Consultation on Excellence and Equity for All: Guidance on the Presumption of Mainstreaming

Closed 9 Feb 2018

Opened 2 Nov 2017

Feedback updated 27 Jun 2018

We asked

We asked for your views on draft guidance Excellence and Equity for All: Guidance on the Presumption of Mainstreaming.

You said

A total of 362 written responses were received, 87 from organisations and 275 from individuals.  Responses provided views on how to improve the draft guidance and views on implementation of additional support for learning more generally.  

We did

We published the non-confidential responses and an analysis of the responses to the consultation, avaiable at  The responses received will help to shape the final version of the guidance on the presumption of mainstreaming.  

Published responses

View submitted responses where consent has been given to publish the response.


Excellence and Equity for All: Guidance on the Presumption of Mainstreaming aims to bridge the gap between legislation, policy and day-to-day experience, to ensure that local authorities have the guidance required to help their decision making in applying the presumption of mainstreaming.  It is intended to provide guidance on applying the presumption and looks to encourage a child centred approach to making decisions about placement.  As the implementation of the presumption of mainstreaming requires a commitment to inclusive practice and approaches to be effective, the guidance clearly links inclusive practice with the presumption throughout and includes key features of inclusion and guidance on how to improve inclusive practice in schools. 

Why your views matter

This consultation seeks views on the document and the responses to it will be used to inform the final version of the guidance. 

Download the consultation paper.


  • Children and Families
  • Communities and Third Sector
  • Education
  • Equality, Welfare and Rights