Response 474264452

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Schedule 1 of the BSG regulations

1. We have proposed that applicants must be habitually resident in Scotland to qualify. Do you agree with this approach?

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2. There are two alternative responsibility tests set out in the consultation:

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I think this test will possibly catch more of those with an entitlement.

3. We have proposed that qualification by UC should be an award of more than £0 in the month before or the month in which the application is made.

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This will make it easier for claimants to be successful and given the long window of application then it can be made to take account of any extra hours being claimed if they are a 'one off'. thereby increasing household income legitimately.

4. We have proposed that in cases where the parent is under the age of 16, or is 18 or 19 and the grandparent (or another carer) is still in receipt of tax credit or UC because the parent is in training or non-advanced education, the grandparent or carer will be the eligible person.

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It makes sense and also helps with young people being confused by a system they are not familiar with. As long as the young parent gets the benefit of the grant.

Request for a re-determination

5. Do you think that the draft regulations (Annex A) are likely to meet the policy intent set out in this document?

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6. Can you identify any potential unintended consequences of the regulations?

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7. Can you identify any gaps in the regulations?

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8a. We have proposed that requests for a BSG re-determination should be made within 31 calendar days of receipt of notification of the original determination.

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This period is neither too short that claimants cannot seek assistance from helpful organisations nor too long it gets forgotten.

8b. We have proposed that a BSG re-determination should be processed within 15 working days of receipt of a request.

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Please give reasons for your response.
Time is of the essence and after all it is what staff are being paid to do. Currently too long is taken to make some decisions and claimants lose heart and benefits go unclaimed.

Impact Assessments

9a. Are you aware of any impacts we have not identified?

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9b. Are you aware of any evidence relevant to the BSG policy and Gender Reassignment and / or Sexual Orientation?

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10. Are you aware of any impacts on children’s rights and wellbeing which are not identified here?

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11. Can you identify any business related impacts not identified?

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About you

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