Scotland's social security system: Enhanced Administration and Compensation Recovery - consultation

Closed 27 Oct 2022

Opened 4 Aug 2022

Feedback updated 31 Mar 2023

We asked

We held a public consultation seeking views on proposals to inform the continuous improvement of the Scottish system of social security. The consultation ran for a period of 12 weeks from 4 August 2022 to 27 October 2022. Six remote and in-person events aimed at a variety of audiences supplemented the online consultation. 

In line with the Social Security Principles and Social Security Scotland's Charter, the measures proposed are principally intended to improve client experience and deliver increased value for money. 

You said

A total of 34 responses were received. Most consultation responses were from organisations, with five responses from individuals. A range of organisations responded including charities, local authorities, NHS boards, trade unions and solicitors.

During the consultation events, attendees also shared their experiences of the Scottish social security system. Their insights are being considered alongside the formal consultation responses.

We did

We commissioned an independent research company to conduct the analysis of the consultation responses and we have published the analysis report on the Scottish Government website. The analysis report is also available in easy read format. We have published the consultation responses, where permission has been given to do this, on Citizen Space.

We commissioned research to be undertaken with Social Security Experience Panel and Client Panel members focussed on certain consultation topics to supplement the feedback from engagement events and formal consultation responses. The findings have been published online and are available to view as a main report and a visual summary

Your responses to the consultation and the outcomes of the research will help to inform the Scottish Government’s social security policies as they are refined and developed, in line with the Scottish Social Security Principles. 

Published responses

View submitted responses where consent has been given to publish the response.


This consultation seeks views on a number of proposed changes which have been identified as desirable since the passage of prior primary legislation, principally the Social Security (Scotland) Act 2018 (the ‘2018 Act’). 

The Scottish system of social security is founded on dignity, fairness and respect, and takes a rights-based approach to delivering devolved welfare powers. 

The Scottish Social Security Principles provide the foundation of this Scottish system. These seven core principles deliberately correspond to some of the fundamental aspects of the right to social security, as set out in key human rights instruments such as the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the European Social Charter.

The principles are set out on the face of the 2018 Act, with strong stakeholder and public support, and with the intention of embedding the more positive, supportive ethos of the Scottish system from the outset.

The proposals being consulted on in this document are aimed at effecting the continuous improvement of the Scottish social security system across a range of topics, in line with the following social security principles: 

opportunities are to be sought to continuously improve the Scottish social security system in ways which put the needs of those who require assistance first, and advance equality and non-discrimination 

the Scottish social security system is to be efficient and deliver value for money


Why your views matter

We want to gather your views on the proposals to improve the social security system in Scotland.  Since social security powers were devolved, we have focused on developing a public service co-designed by people with lived experience of social security systems. We want to continue to put client experience at the heart of the design and improvement of Scottish social security processes and services.

Your views will help to refine and develop the proposals laid out in the consultation. Responding to this consultation offers you the valuable opportunity to shape important changes to strengthen the social security system in Scotland.

The responses to this consultation will be analysed and used to develop social security policy. Once the responses to this consultation have been analysed we will provide a further update to explain our next steps.

What happens next

This consultation has now closed. 

We are looking at and analysing the responses to this consultation. We will use the feedback from the consultation to develop our proposals to enhance the social security system in Scotland. 

We will provide an update on our next steps when we have completed the analysis of responses. 


  • Children and Families
  • Communities and Third Sector
  • Equality, Welfare and Rights
  • Public Sector
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