Eligible services
1. Do you think extending national concessionary travel to include free bus travel for under 19s in Scotland will contribute towards our objectives to increase opportunities and reduce inequalities?
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2. Do you think there are any disadvantages to introducing free bus travel for under 19s in Scotland?
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Delivery options
3. Should a smart card, such as the widely used Young Scot card, be used to establish eligibility for free bus access?
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Please provide further comments
It should be as flexible and easy as possible to encourage maximum use by young people.
4. Should children under a certain age need to have their application for a travel card approved by a parent or guardian?
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It should be a right.
Assessing impact
6. Are there any likely impacts the proposals contained within this Consultation may have on particular groups of people, with reference to the ‘protected characteristics’ listed above? Please be as specific as possible.
Please give us your views
Everyone looks to be benefitting.
8. Do you think the proposals contained in this Consultation are likely to increase or reduce the costs and burdens for bus companies, public bodies, third sector organisations or businesses? Please be as specific as possible.
Please give us your views
If you give bus companies an adult single fare for every journey to replace a cheaper child fare, or even cheaper child multiple ticket, plus it encourages extra journeys, then you will be giving a large subsidy to the bus companies, as well as to the children & their families.
The young Scot scheme is already run by local councils so there is unlikey to be much more work if you ad it to that card.
The young Scot scheme is already run by local councils so there is unlikey to be much more work if you ad it to that card.
Other considerations
9. Are there any other issues you wish to raise which are not covered in the points or questions elsewhere in this Consultation?
Please provide any further comments
I think extending the scheme to 25 is an excellent idea, despite the costs, as it will encourage bus use instead of new car users, replacing a lot of potential car journeys. It will also help students, a group with high costs, low income and possibly feeling rather unsupported after the events of the last 7 months.
Finally, please bring the scheme in as fast as possible. Covid is not stopping schools now, so children need to travel by bus at the moment. The lack of a set timetable means less ability to budget for the right travel tickets at the moment. Having not bought an annual season ticket on the expectation of it starting in January this is costing me extra money right now.
Finally, please bring the scheme in as fast as possible. Covid is not stopping schools now, so children need to travel by bus at the moment. The lack of a set timetable means less ability to budget for the right travel tickets at the moment. Having not bought an annual season ticket on the expectation of it starting in January this is costing me extra money right now.
About you
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