Registers of Scotland Fee Review (2020)
Feedback updated 22 Jan 2021
We asked
In October 2020, Registers of Scotland (RoS) launched a public consultation to seek views on its proposals to increase some of its statutory fees to return it to a cost-neutral position. The consultation ran from 26 October 2020 to 24 December 2020. It was hosted on the Scottish Government’s Citizen Space consultation hub, where people could post their responses. Announcements were posted on the RoS website, by email, and via RoS social media channels to confirm that the consultation was live and to encourage responses while it was live.
You said
In total, 44 responses to the consultation were received from individuals and organisations across the public and private sectors; nine responded on behalf of organisations and 35 as individuals. The consultation included eight question of which seven included a yes/no response.
There was widespread support for the proposals. The question: ‘Do you agree that rejection fees should be removed?’ received the most positive response with more than 90% of respondents agreeing with the proposed change. The question which elicited a significant number of neutral or negative responses was: ‘Do you agree that Registers of Scotland should review its statutory fees on an annual basis?’ with only 55% in favour. The remainder of the questions which included yes/no responses received positive responses of between 75% to 88%.
We did
The consultation responses have been carefully considered and published. Only answers from respondents who gave permission have been published. However, all responses are included in the analysis of this consultation.
The majority of respondents supported the proposals to alter RoS’s statutory fees. As a result, a Scottish Statutory Instrument has been laid in the Scottish Parliament and will go through the parliamentary process.
Published responses
View submitted responses where consent has been given to publish the response.
Registers of Scotland’s aim is to operate on a self-sustaining basis. We generate income from charging fees for our services. These fees are based on a cost-recovery model.
Our current forecasts show we need to increase fees to recover our costs over the next five years.
This consultation sets out our proposals to vary fees. These include increasing statutory fees and removing rejection fees.
Responses to this consultation will help shape our next steps.
Why your views matter
Registers of Scotland is committed to consulting its customers on any changes affecting the provisions of its services.
What happens next
Responses received by the end of the consultation period will be considered before completing a new fee order.
- Business, Industry and Innovation
- Communities and Third Sector
- Economy
- Public Sector
- Housing and Regeneration
- Law and Order
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