Theme 1 - Use of language and terminology
1. Do you think that the Scottish Government should publish a glossary of terms alongside the guidance on funeral costs?
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Don't know
2. If you answered “yes”, please list any particular terms that you think this glossary should include, along with a rough definition of what you understand the term to mean.
If you answered “yes”, please list any particular terms that you think this glossary should include, along with a rough definition of what you understand the term to mean.
Cremation fee and what is covered by this charge
Mercury abatement fee (where applicable) should be explained in full
Provision of container for ashes, i.e plastic urn, cardboard box etc.
Cremation certificate and what it entails
Provision of chapel / service room and associated times allocated
Administration and processing of forms and what is included in terms of the cremation fee.Some crematoria charge separately for this.
Professional Fees (Funeral Directors) should be broken down with a breakdown of all components.
Additional Service time requests and what charges are implemented
Mercury abatement fee (where applicable) should be explained in full
Provision of container for ashes, i.e plastic urn, cardboard box etc.
Cremation certificate and what it entails
Provision of chapel / service room and associated times allocated
Administration and processing of forms and what is included in terms of the cremation fee.Some crematoria charge separately for this.
Professional Fees (Funeral Directors) should be broken down with a breakdown of all components.
Additional Service time requests and what charges are implemented
Theme 2 - Display of pricing information
3. Do you think that the guidance should include measures which encourage private cemeteries and crematoriums and funeral directors with a website to display their pricing information online?
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Don't know
4. Please explain your answer.
Please explain your answer.
All providers should be up front and transparent with costs allowing the public to compare in advance.
Theme 3 - Transparency of cremation charges
5. In order for crematoriums to display their prices in a consistent manner, the Scottish Government proposes that all crematoriums should base their standard cremation service charge on a common set of components. These are:
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Don't know
6. If you answered “no”, please provide suggestions for items that you think should be added or removed.
if you answered “no”, please provide suggestions for items that you think should be added or removed.
Provision of music by any means e.g. Organist, CD etc.
This section or a similar section should also consider Burial costs.
No recognition of
• On going Capital costs linked to replacement for cremators/ abatement system.
• On going costs linked to Cemetery capacity and the need to continually extend existing or build new cemeteries.
• On going investment required for cemetery infrastructure (paths, roads and walls)
• On going costs associated with headstone inspection programmes and repairs where lair holders cannot be traced.
All the above are funded through bereavement charges and this needs some form of explanation.
This section or a similar section should also consider Burial costs.
No recognition of
• On going Capital costs linked to replacement for cremators/ abatement system.
• On going costs linked to Cemetery capacity and the need to continually extend existing or build new cemeteries.
• On going investment required for cemetery infrastructure (paths, roads and walls)
• On going costs associated with headstone inspection programmes and repairs where lair holders cannot be traced.
All the above are funded through bereavement charges and this needs some form of explanation.
Theme 4 – Definition of a simple funeral
7. To help consumers make comparisons between funeral directors, we have proposed a standard definition for a simple funeral. This is set out in paragraph 9 of the draft guidance for funeral directors and also in the drop-down box above. Do you think that the simple funeral service definition set out in the draft guidance captures all of the necessary elements?
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Don't know
8. If you answered “no”, please provide suggestions for items that you think should be added or removed.
If you answered “no”, please provide suggestions for items that you think should be added or removed.
The transportation with 10 mile radius would need to be clarified as additional mileage may incur unknown costs.
Theme 5 – Transparency of pricing at the point of sale
9. Do you think that the guidance for funeral directors should include a measure suggesting that funeral directors should describe their processes for care of the deceased to help consumers understand costs associated with this?
Please select one item
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Don't know
10. Please explain your answer.
If you answered “no”, please explain your answer.
As stated previously a full breakdown of professional fees should be available to everyone.
Theme 6 - Burial or cremation without using the services of a funeral director
11. Do you think the guidance should include a provision encouraging burial and cremation authorities to make reasonable efforts to accommodate the wishes of a person that does not want to use a funeral director?
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Don't know
12. Please explain your answer.
Please explain your answer.
We have in the past advised members of the public regarding requests to carry out funerals without using a Funeral Director.
Theme 7 – Understanding local authority charges
13. Paragraphs 3 and 4 of the draft guidance for local authorities suggest that local authorities should consult the public when developing charging proposals and explain the reasons for any proposed changes to charges.
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Don't know
14. Please explain your answer.
Please explain your answer.
In order to improve transparency any changes in the charging policy should be explained. This may take the form of an annual increase to cover costs, efficiency savings through pricing reviews or required investment in infrastructure.
It may also be necessary to explain how the Council covers its costs in terms of income against expenditure.
It may also be necessary to explain how the Council covers its costs in terms of income against expenditure.
15. Paragraph 5 of the draft guidance for local authorities suggests that local authorities should publish information from their Local Financial Returns annually on their websites, showing income generated and expenditure incurred through the provision of burial and cremation services.
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Don't know
16. Please explain your answer.
Please explain your answer.
Any increase in the public understanding of provision of services linked to costs would be of benefit. In general this level of information is available (i.e. APSE Performance Returns) however any costs reported do not always cover the same level of service provision and is therefore not an accurate assessment. Not convinced that LFR’s are the proper vehicle for this and it may be that something clearer to understand and something that allows a clear understanding of what is being provided is created.
Theme 8 – Local authority measures to reduce funeral poverty
17. Do you think the guidance should encourage local authorities to link burial and cremation charge setting to broader strategies and duties aimed at reducing poverty?
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Don't know
18. Please explain your answer.
Please explain your answer.
Poverty is not only incurred by funeral costs.
19. Do you think that local authorities should be encouraged to take actions to support individuals who are struggling with the costs of a funeral?
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Don't know
20. Please explain your answer.
Please explain your answer.
A number of actions are in place and these support individuals:
• Continued promotion of the National Assistance act,
• Continued provision of ‘ Destitute funerals’,
• Consideration of Direct Cremations
• Creation of Respectful Funeral Packages
In general providing a contact where information on all of the above is provided.
There are however no finances available to offer direct financial support to individuals
• Continued promotion of the National Assistance act,
• Continued provision of ‘ Destitute funerals’,
• Consideration of Direct Cremations
• Creation of Respectful Funeral Packages
In general providing a contact where information on all of the above is provided.
There are however no finances available to offer direct financial support to individuals
Impact assessments
21. Please tell us about any potential impacts, either positive or negative, that you consider the proposals in this consultation may have on people who may be differently affected in relation to the protected characteristics.
Please tell us about any potential impacts, either positive or negative, that you consider the proposals in this consultation may have on people who may be differently affected in relation to the protected characteristics.
Transparency will be the biggest benefit for all users and the upfront costs that will allow comparisons in advance.
22. Please tell us about any potential business or regulatory impacts, either positive or negative, costs and burdens that you think may arise as a result of the proposals within this consultation.
Please tell us about any potential business or regulatory impacts, either positive or negative, costs and burdens that you think may arise as a result of the proposals within this consultation.
Budget constraints would not allow for financial support as suggested in question 19.
About you
Are you responding as an individual or an organisation?
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What is your organisation?
South Lanarkshire Council