link these topics.
Focus on key transition life events (e.g. primary to secondary...)

6. Would you like your answers to questions 1-5 to apply to other topics? This will avoid you having to complete the same information for each topic if your needs are the same for each. Note that the Contents page will not show those additional topics as complete, but we will be able to link your answers.

Please select all that apply
Checkbox: Ticked General health
Checkbox: Unticked Anxiety and depression
Checkbox: Unticked Self-harm
Checkbox: Unticked Social capital
Checkbox: Unticked Discrimination and harassment
Checkbox: Ticked Stress at work
Checkbox: Ticked Mental Wellbeing and Symptoms of psychiatric disorder
Checkbox: Unticked Strengths and Difficulties (children aged 4-12)
Checkbox: Unticked Respiratory health including asthma
Checkbox: Unticked Cardiovascular Disease and Use of Services
Checkbox: Unticked Blood Pressure
Checkbox: Unticked Prescribed Medicines
Checkbox: Unticked Parental history
Checkbox: Ticked Adult and child physical activity
Checkbox: Unticked Knowledge of physical activity guidelines (ages 4-12, 13-15 and 16+)
Checkbox: Unticked Fruit and vegetable consumption
Checkbox: Ticked Eating habits
Checkbox: Unticked Vitamins including Vitamin D (see Consultation document Annex A)
Checkbox: Unticked Dietary salt intake (urine sample)
Checkbox: Unticked Smoking and e-cigarettes
Checkbox: Unticked Cotinine levels (saliva sample)
Checkbox: Unticked Alcohol consumption and drinking experiences
Checkbox: Ticked Body Mass Index / Obesity (height and weight measurements)
Checkbox: Unticked Waist Circumference measurements
Checkbox: Unticked Dental Health and Dental Services
Checkbox: Unticked Accidents
Checkbox: Unticked Contraception
Checkbox: Unticked Gambling
Checkbox: Unticked Cosmetic procedures (see Consultation document Annex A)
Checkbox: Unticked New topic (please specify)

7. Is any of this information available from any other source?

Please select one item
Radio button: Ticked Yes
Radio button: Unticked No
If Yes, please state the alternative data sources and explain the benefits of gathering this information as part of the Scottish Health Survey.
There is some information in the Scottish Household Survey and Health Behaviours in Scottish School Children (HSBC) reports. However, the HSBC applies a different methodology towards collecting data to number of days children and young people are physically active and is restricted in the age groups included.