Response 463313626

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Theme 1 - Use of language and terminology

1. Do you think that the Scottish Government should publish a glossary of terms alongside the guidance on funeral costs?

Please select one item
Radio button: Ticked Yes
Radio button: Unticked No
Radio button: Unticked Don't know

2. If you answered “yes”, please list any particular terms that you think this glossary should include, along with a rough definition of what you understand the term to mean.

If you answered “yes”, please list any particular terms that you think this glossary should include, along with a rough definition of what you understand the term to mean.
Clarify definitions of :-
Funeral Plan/Bond
DWP Funeral Payment, what’s included and what’s not.
Next of Kin, what is succession, who can claim etc.
Ownership of burial plots
Social Innovation Fund, who is entitled to claim
Residency versus place of death
Funeral Director
CAB (Citizens advice bureau)

Theme 2 - Display of pricing information

3. Do you think that the guidance should include measures which encourage private cemeteries and crematoriums and funeral directors with a website to display their pricing information online?

Please select one item
Radio button: Ticked Yes
Radio button: Unticked No
Radio button: Unticked Don't know

4. Please explain your answer.

Please explain your answer.
Yes pricing should be clear and transparent

Theme 3 - Transparency of cremation charges

6. If you answered “no”, please provide suggestions for items that you think should be added or removed.

if you answered “no”, please provide suggestions for items that you think should be added or removed.
No we feel that clarification around what you can do with the ashes should be clearly stated in the pricing. Does the cremation fee cover the cost of interring the ashes at the crematorium?. Should links to Local government sites be included to allow consumers to know that ashes can be interred in local burial plots.

Theme 4 – Definition of a simple funeral

7. To help consumers make comparisons between funeral directors, we have proposed a standard definition for a simple funeral. This is set out in paragraph 9 of the draft guidance for funeral directors and also in the drop-down box above. Do you think that the simple funeral service definition set out in the draft guidance captures all of the necessary elements?

Please select one item
Radio button: Ticked Yes
Radio button: Unticked No
Radio button: Unticked Don't know

Theme 5 – Transparency of pricing at the point of sale

9. Do you think that the guidance for funeral directors should include a measure suggesting that funeral directors should describe their processes for care of the deceased to help consumers understand costs associated with this?

Please select one item
Radio button: Ticked Yes
Radio button: Unticked No
Radio button: Unticked Don't know

10. Please explain your answer.

If you answered “no”, please explain your answer.
Yes any information that can be explained/expanded on what you are paying for is helpful,
Clearer price comparisons

Theme 6 - Burial or cremation without using the services of a funeral director

11. Do you think the guidance should include a provision encouraging burial and cremation authorities to make reasonable efforts to accommodate the wishes of a person that does not want to use a funeral director?

Please select one item
Radio button: Ticked Yes
Radio button: Unticked No
Radio button: Unticked Don't know

12. Please explain your answer.

Please explain your answer.
People should have freedom of choice and this may help reduce costs helping to reduce overall funeral poverty
We are quite happy to deal with members of the public directly.

Theme 7 – Understanding local authority charges

13. Paragraphs 3 and 4 of the draft guidance for local authorities suggest that local authorities should consult the public when developing charging proposals and explain the reasons for any proposed changes to charges.

Please select one item
Radio button: Unticked Yes
Radio button: Ticked No
Radio button: Unticked Don't know

14. Please explain your answer.

Please explain your answer.
– Provided that the Local Authority can explain how they reach the charges, this is sufficient.

This would be an unnecessary cost

15. Paragraph 5 of the draft guidance for local authorities suggests that local authorities should publish information from their Local Financial Returns annually on their websites, showing income generated and expenditure incurred through the provision of burial and cremation services.

Please select one item
Radio button: Ticked Yes
Radio button: Unticked No
Radio button: Unticked Don't know

16. Please explain your answer.

Please explain your answer.
Clarity is good

Theme 8 – Local authority measures to reduce funeral poverty

17. Do you think the guidance should encourage local authorities to link burial and cremation charge setting to broader strategies and duties aimed at reducing poverty?

Please select one item
Radio button: Unticked Yes
Radio button: Ticked No
Radio button: Unticked Don't know

18. Please explain your answer.

Please explain your answer.
No That would not be a proportionate measure. The few that find themselves in funeral poverty should be supported adequately by government. As local government finance is cut we need services to pay their way where possible. Intervention needs to be targeted and proportional.

19. Do you think that local authorities should be encouraged to take actions to support individuals who are struggling with the costs of a funeral?

Please select one item
Radio button: Unticked Yes
Radio button: Ticked No
Radio button: Unticked Don't know

20. Please explain your answer.

Please explain your answer.
No we don’t need to encourage as we already provide this service.(assisted funerals) Perhaps means testing should be introduced

Impact assessments

21. Please tell us about any potential impacts, either positive or negative, that you consider the proposals in this consultation may have on people who may be differently affected in relation to the protected characteristics.

Please tell us about any potential impacts, either positive or negative, that you consider the proposals in this consultation may have on people who may be differently affected in relation to the protected characteristics.
We would hope that people on low incomes (Not claiming benefits) but hit with an unexpected funeral bill be offered more assistance than that which is currently provided

22. Please tell us about any potential business or regulatory impacts, either positive or negative, costs and burdens that you think may arise as a result of the proposals within this consultation.

Please tell us about any potential business or regulatory impacts, either positive or negative, costs and burdens that you think may arise as a result of the proposals within this consultation.
Burial grounds v Cremation :- Do we consider multiple interments in communal areas as at present MLC offers individual plots. This would help with the reduction of land available for burials

About you

Are you responding as an individual or an organisation?

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Radio button: Unticked Individual
Radio button: Ticked Organisation

What is your organisation?

Midlothian Council